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Everything posted by purbeast

  1. I find it interesting that people refer to games as "free" when it's on a service they pay $15+/month for. Not just on this forum, but like everywhere. We're so accustomed to all these monthly services we pay for that it's considered "free" once you are paying for it. It's just interesting from a marketing/psychological point of view.
  2. It does but it's also built to easily put your own games on it. I installed Coinopsx on it which is a pre-packaged image with a really nice UI with marquees, preview videos, images, and each game has it's own font. It has 1600+ arcade games and pretty much all of the good ones. The thing that sucks are the following: 1. Input lag is awful. You can't even play any competitive fighter serious at all because it's laggy as hell. And the input lag isn't there when going through the menus of the whole thing so it's strictly during games. Some have it worse than others too. 2. Some games have sound lag too. In MK2 it's super noticeable. Like you don't hear the impact sounds until the enemy is flying through the air, and sometimes they just completely get ignored. This is also a game by game issue. 3. The graphics are terrible. It's like it's missing some colors or something. It just looks terrible. I was playing on my 65" TV and the graphics looked worse than on my 120" projector screen. Considering I have a MAME cabinet with my Killer Instinct 2 cabinet with a real CRT which has zippy lag, a RetroPie setup hooked up to my projector that is also lagless and doesn't look like ****, having this 3rd way to do the same thing is just a waste of money if it's not going to perform well. It was nice to be able to have it upstairs on my main TV and because the joystick is wireless, I could put it away and pull it out whenever I wanted. But, the input lag alone is a deal breaker for me. Then you have the graphics sucking as well and some sound issues, it's like what is the point. I was trying to sell it on FB Marketplace but haven't had 1 person contact me about it. I paid $100 + tax for the console, $18 + tax for the 128gb USB stick, and I was trying to get $150 for it and had no bites. This thing sells for $200 retail too. So I'm just returning it. Go to like 5:30 in this video below and you can see how the UI looks. It's very sleek but that's about it.
  3. BTW, that arcade thing I posted up above sucks. I'm returning it to Walmart this weekend.
  4. I watched season 1 as it aired and thought it was pretty bad. The acting in that show is painfully bad. After season 1 ended I had no interest in the show. I finished Yellowstone season 3 this past weekend. Beth is one of the greatest characters ever.
  5. Just got this delivered. This should be fun to mess around with this weekend if I have some time.
  6. Bruh you still got Xmas decorations up?
  7. I wouldn't call I'd just go with the 2 games and the receipt and be like "I want to return these." Again, it should be itemized on the receipt so you will get what they charged you for it as long as it's sealed, if they allow it. I'd go in person because it's totally up to the person's discretion, and if you are nice about it I'd think they would just do it.
  8. Well you'd get the price you paid for them which I am guessing is full price. It should be itemized on the receipt.
  9. It's YMMV but people have been able to return games from bundles at some stores so if you don't want those games or the extra controller, give it a try.
  10. Last week was my son's first full week back, with Wednesday still being virtual (Kindergarten in MoCo). After Monday he said he liked zoom better, but after Tuesday he said he liked going to school better. Then on Friday he said he wanted to go to school Saturday because he loves it so much lol. His teacher has been posting TONS of videos and pictures on that Seesaw app to show us and parents exactly what is going on in the class, which has been really cool so we can get a glimpse into their day, especially in a time like this.
  11. Nope. And the solution is clearly more guns. I mean those hundreds of police officers outside of the supermarket with guns wasn't enough good guys with guns. We need more.
  12. Sounds like another case of mentally ill person having easy access to guns.
  13. Yeah the bold is kind of my issue with it, to no fault of their own though. They are just following what the NBA has become, but in the NBA, they are actually good shooters so a lot of those missed buckets in college go in for the pros. But watching these college kids who just can't buy a bucket, shoot brick after brick, is just not fun. And then at the free throw line you had em missing what felt like just as many free throws.
  14. I don't watch much college bball in general but have been watching more recent Terps games. The amount of 3's shot now a days is shocking to me. I swear last night and when they lost to UMich in the B10 tourney, it felt like they went 5/60 from behind the arc. And it felt like they shot maybe 10 non-3pt shots. It looked like they were playing street ball the entire time aside from a few plays, where they walk the ball up the court and just do a move or two and pop a shot from behind the arc. BRICK. Then last night you have Alabama just draining 3's and taking just as many. It's just so boring to watch this kind of ball to me.
  15. HHOOOOOLLLLYYYY **** THESE CONTROLLERS LOOK FANTASTIC! More pics in the link below and more info. I can't wait for PSVR2 now. Sony is going the right direction with the controllers big time so I believe they will do it right with the headset as well. https://blog.playstation.com/2021/03/18/next-gen-vr-on-ps5-the-new-controller/
  16. I definitely didn't need this but at $100 for a MAME machine I can hook up anywhere and have 2 joysticks and a track ball I couldn't pass it up. Going to mod it with this coinops image out there and have another MAME thingie in my house. https://www.walmart.com/ip/AtGames-Legends-Gamer-Pro/745469466
  17. Thought you nerds might think this is cool. https://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2021-03-16-never-before-seen-hyper-neo-geo-64-samurai-shodown-64-prototype-found-sitting-under-a-tree-in-a-californian-field
  18. And I was referencing something @TryTheBeal! said. So it's 100% his fault.
  19. These bamas getting worked and are lucky to be tied 0-0.
  20. Son went back to school in MoCo yesterday and seemed to enjoy it. I'm sure it will take a week or so for him to get in the groove. The teacher took a bunch of pictures and showed everyone (via Seesaw) what the classroom is like and everything, which was neat so that we can see exactly how it is going. They are all spaced out and stuff and everyone wears masks, etc. But now he gets to be taught by a teacher in person which is so much better for a kindergarten aged kid. He does have 3 virtual classes a week - art, pe, and music. But other than those, it's all in person, and he has a 30 minute recess which is good too. I hope they can stay safe and I believe they will be able to as long as they stick to the protocol.
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