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Everything posted by purbeast

  1. I didn't know anything more than there was an interview and I saw some clips and pics of it, and I didn't even know she was black until this thread lol. She doesn't look black at first glance at all. I had never seen her or heard of her prior to this Oprah interview and even after googling and seeing multiple pics, I still wouldn't have known she was black without being told she was.
  2. EB on the Junkies talking about how "they" need to stop making opening up stuff, due to covid, a political thing. EB is saying this. EB. LOL.
  3. God damn Vrana is so fast. And it looks so effortless. That was beautiful.
  4. In "today's posts that didn't age well"...
  5. Hogan lifting a bunch of restrictions as of 5pm on Friday. Not sure what the rush is at this point. I just don't understand that mentality. I'm glad that counties can also make up their own rules. Montgomery County appears to not really laxing much on their rules.
  6. Tried front squats today for the very first time ever and holy **** they are very strange feeling. Had to go very light and it definitely works your quads more than normal squats, as well as your glutes less than normal squats. My right shoulder has been bothering me for months now and normal squats aggravate it big time just putting it in the position to hold the bar so I'm trying to stop them for a while.
  7. Mind boggling to me how someone of power in a foreign country being racist is a bigger deal to Americans than our sitting president for 4 years being a racist. I must be out of the loop because I just don't understand why this is such a huge deal over here.
  8. You all are making me depressed right now making me think that the last time I was out of the country was literally a year ago when I went to St. Thomas March 9th. I need to experience that clear blue caribbean water to get my mind straight. I cannot wait to go there in May. This is going to be the view from my bedroom balcony for 8 nights.
  9. That's awesome news. My company has a suite in Cap One Arena and last week I already put in dibs to get it for any nhl/nba game when it opens back up.
  10. Nope. I mean dude, they think the earth is flat.
  11. I know a family where they will 100% never ever take the vaccine. They are simply anti-vaxxers and the wife was with my wife last week and was telling her how they believe rona was 100% manufactured to make kill off people because of over population. Then they think the vaccines are only made so people can get money and believe that the vaccines will cause cancer in the long run. Oh and she also said she 100% believes there is a cure for cancer out there and that they simply aren't releasing it because there is no money in it. So all of these vaccines are just to get the rich richer. Would you also believe they are flat earthers? Like to the extent when we ate dinner at their new house in Arlington when they moved in like a year ago, that they have a map of the flat earth in their kitchen. So yeah, some people simply will never get the vaccine.
  12. Nice we would love to check that out at some point but it's a bit more work to get there. It's easy to get to STT from Dulles. 4 hour direct flight. Now, if you could find me a job in software development so we can just move there, that would be much appreciated. Thanks.
  13. St. Thomas. Well staying there but we'll most likely take at least one day trip to St. John like we did last time which was our first time over there. This time we'll have our 9 month old with us though so it's going to be ... interesting.
  14. I am going there in May. Can't wait. That is the last place I was before the pandemic too, March 9th - 16th in 2020.
  15. That was a dumb ****ing hit by Wilson he's probably going to be suspended for that and deservedly so.
  16. So is Lurch or EB supposed to have the actual report in hand or something? If so shouldn't it be easy to prove this is a real document?
  17. I've already seen the Trumpers claim it's because they are misdiagnosing people with the flu and saying they have rona instead. Been hearing that for months.
  18. That was by far the toughest/most frustrating part in the game. It's awesome though. That music is fantastic. But I felt like that part just went on a tad too long.
  19. PS5's today at Walmart at 3pm ET. Disc - https://www.walmart.com/ip/PlayStation-5-Console/363472942 Digital - https://www.walmart.com/ip/Sony-PlayStation-5-Digital-Edition/493824815 Refer to my post below on your best shot to get one.
  20. 48 hours after 2nd dose of Pfizer I'm still feeling some side effects. Yesterday I had flu like symptoms all day, mild like 2/3 out of 10. In the evening after I finished working I felt very tired along with the headache/blah feeling. After I ate dinner that went away and I almost felt fine. Then when I woke up at 12:30am to feed my son I definitely had a fever. I just felt very hot and had a headache. The headache was probably also due to sleeping 90 minutes before waking up to feed my son. This morning I felt okay and had a very minor headache. I also felt a little bit like a cold was coming on, with little bit of post nasal drip, but I get that a lot my whole life with asthma/allergies and sinus issues. I went to the gym at 9:30am and half way through felt fatigued way more than I should have and had a headache. Now at home I still have a minor headache and head feels heavy. I'd say now I feel like 1/2 out of 10 as far as the symptoms feelings go. Hoping tonight and by tomorrow I feel back to normal.
  21. Well people with data caps probably aren't downloading games that are 50+ gigs to begin with. Not sure what your point about PS+/Gamepass is supposed to be. You can still delete those games when you are done with them and redownload them at a later point if you want to play them again. It doesn't matter if they are 3 months old or 3 years old. EDIT: And just so we're clear - you CAN expand the storage space on an XSX right now. And you will be be able to do it on PS5 this summer. So unless you are in a hurry to fill up your PS5 HDD by the summer time with the weak library they have right now, this is kind of a moot point. If they upgraded the storage to 2Gb at launch then everyone would be crying that consoles were $600+ at launch. HDDs being smaller at launch and then having later iterations with larger HDDs is normal. That's happened since HDD's were being put in consoles.
  22. While I agree that 825Gb isn't that much space now a days, the only way you will have issues with anything storage wise is if you're a hoarder of games and just refuse to delete stuff that you no longer play, which you could install whenever you wanted to later on if you opted to play the game again.
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