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Everything posted by purbeast

  1. Just finished Gears 5. THAT is how it ends? Pretty disappointed with the ending and more so as to where it ended. There is a lot left with Kait that I wanted resolved in this game but I guess not. The game was awesome though. Has anyone played the Hollow Storm DLC? How long is it if so and is it good?
  2. 100% Bowser's Fury this morning with my son. It's definitely a fun experience and it was fun to do it entirely with my son.
  3. Yeah I've heard that's a good party game for PSVR but I never got it. I've been trying Pistol Whip tonight on PSVR and while it's cool, I don't "get" it. Like I don't get how you are supposed to get good scores and stuff. Going to need to read up and watch some videos about it.
  4. Bowser's Fury is pretty damn awesome. My son and I put in like 3 hours today.
  5. Mario Kart is great cause of the assists you can put on. My son used that all the time when we played it.
  6. I was gonna preorder that game with 20% off cause of Amex but opted not to cause it comes out a week prior to RE8. It looks okay but if it wasn't like a "launch window title" i probably wouldn't even care about it. I got back into Gears 5 since I beat Demon's Souls and man I shouldn't have slept on this game. It's pretty damn awesome. Hammer of Dawn is probably the best weapon in any game ever.
  7. That's how I am handling it. Also considering I've been going to the gym for the past 4 months or so without issue, I truly believe that taking precautions and being careful does wonders. That on top of the vaccine nearly makes you feel invincible. We do plan on traveling this year though. We are just about to book a trip in May for the first time since last March. We're going back to St. Thomas which is ironically where we were last March when **** hit the fan. We were there when the NBA, NHL, and borders out of the country closed down. Then after that we have 3 other vacations + a trip to North Carolina already planned this year. A trip to Puerto Rico has already been booked for August as has the trip to North Carolina in July. Then in October it's Roatan and November it's Aruba for my 40th. I miss traveling and can't wait to get back to it. I'm dying to get back to SCUBA too.
  8. My son is turning 6 in a month. He got pretty into it like around summer time. Its crazy how quick he improved too in games like Mario Odyssey. He couldnt even do much on the very first level initially cause it was too hard for him to move around. Then in a couple weeks he's doing advanced hat jumps and stuff.
  9. I should clarify that I will play multiplayer locally though. My son and I recently played through all of Mario 3D World together and it was a blast. That game is very solid with some very nice level design. It can be frustrating at times though too because of the angle and it's hard to be precise. And now we're playing through Bowser's Fury, which is also fantastic. I'm playing as Mario and he's playing as Bowser Jr. and he loves doing that. Sometimes we play Smash Bros but I do it begrudgingly with him because he just wants to game with dad. I am not a big fan of that game. I just find it boring. Oh on a totally unrelated note, I saw last night Pistol Whip on PSVR was on sale for $16 and change so I picked it up. I played it about 30 minutes and it's a wild game. I recommend it if you have PSVR. https://store.playstation.com/en-us/product/UP0170-CUSA19245_00-CHGVPIWHPSAM0001
  10. I'm pretty much strictly single player gaming now a days. I got rid of PS+ once I realized online on Street Fighter 5 sucked ass, and I got rid of Xbox Live once SF5 came out and SF4 was dead. I got pretty burnt out of multiplayer FPS games around when COD:MW2 came out and completely stopped playing them. Now a days I simply don't have the time to get good enough to be able to compete online. Whenever SF6 eventually comes out though, I will try to get into that game and will buy PS+ for it.
  11. I don't game on PC so if there is a game on Xbox and PC, to me, it's an Xbox exclusive since I just by default think along the lines of console exclusives. And if Xbox had one game I wanted to play and I didn't have one, I'd buy an Xbox to play it. I wouldn't buy a gaming PC just to play a PC game though.
  12. Which part don't you understand? (Serious question so that I can clarify)
  13. I'm even talking about console exclusives. Other than the normal Gears, Halo, and Forza that have been their B&B forever, what was there?
  14. MS bought up a bunch of studios pre-Xbox One as well, and well, we know how that turned out for worthwhile exclusives.
  15. The only game I've played on mine is Gears 5 lol. My son's played Paw Patrol though. I could have played both of those on my X1X and my son did play Paw Patrol on there. It was kind of cool though last weekend I turned it on for the first time in like a month, and I had forgotten about the quick load, and I was back in Gears 5 in seconds.
  16. I saw this randomly yesterday when browsing Amazon, but Ratchet and Clank Rift Apart is 20% off if you have an Amex card and pay with it. https://www.amazon.com/Ratchet-Clank-Rift-Apart-Launch-Playstation/dp/B08WJPJ1NC I preordered it for $55 yesterday.
  17. My son goes back in Montgomery County March 15th. I'm happy about this. He will still have Wednesday as virtual from home and it's only a half day. But getting him out of the house and in school is just going to be much better than him sitting at home by himself. They have a virtual meeting on Wednesday explaining how it's going to work so I'm definitely going to be watching that.
  18. Let's be real. You are making that 7 years number up. Hardware wasn't even finalize a year out. It boggles my mind that some of you think these companies don't like money. If they could make more to meet demand which would make them more money, they would.
  19. Not Sony, but people who have more money than brains did. (this was from January)
  20. Well the problem is, you're wrong. Sony is recording record sales with the PS5 launch. If you call that a "mistake" then I'd love to have a business that makes a mistake like this. The demand also could not be higher for a PS5 right now. No other console in history of consoles has had such a demand right now. EDIT: if you truly REALLY wanted to get a PS5, you could get one if you put the work in. There's a reason I was able to get 12+ XSX/PS5 and helped multiple friends, people in this thread, and people on other forums get one too. I also failed getting them a lot as well. You just have to be willing and actually put in the work to find one.
  21. I used to lift 6 days a week for years, and when I talked to someone who had been lifting longer than me and knew a lot more than me, they told me I was training too much. I listened to him and started just doing each muscle group once a week instead of 2x a week and my gains were much greater than they were lifting 6x a week. That was about 18 years ago and to this day I still am just doing each muscle group once a week and go 4x a week. Back when I was lifting 6x a week I weighed like 165lbs. Now I linger around 200-210 depending where I'm at with deciding if I want to be lean or not.
  22. Doom Eternal is the most recent one that got really good feedback but that is all I really know about it.
  23. Yeah I've played Doom you noob. I haven't played Doom Eternal though.
  24. What you all recommend I play after done with Gears 5 - Doom Eternal or Halo 5? I haven't played either of them before and will be playing em on XSX.
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