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Everything posted by tshile

  1. Nah Humphrey 3rd down. :25 left in the first. rewind it. That ball never touched the ground. It stopped on his hamstring and Humphry snagged it. Thinking it bounced off the ground he threw it down and walked off the field. EVERYONE MISSED IT
  2. Um. did no one realize that was an interception? Not even the defender that caught it, Humpry? No one? AM I THE ONLY PETSON THAT SAW THAT wtf I should be calling games. These announcers suck.
  3. @BRAVEONTHEWARPATH93 re: that tweet i don’t think I have watched a full game since I gave up my season tickets. I was actually tuned to the game when it started yesterday. I was initially interested. didn’t take long to flip to the redzone After dropping my tickets i legitimately cannot justify watching a 1pm game instead of the redzone. Why watch bad football when you can watch all of the good football… At some point you realize you can still be that die hard fan you’ve always been, all that’s still there, you just realize your time is of enough value that the organization needs to clean its **** up before they get anymore of yours. Now maybe they turn it around. It’s one game. I’m not going to declare the season over after one game. but every Sunday I’ll start on redzone. I figure if they’re doing well, I’ll see them often, and that’s the queue to watch the game. (I flipped back when fitz went down cause I like heineke)
  4. You can have a ****ty venue if you play well enough. If the Brady era patriots played in FedEx 8 times a year it’s be packed. It’d be the rfk days on steroids (cause of inflation). We’d actually have a waiting list. you can attract people to a good venue even as a bad team. Caps and Nats are fun events even if the team has no prospects for the season. but it’s really, really hard to attract people to a ****ty venue with a team that is ****ty year in year out. and to give snyder credit he managed to do it for a while. Way longer than he should have gotten away with.
  5. It’s just incredible the ability we have to perpetually be a clown show once you embrace it, it’s way more fun to follow the team
  6. ? did you think the republicans actually wanted to do that? They’d rather sabotage it and use it every election to rile up the base. they don’t have a plan cause they don’t want to own how bad healthcare is. They’d rather let the Dems own in.
  7. The inability of democrats to get on the same page and not look like a disorganized mess is just amazing. the republicans seem to be able to do whatever they want with a slim majority. Hell they manage to get what they want with a minority often.
  8. anti-government, anti-authority, anti-academic, anti-intellectualism. they’ve been trained to hate anyone who tells them what to do, or tells them that they know better, or anyone that tries to explain why certain things are or should be. Decades of training a large portion of the country to “not trust” the majority of news, and to believe there’s this grand liberal conspiracy to turn us into socialists dependent on the government to go through our daily life…. honestly it’s not surprising. This result fits perfectly.
  9. Yeah you’d think a navy veteran would know better …
  10. Cure is worse than the disease 🙄 the most frustrating thing about dumb people, is they rarely realize they made such a huge mistake because they’re just so breathtakingly stupid.
  11. I don’t get why, as an established adult, you would bring/create drama in the work place Grow up. check that **** at the door.
  12. I like yours but my biggest issue… you’re literally lying about something you claim to feel so strongly about. way to own your opinions (my second biggest issue is the risk they’re posing to people who may feel a certain sense of security to do something, or do it a certain way, and you’re lying about who you are putting all of them at risk )
  13. We are broken in so many ways, to such an extent, that even the people that realize we’re broken don’t fully grasp how bad it is.
  14. As someone who received this food because of the program (we didn’t want it but they told us it was the only way to keep their staff employed so we did it) that food sucks and we need what Michelle obama did, on steroids, to fix it. And **** all nay sayers that haven’t spent a second listening to it reading studies on how much a factor eating well is in a child’s performance academically and behaviorally. if we actually gave a crap about the future of this country this would be a #1 priority item. #1. Hands down. crime. Jail population. Innovation. Overall health. Employment. Climbing the charts on every metric of well-being and quality of life. if you can’t accept the moral argument, then you at least have to consider the long term cost/financial/bang-for-your-buck component. Which I can’t image is actually disputable using facts and research (although I admittedly don’t know for sure)
  15. tshile

    Matrix 4

    Hah. I wonder if it’ll be a “what you saw wasn’t really what happened, here’s what really happened” stuff 😂
  16. Well. This is now going to waste hours of my time I don’t have. thanks for that.
  17. Hahaha stupid side note. Just to further explain. so now wife and I started dating when we she joined me at GMU (where I wound up after my parents discovered I was parting my ass off, not going to class, and only getting B’s, and decided they’re not paying for me to go away and do that and if I wanted help with paying for school I had to come home, live at home and go to gmu…) anyways, we wound up in an English 300-and-something class together. so, I did my usual, except she made me go to class with her. I would dick around on my computer. She would be angry but whatever. I wouldn’t do any work. We had 3 major projects that required reading a rather lengthy book for each. I did all three projects through the year without reading a single book. Got like 85-88 for scores. Which I was perfectly fine with. She was so jealous she became influenced by me and tried to pull the same stunt. She wound up with a mid-b for the class. my wife has a masters degree. Through her entire career she received only A’s, except for that class… she could have had a 4.0 gps. She still holds it against me. i didn’t get my **** together until I took a senior level Intro to AI class. I was instantly hooked. It helped we had an amazing professor. I did tons of work. Tons of extra work. In a class where our graded midterms were handed back with a preface lecture of: so, 1 person got a 92. 1 got an 87. (He’s writing this on the board at this point). 1 got an 82. The next highest score was a 38. The lowest score was a 5. And the curve makes a 20 a C. He explained this was pretty typical for this course. I got the 87. finals were the same way. in fact, that’s what lead me to apply for, get accepted, and later drop out of a graduate program at GA Tech for a MSCS with machine learning/AI as the concentration (GA Tech was the #4 ranked school in the country at the time for that program.) Wife had just finished her masters. We were 29. We were at a cross roads and decide we’d either wait for children and if do this program, or if I didn’t get in we’d start with children. I didn’t get in. She got pregnant. I received a call on vacation that summer from GA Tech saying they had reconsiders my application and wanted to know if was still interested and of course I said yes! School started. My full time job got incredibly busy. After staying up until 2am for the third night in a row working on a project due in 4 weeks, I looked around and said “I can’t do this. I have a kid on the way. Something has to change. “ and what changed was I dropped out of school. The thought was I’d return when the children were a bit older. Little did I know life would just get busier. ive made a lot of mistakes. Run ins with police, party-related decisions that weren’t the smartest, ruined some relationships… different people could reasonably pick different items as the one to regret. Dropping out of that program is my biggest regret. Worse - every day that passes it’s unclear whether I’ll ever be able to take another crack at it. Life comes at you fast. And there’s a looooooooot of **** I’m dealing with right now. And me removing myself from the labor force is currently a card on the table we’re considering to help us get through it all. Anyways. There’s lots of **** that goes into why an individual takes the path they take. Makes it really hard to draw general opinions about what’s going on that are meaningful. Of course, much of life can be that way. /endlivejournal
  18. Yup. Very similar story. AP government, calc, computer science, and chemistry. (I still regret not chasing chemistry. Would have been so much more fun) 1210 sat (when it was out of 1600) and somewhere around 3.5 gpa. highschool and college gpa suffered the same problem - I was smart enough to study and get A’s on tests without going to class and doing homework (step 1 of every class was to skip through the syllabus and see what % of my grade would be homework and evaluate what that means about the minimum amount of homework I had to keep a passing grade with A’s on the exams) the only difference is between highschool and college I swapped video games with partying and chicks.
  19. @purbeast same story. Except I quit when I went to college. My problem was partying and chasing chicks. side note: not sure I ran into anyone else in the party scene that was a comp sci major. And every Thursday/Friday class would end with everyone asking who was doing the madden tourney that weekend (or whatever) and I would just stare at these people. You want to spend your friday/Saturday night as a college student playing madden in the dorms? Oooooooooook. Enjoy that.
  20. Or maybe “why build it this way” just trying to stay away from the notion that choosing not to go to school is choosing to not build towards the long term. There are other options people can legitimate pursue other than school.
  21. I personally enjoy the people participating in fake vaccine cards at any level getting caught
  22. I honestly think I’ve outlived my usefulness in this conversation. But real quick. I can’t find it right now. But I listened to an npr podcast (probably hidden brain?) that covered a study on how much influences a score for students. There’s a lot outside of actual ability to answer the questions. So I have a problem with this mindset. I was just citing it as an example of historic external forces. At least I certainly see it as one. A good one.
  23. tshile

    Matrix 4

    I’ll watch it with the same excitement I had for mortal kombat. Or the purge. they just gotta make it so I can find a way to enjoy it and not regret the 2 hour investment (If it’s really good they’ll make a 5th 😂)
  24. no, what I’m saying is that the same people preaching diversity and equal representation, are seeing a situation of significantly unequal representation and diversity, and saying (seemingly without understanding the actual causes) that it doesn’t matter and it must be video games. sorry. Not logically consistent. Equal representation and diversity either matter, or they don’t. I honestly don’t care which one you pick, but be consistent. “they are apparently less qualified than …” is basically the same kinda trope people used when the issue was with women, or minorities classes. Now it’s ok to assume? Hmmm…. you don’t consider massive culture shifts in many ways historic or external factors? You don’t consider things like affirmative action, metoo, and a desire to make it public that you’re focusing on diversity and such historic or external factors? Come on. (I do not think something being an external factor that causes an undesirable result is, by default, a bad thing. I don’t want to undo some of the things I listed even if they are a cause of this somehow. Just want to be clear on that. ) and maybe those changes have nothing to do with it. If someone has data/sound argument, I’m happy to accept it all that said this is, if I had to pick one or the other, this is actually a nice thing to find out for me personally. I’m not at all upset yo find out males are now receiving a boost in higher education admission because they’re now underrepresented. If I decide to go back to grad school that’s a good thing for me. It’s a good thing for my son. May hurt my daughter, we’ll see, but for right now I’m assuming she’ll be just fine. my only frustration, and it’s minor cause I’m reality I don’t give a ****, is that the type of people that played a huge role in how ive changed over the last decade, how I analyze things, how I prioritize things, and how I try to rise above only caring about what’s good for me (which honesty isn’t very rewarding cause as soon as I’m on a side that may need some help those people literally say “oh you can afford it”, or “oh you’ve had such an easy life, whine some more”) have all the sudden decided they don’t care about equal representation and diversity calls into question their stated motives over the years. it’s also possible men have figured out college isnt for everyone quicker than women (what? I don’t know) and what we’re really seeing is the start of a general decline in people going to college. And soon enough that trend will hit women, the numbers will even back out, and the real story is a general decline in people going to college 🤷‍♂️
  25. Did you look at the graphs? women are 49% of the college age population. Yet the numbers are quite a bit apart for enrollment and applications, not just graduation rates. L We’ve spent a hell of a lot of time over the last 2 decades preaching the importance of equal representation. are we now saying it doesn’t matter? So does that mean it doesn’t matter for anything? Can we remove quotas? or does it only not matter when the demo affected isn’t one you care about? (I agree with you on the question of vocational schools, etc)
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