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Everything posted by RandyHolt

  1. The problem is him easily outplaying a rookie QB short term and eating valuable reps. I would rather 2 young QBs figure **** out on their own (Maye and Howell), then a greenhorn Maye be told by a vet how things are. That vet QB who has a vested interest in the young QB FAILING. Humans learn best by figuring out things on our own. Its often the hard way. Maybe its just me, but it seems all vet QBs really want is their next big payday.
  2. I sure hope I am not the only one that would be happy to have Sam Howell instead of Russell "check please" Wilson as a backup. F these vet washed up failed QBs; they are there to help a young QB... who ends up almost always failing anyways? I prefer a fleet of 3 younger QBs on our roster constantly competing developing in a search for the next star. Whatever NFL teams have been doing is simply not working. Look at how many decades it took them to go for it on 4th down. Not kick every punt out of the back of the end zone net 17. Draft 1 QB every 4 years and wonder why you don't have a QB. Why did it take forever for OCs to cater to a QBs strengths; instead its been square peg round hole hammering away like a caveman. It takes decades for top NFL brass to figure out basic ****.
  3. Looking at how many teams need QBs and guys like Russell "Write Off" Wilson and others like Cousins (and Rodgers) coming off major injuries yet still will command TOP dollar.... it does not bode well for thinking any QB we draft will be a difference maker. Sure you gotta try but fans really need to check their expectations at the door more than we do. 4 bad games from our rookie QB and this place will be on the ledge. NFL GMs need to collude and stop grossly overpaying for QBs.
  4. Step back from the ledge, we have a real front office structure now. That said flip a coin heads or bust - nothing to fret over. Me I can't shake the notion Maye's status is higher than it would be otherwise had he not been wearing a powder blue #10 and being the same height as Justin Herbert. The mind works in powerful ways and anyone that compares him to Herbert may be showing signs of being unknowingly influenced by his uniform.
  5. Likely just $$$ and age. I would say he under performed his contract but predict he will still be looking for top dollar. I think we can only expect 45 for 500 5 TDs from him.... I like other names but something I am not sure of is his blocking. Sure he was been stuck in NE so his numbers are meh but he impressed me 5 years ago. Not recently. And he can't play QB in a pinch /s We are living proof throwing picks at defense still wont get those pesky hard to get turnovers nor lead to a dominant D, nor wins. A solid DC can make an average D sufficient simply by being unpredictable. Dial up a blitz the OC hasnt seen with the game on the line. Something our DCs of the past 2+ decades have refused to try despite only 1 playoff win.
  6. Look at Dallas last year. Their vaunted feared defense was... useless at crunch time. Our D was supposed to be top 10 or whatever fantasy we cooked up. Coaching seems as important as personnel if not more. At the end of the day teams need to score and you cannot count on the defense for that.
  7. I want Michael Pittman. Oh and Mike Evans. Taking a QB we CANNOT **** around and keep throwing all our top picks at the defense. Support the man. Lets not bother with the "a great defense is a great offense" I am happy with any of the top FA TEs but not Hunter.
  8. Anyone elses phones losing it today? They will blame the cloud but I found the cause.
  9. I think there were bumper stickers representing fans choice of our QB
  10. That established vet failed at which he is providing guidance in doing. I know a vet QB & no other competition for the kid is the proven way that things have been done in the NFL for decades. Decades of QB failures, one after another. I think having a young #2 or #3 can be a gold mine. Why wait for 1 guy to fail to start the search for the next try? Give me competition not complacency and the job handed to the kid. Last time we did it (Shanahan doing it out of spite) worked out pretty darn good RG3 injuries aside.
  11. Let me be the first to say I think it sucks that the general rule is that you can't have 2 young QBs on the same roster. Ignoring the best 2 QBs we drafted in recent memory was the year we took both Cousins and Me. With the high bust rate of QBs I think all teams should carry 2 QBs to groom until one graduates to being a top ~10 QB or inevitably fails. It wasn't long ago a young backup QB looking great for a few games could be traded for a kings ransom. Its telling how we rarely drafted QBs in the past 20 years. Long story short I think we should hold Howell have 3 QBs if we need an old vet and if someone wants to grossly overpay for Howell (LFG Jets!) sure take that offer and run. Howell faced a TON of adversity sat a year thrown to the wolves for a year on a team with elite organizational dysfunction and could be a steadying vet like hand for a Maye. Or still be a decent player for many years now that he has an NFL grade coaching staff to develop him. He (and EB) got NO offensive players in our last draft; our offensive pieces stagnant from the previous year. I call bunk competition at QB is bad when its fine for every other position. Suck it up snowflakes.
  12. Can i predict all 3 top rated QBs will bust. Half joking aside it's not just about them as we all know. While modern OCs FINALLY figured out to cater to their QBs and not the QB to their static dated dusty old played out playbooks, its still a struggle vs the modern day aggressive Spag DefensesTM that have figured out to dial up a confusing blitz at critical times in games. I admit I am jaded from being told who the best QB is in a draft and it being false so often so I just use my own eyes like most here. That all said I will likely never think a QB under 6'1" is the best QB available. Defenders are so freakishly tall and ends targeted now only if they are long, it simply does not bode well for the Caleb's of the world. QBs of this era have to have size and be able to move, oh and throw on the move.
  13. I can't be the only one burned before hearing our new DC say they are going to attack and be aggressive. Basically, bend don't break which is more like read react and get run over. Like with every other DC, I'll believe him this time because he is doing more than stressing turnovers. He used the word violent. I approve.
  14. McCarthy or any QB throwing better when scrambling... maybe its because they are not over thinking footwork and mechanics and just doing what comes naturally.
  15. I think on the passing plays Kyle ****ed up by not targeting his best hands. Aiyuk and CMC. Deebo was clearly injured and playing through it. Kittle was tied up in blocking duties. Those 2 critical 3rd and 4 plays Aiyuk was wide open in both despite facing a stud corner. Kyle game planned Jennings to be MVP I suppose.
  16. Fair enough. Kyle seems the darling of the league yet we see he's not perfect. I heard Jeff Mans pointing out that Brock was doing great yet Kyle didn't trust him enough to go for the jugular and ultimately left KC and Mahomes in position to win. Including not using timeouts at the end of the first half. Kyle choke label trending
  17. Another blitz from Spags at a critical time of the game. 1st down here ends the game.
  18. For all his greatness Mahomes had some ****ty throws including a near 2nd INT in the endzone that hit 2 hands of a Niner.
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