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Everything posted by ExoDus84

  1. For those that work in IT, specifically DBA, SQL, etc., what is a good technology to learn and/or focus on? I've been working on the client side, as an Access/VBA/MS-SQL developer. I'd like to learn some new tech, something that's in demand and will offer a good chance at a financial boost. I'm not sure if I should spend some time trying to learn T-SQL/SQL Server 2012/2014, or maybe focus on cloud technologies, etc. Any suggestions?
  2. Really looking forward to The Martian. I've been wanting to read the book, but I wanted to see the movie first. I'll see it this weekend. Can't wait.
  3. This one has been solid. Not great quality, but no skipping. Thanks FrFan.
  4. All the streams are hot trash today. Damn it.
  5. I didn't like Chappie at all. I don't know if it's because I was expecting a different kind of movie, but I just didn't enjoy it. Elysium I liked though.
  6. Pretty sure that's a foot or hand, at just the right angle. I don't actually believe it's his trouser snake.
  7. Don't sign up for anything. http://zunox.hk/zxtv36.html
  8. I'm using this one. It's a ravens broadcast though. http://www.101livesportsvideos.com/videos/nfl-washington-redskins-vs-baltimore-ravens/ Edit: The zunox SD stream is pretty solid too. The HD stream is a bad link.
  9. I've been out of the streaming biz for a while. For tonight's game, if anybody has good experience with a certain website or link, post or PM me please. I'm wary of wading through a dozen sketchy websites trying to find a good stream. Appreciated!
  10. So NFL got rid of the $20 preseason package, and instead rolling it into a $100 package? Screw that ****. I was getting ready to offer the NFL a further 20 bucks, but no way I'm spending 100. I won't even utilize replay. I'll find a steam for preseason. I found out that direcTV offers their online only Sunday ticket streaming service here, which is 200. I might buy that for the regular season.
  11. Would NFL gamepass work for somebody living in the states(who doesn't have DirecTV), if they were to, theoretically, pass their IP to a proxy, or use TOR or something similar to mask their IP? I know it's only supposed to be for non-US residents, but I'd rather purchase and watch a high quality stream, rather than a fuzzy, choppy illegal stream.
  12. Factor in actor salaries. Avengers especially must have had a hell of a lot of overhead, paying all those A-listers. The new FF is largely lesser known actors who don't command a huge salary. Michael B. Jordan, Kate Mara, Miles teller, etc, probably work for pennies on the dollar compared to RDJ, Chris Evans, Scarlett J., etc. That means more of the budget is going toward production, CGI, etc. I don't think it'll be too bad, at least action wise. DOFP was amazing, IMO. It could possibly be the best X-men film to date. The only ones I didn't care for at all was X3, and Origins: Wolverine.
  13. Maybe I'm reading your post wrong, but are you saying the new FF has an embarrassing budget? Per wikipedia, the budget for the new FF movie is $122 million. That's pretty hefty.
  14. Who gives a **** if she had warrants. It still doesn't seem to make sense that she decided to off herself spontaneously in police custody. Apparently there's been a handful of people who have committed suicide in that jail. It seems odd to me.
  15. Inequality for All: B Documentary about the increasing wealth gap between the rich and poor. It was pretty good, though I think it needed a bit more factual sources. Pretty eye opening when they discuss the advent of trickle down economics, and how the wealth gap skyrocketed after it. Terminator Genisys: C+ The action scenes were entertaining, I'll give it that. The casting seemed off. Didn't like Jai Courtney in his role as Kyle Reese. Also, not sure Emilia Clarke was a good casting choice as Sarah. This film really seemed like a one-off "what if" movie set in the terminator universe, and not a starting point for a new trilogy. The Maze Runner: B- Another one of those post-apocalyptic movies featuring angst-filled teenagers rebelling against government. Seems like the new fad in cinema. It kept my attention, and had some decent parts. In the end, though, nothing really special or memorable about it. Run All Night: B- Another Liam Neeson flick where he kicks ass, takes names, and doesn't GAF. This one was better than the Taken sequels at least. He still has the chops for a late-career action star, but we've seen him do a lot of these recently. Ed Harris mails in his performance though. Looks like he was just trying to collect a paycheck.
  16. What a scumbag Cosby is. It really does hurt to say that, but it's absolutely true. Puddin' Pops will never be the same.
  17. Jurassic World: B Overall, it was solid. It was pretty cheesy and was really missing the dramatic moments and tension that made the first one so good. Obviously, it was never going to be as good as the original JP, but I think this was a worthwhile addition to the franchise. This was leagues better than the utter garbage that was JP3. The ending scene was badass, and BDH and Chris Pratt do a pretty good job with their roles. Gone Girl: B- It was a good movie, but I apparently didn't see in this film what a lot of reviewers saw. It was interesting, but I didn't feel there was any buildup to the plot, and thus the movie just felt like it plodded along, somewhat aimlessly. At least Rosamund Pike is a babe. Taken 3: D+ Total crap, which I attribute directly to the director, Olivier Megaton. The guy's incredibly ADD style of jump cut, short take editing is infuriating. This is the same major gripe I had with Transporter 3. There's one scene in Taken 3, where Liam Neeson is running from the popo and jumps over a fence. I **** you not, the act of him jumping over the fence had at least 9 or 10 quick jump cuts, each less than half a second. This editing makes Michael Bay look patient. Take some dramamine if you decide to watch this movie. This dude did both Taken sequels, and ruined the franchise.
  18. A single payer system is the route we should go. Major insurance companies, and thus Republicans, would never go that route. I'm all for making improvements to the ACA, or for the creation of a system that's better. Unfortunately, Republicans don't have a plan. They just want to derail the ACA because Obama did it, and Obama=EVIL. They have a better system in mind, unless you consider the pre-ACA status quo as a good system.
  19. Scalia is the ghost of judiciary past. He's a relic. We need some justices whose opinions and persuasions aren't rooted in the 1960's.
  20. I'm ok with Blomkamp directing, as long as he doesn't make it like "Chappie". That movie was kinda crap. The last thing I want to see is Ripley finding a baby alien, and teaching it how to use a dock loader.
  21. Yeah, that's a little intense. Back in the day, my friends and I would block off a residential street with cones, sit back and watch the confusion from afar. That was a good time. We didn't do it on high traffic areas and no flares were used, however.
  22. Um, did anybody remind Bill that he clearly died during the attack on the lab? Is he going to be in a flashback or something? "This little girl survived longer than that with no weapons, and no training." "Why don't you put her in charge?!?"
  23. Chappie: C- / D+ For those that don't know, it's about a robot designer who creates a self-aware AI, and installs him into a police robot. It's Neil Blomkamp, Sharlto Copley, Hugh Jackman, and Sigourney Weaver. What could go wrong? Well, most of it. I really just didn't see the point of the whole thing, or the message it was trying to convey. The characters were sub par, character development was bad, and plot holes were so big that even Trent Richardson could go through it. The writing for Jackman and Weaver makes you wonder why they even bothered to accept those roles. Did somebody put a gun to their head? The CGI and motion capture was fantastic, and there were a few funny moments when the AI was learning behavior from it's white trash gangster "parents", but not a great movie overall. I really liked District 9, and Elysium, but this one is a miss.
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