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Everything posted by Corcaigh

  1. An Irish man frees a genie and happy to be released from his confinement, the genie grants him 3 wishes. The Irishman thinks about it, and says "I want a pint of Guinness that is never empty." So poof a pint appears, filled to the rim with the rich black drink. The man drinks it down, and when he places it back on the bar, it's filled up again. "So, what would you like for your other two wishes, sir?" "I want two more of these, then!"
  2. You are just jealous because, unlike me, your TikTok dance videos haven’t already got you one million subscribers.
  3. Once you retire most people realize how ridiculously stupid work is. People who are financially independent but think they need to work for someone else to avoid boredom are suffering from a tragic failure of imagination.
  4. Why? Fire your employer immediately. They would do the same to you if it suited them.
  5. Both have passed now but could not have been kinder, more supportive, and positive. But that's understandable, as I was such a huge catch for their daughter.
  6. The MIT Climate portal has information with sources. The cost of battery manufacture will vary by source but in their worst case a VA driver doing average mileage would take 2.75 years of driving to absorb the lithium battery manufacturing cost and potentially about six months. A huge factor is how your car is charged. In a state with a high level of renewables and hydro, or nuclear, your footprint would be very different to coal-heavy WV (where you would be less carbon emitting by driving a hybrid than electric). And of course if you do all your charging at home from solar panels you are much lower carbon emitting than gas or hybrid vehicles.
  7. Court markings were wrong - one three-point line was nine inches short at one end at the women’s NCAA Tournament’s Portland regional. I'm amazed that the players and coaches did not notice this big of an error at the time. https://theathletic.com/5384238/2024/04/01/tara-vanderveer-3-point-line-error-comments/
  8. That's a reach to me. The SS symbol with two S's is at an angle rather than two upright fours. But there's no harm in either modifying the typeface to make the 4 look different or not allowing the ordering of that number on a shirt. I think Nazi symbols are banned in Germany and so someone ordering a shirt with that particular number (which does not represent any player) might be outing themselves and get a visit from the authorities.
  9. Some more good engineering progress out of the KSTAR experiment in Korea, providing good technical input to the ITER experiment in Cadarache France, which should be starting up in the next few years. KSTAR sustained a magnetically confined plasma at over 100 million Kelvin for 48 seconds and operated in H-mode (high confinement) for over 100 seconds. https://www.cnn.com/2024/04/01/climate/nuclear-fusion-record-korea-climate-intl/index.html
  10. I’m definitely cheering for a score of: Icebergs 2 Titanics 0
  11. Reminds me of the scene from The Ballad of Buster Scruggs where they are standing on the hanging scaffold with the ropes around their neck. One guy is sobbing, and another turns to him and says “First time?”
  12. Post-game analysis is when you would review your moves and ideas. And take the time to write your ideas down and to work things out for yourself before getting input from an engine.
  13. ChaptGPT is like Mike Goldberg. It may sound authoritative but it's complete bull****.
  14. This is an excellent demonstration of how bad ChatGPT can be. A lot of this is either just wrong or empty fluff, however convincing it may sound. And it doesn't matter what ChatGPT thinks. What do you think about the important moves in the game?
  15. If you want to improve your understanding you should write down your thinking at relevant key decision points in the game. What moves you considered and your evaluation of the candidate moves leading to why you selected the one you did. Take a very simple case. 4 … exd4. What other moves did you consider and why did you evaluate that one as being best.
  16. I read that she got drunk out of her mind at a party at her ranch and reversed her Tesla into a pond where she drowned. FSD (Full Self Drowning) was enabled.
  17. And given their other software it’s quite likely that the neural net was implemented by human programmers using c++.
  18. I guess this means that the counter of number of miles driven with zero accidents is reset to zero?
  19. I'm still surprised that SPACs are legal. Investors have no real idea what they are investing in, just that the SPAC will buy something(s) in the future. It almost seems that they were created to get around the oversight that companies have to go through when going doing an IPO. Essentially the investors have no protections and little to no visibility of conflicts of interest.
  20. They would have CNN on in their offices and every now and then there would be a shout of “oh ****” when something happened … a rocket carrying multi-billion dollar satellites exploding on takeoff, a major cathedral catching fire meaning a pope’s tour would be cancelled and loss of all the souvenirs, etc.
  21. I consider myself quite the maritime authority as I can lead the singing of several sea shanties in the local tavern.
  22. Yeah … probably years before the insurance companies pay up after all the investigations, but someone will be on the hook. A relative worked in the reinsurance business where huge risks are spread out across multiple companies. It was surprisingly interesting. 🤣
  23. I have some former coworkers who continue to work even though they have made more money than they will spend in this lifetime (not a few hundred million but at least 50 times their annual expenses). They don’t really like the work anymore and regularly comment when the weather is nice that they don’t know why they are still working. But then they say that they wouldn’t want to leave their customers/coworkers in the lurch. I’m not shy at reminding them that if they were fired that their coworkers and customers would have forgotten their name in less than a week and they accept that, but they continue on autopilot rather than make the leap.
  24. Oh … and went out to lunch yesterday with some former coworkers. Because there were six of us I guess that they added an automatic 20% tip, and because it was charged automatically the gratuity has sales tax applied on top as it is considered a service.
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