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Mr. Sinister

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Everything posted by Mr. Sinister

  1. think "Dollar Store Cougar Barbie." And YOU CANT STOP THE COUNT
  2. If I ate Krispy Kreme every day I'd honestly be in a good place, mentally.
  3. Marcus from College Park. Ugh. Nightmare fuel.
  4. Been reading Craig Alanson's sci fi "Expeditionary Force" Saga on Audible for a minute. I'm on book 5 ("Zero Hour") presently. It's good. Reads sort of like a cross between Mass Effect and Lost In Space. Very Gung ho military theme. Also narrated by RC Bray, a very familiar name in the sci fi realm
  5. I used to think that would do something (prob said as much in this very thread, a few years back). I don't anymore. These "People" are pure freaking evil
  6. Flame grilled African/Portuguese chicken place. 🐔
  7. I'm gonna miss Udonis, man. Almost teared up a bit. Wonderful send-off
  8. Damn, you have a whole family now. I must've really been gone a long time. Congrats
  9. Filled out an application at a nearby Target dustribution facility. Still burned out, but meathead work is pretty simple/straightforward, and I don't have to deal with humans. That's always a plus
  10. He can't keep getting away with it! /Pinkman
  11. Makes sense. If I've got work to go to, the last thing I'm thinking about is calling into a sports station. If I'm totally unemployed and living off the Man, fanning my junk in a blinky light motel, the last thing I'm thinking about is calling into a sports station
  12. Yeah I could compromise on that. Take callers, but if you're some ****, or you're getting ready to go on some crazy soapbox, you get the boot in under 10 seconds. I think it would actually incentivize being at least halfway normal, and not a feral lunatic
  13. I feel you. Felt like Doom 2016 was right on the edge of Shooter/Adventure. Eternal just seems like it went right over. Don't remember when I bought it (prob during one of those Pandemic PSN sales), but I'm very close to just putting it down.
  14. Vampyr was a good recent one. Basically you play a Victorian era surgeon, during a vampire plague, and you get infected, either choosing to use your infection to do good in the medical community, or do wickedness. Sets up a bunch of neighborhoods in old timey London where you talk to residents and solve quarrels, or you can, you know, just drink everyone...
  15. Whoever comes, I think NOT opening up the phone lines is paramount to maintaining audience sanity. These people are so dumb now. Good grief. Elementary school level intellect
  16. Don't worry. In a few days it'll be back to being too Damm hot. Looks like low to mid 80's towards the end of the week. The weather gods are torturing us
  17. (2010) [ Boy slips into a "Coma" after exploring family attic, and a bunch of weird **** starts happening in the house] I missed this one, first time around. Watched with ladyfriend last night. I gotta say I thought it was heading in the tired "Haunted child, mommy is distressed and daddy doesn't believe her" route, but it took a great twist, and I absolutely loved it.
  18. Not sure how I feel about Doom Eternal yet. I liked Doom 2016 because of its dark, grisly, visceral atmosphere and great soundtrack and straightforwardness Eternal feels like they added way too much backstory to everything, and the graphics feel way off on PS5. Feels kinda cartoonish, and a little too adventurous
  19. Up until the change, I hadn't bought any prob since '06, and pretty much all that stuff has been donated or tossed. Bought a ton of Football Team merch from -20-'21, so I'm saving it all as a collectors item.
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