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Captain Wiggles

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Everything posted by Captain Wiggles

  1. Replace them with walkie talkies. Or Hoo Hoos.....
  2. Did I say Fox? I meant Al Jazeera of course. Not the America one either. Yup watch that while listening to NPR n reading Buzzfeed naturally.
  3. 2 whole years? That's cute. Were you amazed after, oh lets say 25 years of "investigating" another individual? Once again just curious. If Trump wasnt President we all know what we'd be reading about. Emails, servers, Benghazi.
  4. I'll watch it from time to time. I actually listen to fox radio a lot when I drive. Hannity n Rush are always good at getting my blood boiling durring the day.
  5. And what is it that conservative media does exactly? Certainly they have never painted any group with a "broad brush". Just curious if you have similiar issues with how they operate. Fact is one part of the voting populus gets their news and information from legitimate journalism. The other from a propaganda machine. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.newyorker.com/news/daily-comment/a-new-book-details-the-damage-done-by-the-right-wing-media-in-2016/amp
  6. Yeah the first month is free. I tried it out shortly after it launched. Definitely worth it just for all the new n old PPV.
  7. Nope. Had a Colorado license, tags, and was registered to vote. Was able to get everything when I moved there at age 20.
  8. Yes. I went to school in Colorado. Unless you move there with your parents earliest you can become a resident is your 23rd birthday. Also there were financial forms I had to fill out. Basically showing that the money I was using to pay my tuition was actually mine. Not from my folks or a trust from what I remember.
  9. He putting the avalanche and big splash on angels now. 😢
  10. UBI. Universal Bud Initiative. Subsidizes cannabis for the entire country.
  11. Moderate Democrats fall for it consistently tho. All so they can return to their districts to make claims of bipartisanship. Which results in even less work being done in both the House n Senate. Or worse Republicans actually passing legislation when they have the majority.
  12. Bill Barr quashes the Mueller report. Republicans rally around Trump. Trump is reelected in 2020. The nightmare continues. Seems o so possible at the moment.
  13. He's one of the orginal Mighty Ducks. Was the fat wisecrackin ginger kid from the sandlot not available for this?
  14. Oh she's trouble. Glad AOC is in office. Prolly need 50 more like her tho.
  15. Yes and yes. Don Jr n George Zimmerman seem to have made Skittles the prefered candy of racists. Which is unfortunate because it's a quality candy. Plus rainbows are awesome. Papa Johns is just ****ty food tho. They can have it.
  16. Climate change and threat of Nuclear annihilation are prolly 1a n 1b. Either one could be #1 tho.
  17. Never heard of it. Psychedelic? Chick I was seein back in the fall went to Asheville to do Kambo. The frog toxin thing. I don't think that's for me. Saw it on Hamiltons Pharmacopeia n essentially the toxin is rubbed into a burn wound on your skin. No thanks.
  18. Yup. First time I tried fungus I was 15. Ate prolly less than 1g. One of my favorite recreational activities. A low dose can easily change your life imo. Very much like what you've been describing in your posts. After a nearly 20 year hiatus of psychedelics I did some B+ last year. Went full Jupiter beyond the infinite. First did L when I was 16. Done it close to a dozen time. Mainly at concerts and national parks. I dont think I could handle it at my age tho.
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