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Captain Wiggles

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Everything posted by Captain Wiggles

  1. @Chew careful down there. Interested to know if you've ever tried fungus?
  2. Trump Tiger and Jack. Nicklaus gotta be like "da fuq yall pair me with these two?".
  3. Hes lost it. Talking bout moving existing border walls n fencing to Arizona and Texas. Or just tearing it down. Leadership 101.
  4. Can they pass another Amendment to essentially change Election Day? Similiar to how prohibition was ended. Oh and I absolutely hate the fact that the only constitutional amendment passed in my lifetime was/is about congessional salaries.
  5. Oh spirit of bipartisanship n whatnot. Now that would make WAY to much sense. Which is why Mitch McConnell wouldn't go for it and why I wouldn't suggest it. DOA... I mean it's not like Election Day is already a national holiday in some states. Wait.... It is? MITCH!!!!!!!!!!
  6. F that ya get big corporations ta sponsor Super Awesome America Voting Day brought to you by Snapchat. Capitalism won't be left out.
  7. None. No reason election day needs ta be the first tuesday of nov. Just seems easier to combine Veterans n Memorial day tho if Mitch McConnells concerns are truely financial. Especially now that Trump wants military parades on Veterans Day. Hold them in May like the Russians then. Get rid of Columbus day altogether as well if its truely a fiscal issue. Mitch is full of **** tho. He really just objects to more people voting.
  8. Voting Day needs work. Maybe Super Awesome America Day. Sorry Im not splainin to clear. Pretty much a Memorial/Veterans Day in May. Then a Super Awesome America Day in November for voting. Combine Veterans/Election day lose Columbus day would be a good option to. Mitch McConnell prolly isn't going to like any of these suggestions anyway tho dammit.
  9. To crazy an idea? To much like Independence Day but with voting?
  10. I don't see Xmas or NYD ever not being national holidays. Plus its not like Xmas and say Easter are national holidays. Combining Memorial day and Veterans day feels like the best solution. Or still honor veterans on Election day as well. No real reason not to imo. I mean unless people really are that attached to the 11/11/11 Armistice day thing.
  11. Veterans Day and Memorial Day are really the same thing at the end of the day. Veterans day already being in November makes it easy already. I'd be on board with scraping Columbus day as well.
  12. Good points. My HS also had a bible club. There was also a comparative religions class offered as an elective. I took it senior year but it was first period so I missed a lot of the classes. Got a F....
  13. Uh just combine Memorial day and Veterans day. Then make Election day a Federal Holiday. Why is this so difficult? It's a good thing for everyone.
  14. So the next 3 weeks will pretty much be about more Caravans and little else? Nice...
  15. Yes. Passing legislation to reform media in this country might be the only way to solve our current "fake news" crisis.
  16. Curious which Dems have reached out to the WH about providing funding for the wall?
  17. Roger Stones arrest was long overdue. Shoulda been behind bars forty years ago.
  18. Nah he's just an all round ****ty human being. Ok he's prolly a lil drunk. So this week its " Hypothetically possible the President colluded with a hostile foreign power. So what?". Next week it'll be " Yes the President did in fact collude with a hostile foreign power. So what? ". Sadly a third of the country will also agree with Rudy and say "so what?".
  19. That's the whole point of the article @twa posted imo. Shift blame away from the poor innocent white Catholic school boys. Which I find to be absolutely disgusting.
  20. $20 tax on porn is stupid. Makes sense tho to nickle n dime the consumer. Especially considering internet providers like Spectrum pay little to no taxes. Gotta make that tax revenue up somewhere. Mirite?
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