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Captain Wiggles

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Everything posted by Captain Wiggles

  1. Lazy and or incompetent is vastly different then criminal tho. I guess we do consistently elect all three types.
  2. If what Mueller said privately is true then the system is completely broken. There is apparently no congressional or judicial check on the office of the President. Any POTUS can do whatever they want without consequence. Even shoot someone in the middle of 5th Avenue.
  3. The headline is misleading. Do you really want to dispute that? "NYC To Ban Hot Dogs and Processed Meats To Improve Climate" Of course you do.
  4. Misleading headline is intentionally misleading. https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/did-nyc-ban-hot-dogs/
  5. Clearly humans survived the long night the last go round. No reason to think every human in Westeros and Essos would be killed.
  6. Why not? The long night lasted a generation and people clearly survived. A series in that setting, whether prequel or sequel, sounds awesome to me.
  7. The next four episodes each have a runtime of 80 minutes. They had a few episodes that were maybe 10 mins over the normal length but your right not to this extent. Or space docking....
  8. That's why the 10 episode per season has been frustrating as well. So much to fit in a short timeframe.
  9. The writers condensing the show into 8 seasons is certainly a problem. Not really sure why they chose to do that. The production is costly but hbo n the production team have made a ton off it. Not like the series isn't worthwhile for everyone involved. GRRM said the series should have been 12 seasons. Seems like so much was left out or just skipped.
  10. That'd be a pretty disappointing ending imo. It's something that's been done to death in so many stories. Good triumphs. Heroes, some from almost humble beginnings, others redeeming their families prevail. Super mega happy ending. Sing a song. Dance a dance. Cut to black. That's kinda why part of me wants the Night King to win. Doesn't kill all the characters and population. Ushers in the long night again. Sets up a sequel series with the remaining characters. Like After MASH but actually good and watchable. A prequel series has already been said to be in the works. That's also kind of disappointing. Mainly because prequels are generally bad with numerous plot holes. Hope that's not the case with the GoT series.
  11. I really hope you're wrong but that kind of ending definitely looks likely. Mainly because the plot twists GoT has been know for. Would be quite unsatisfying at this point to have such a predictable ending to the series.
  12. Militia group. 🙄 Reads more like the actions and plans of a domestic terrorist group.
  13. Why almost? The whole detention camp thing? No tropical drinks allowed?
  14. Of course this administration considered sending kids to GITMO. Surprised they haven't implemented that plan already.
  15. So anyone have any idea how much time has passed over the course of the series? It cant be to much since little Sam is still a baby right?
  16. So now its 18 angry Democrats instead of the previous 13 very angry Democrats. 🤔
  17. He can't tho since he's been marked. The Night King now not only can see him in the visions and disrupt them but knows where Bran is at all times. Plus isn't the Night King specifically after Bran now?
  18. I wonder what Melisandre is up to at this point in the story? 🤔
  19. Call Mueller to testify in front of Congress. Then move forward with impeachment. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.latimes.com/opinion/editorials/la-ed-mueller-congress-20190420-story.html%3foutputType=amp The Democratic leadership should move quickly on this. They've said numerous times they're the adults and that they can walk and chew gum at the same time. So prove it now.
  20. Good thing we had one o those revolution thingys so that we're not ruled by a king.
  21. Pretty much this is where I've been at for some time. There's no stopping Trump at this point. Who's going to stand up to him? Certainly no Republican in any real position of power and that's what's truly needed. Democrats seem to now be banking on the 2020 election. That's a losing strategy which is typical from the leadership in place. Pelosi, Hoyer, Schumer are weak and team Trump knows it. He'll be President for life before we know it.
  22. So basically the Mueller report is inconclusive? Even tho there was possible obstruction? Sounds about right.
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