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Everything posted by TradeTheBeal!

  1. I'm gonna need some Iceland gear...
  2. I've always stood for the anthem. I will always support the players right to express themselves on social issues. and......... I will always support the owners right to assert their ownership in regards to what they feel is best for their business. Also, It's not really possible for me to summon greater disdain for Jones/Snyder/Goodell/various ilk/etc than I currently possess. Soooo...today's events neither surprise nor enrage me. #hail #trumpsucks
  3. No boycott for me. I'll be at the game Sunday and I'll be standing.
  4. The idea that all political philosophies are equally devoid of merit because sexual deviancy occurs in all political philosophies is a deep flaw in our democracy. Single Payer + lap dance = Death Panels
  5. It's probably safe to assume that every skeezy, toadish movie mogul is a lecherous groper. Not just in LA, but in every city where they make movies worldwide since forever. There's at least 20 gimlets in Hong Kong that are applesauce knockoffs of a soup job like Weinstein, get it?
  6. There's probably been about, oh, 500 nationwide gatherings of peaceful pro-Confederate statue protestors over the past couple years. These folks would be a vastly more appropriate comparison vis a vis the NFL protests. They wave their flags and hand out their pamphlets and then move on with their lives. But we got Nazis on the brain. And we just can't get past it because...reasons.
  7. Says the dude who groups peaceful kneeling football players with armed Nazis every chance he gets.
  8. When you've been so deep in the GOP muck for so long that your natural reflex is to compare peaceful kneeling for equal rights to ARMED OPEN CARRY NAZI MARCHERS...repeatedly. The propangda is powerful. It just dominates so many minds.
  9. Remember...."Obama was the most divisive president ever".
  10. Why do Nazis love Robert E Lee so much? What's the appeal?
  11. Here's a bar full of prominent Republicans throwing up the Nazi salute during America the Beautiful. I bet our Anti-Kap guys will really get upset over this!!
  12. What is the proper show of respect when the Confederate flag is displayed?
  13. Stay safe Buzz! And hey Nate...bring us some rain brother!
  14. Are you seriously trying to gaslight me by comparing the Roanoke deal to the Sandy Hook madness? NRA/InfoWars/Stormfront doesn't spend a bit of its time crafting conspiracy theories that exonerate the Muslims that commit mass murders...NOT ONE BIT. This Vegas shooting will create a whole cottage industry of conspiracy vids for the next year or more. I know it and you know it and your post is intellectually dishonest. None of that has anything to do with what I'm talking about.
  15. It's amazing to see the conspiracy nuts swarm on this. It seems like anytime some white guy shoots a place up, there's gotta be a false flag. All other mass shootings? Totally on the level! But not the white guys...
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