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Everything posted by TradeTheBeal!

  1. "Pimpin ain't easy, but it's necessary." takes on new meaning when you see the way the NRA is pimping the hell out Kosher's trick ass in this thread.
  2. Repeated self-ownage is an interesting strategy for winning an argument. But I guess ya gotta go with what you do well.
  3. Coffee table?!? We getting gaslighted in here...by the dude that thinks BET and the African-American History museum is somehow racist. Thats some funny ****.
  4. Interesting stat about gun ownership these days: Although total guns owned in the US continues to increase significantly, the % of households owning at least one gun continues to fall. This indicates that most gun purchases are made by small segment of collectors, sportsmen and....psychopaths. Ownership of motorcycles and electric guitars follow similar trends.
  5. This would be a good moment to add that Obama was the most "divisive" president ever and also that the left is "intolerant"
  6. America bores me. It's just a big, loud, ****ty bonfire kegger that never ends.
  7. Not defending free speech today? Maybe tomorrow I guess...
  8. The sun is always shining on a Redskins fan...
  9. If Milo posts it, that's good enough for me! /grabs pitchfork
  10. I could easily make the case that Blade Runner is the greatest movie of all time. Maybe you had to be there in 1982?
  11. Dude, I can't watch that. You need to delete that mess.
  12. I admit to being a stickler regarding the actual musical performance. If you get too showy or melismatic with it, I will rain righteous digital condemnation down upon you until the end of time. Perhaps even from beyond the grave...
  13. I'm all for letting anybody do whatever they want during the anthem. I'm all about that sweet freedom! #myagenda
  14. https://www.dol.gov/general/topic/hiring/affirmativeact I'd say that Affirmative Action programs provide a host of benefits and opportunities to numerous segments of our population. And that's clearly the "agenda". And my agenda as well.
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