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Everything posted by TradeTheBeal!

  1. It's always interesting to hear lifer military guys offer commentary on real-world employment practices out here in the great civilian meritocracy. Its like if I picked up the phone and gave a NASA a call about their hiring practices based on my extensive car dealership and heavy metal band experience.
  2. It gets the individual in the interview process, and that's half the battle. Nothing is held over anybody's head. NFL coaching is a meritocracy. You can either do the job or you can't.
  3. Understanding that the Rooney Rule is not perfect...because nothing is perfect. How, pray tell, is it a "huge slap in the face" to anybody, much less black coaches?
  4. This movie. Holy **** this movie. Disorienting, immersive, and pure evil. There's a reason it's 99% on RT. I've never seen anything quite like it. Highly recommended!
  5. Finally! This will prove to be an invaluable reference.
  6. A lifetime spent stomping on the little people can definitely have a negative effect on your arch support.
  7. But Trump didn't do it because he's a racist, he did because he loves the military so much! So much that he dodged the draft 5 times.
  8. We have now entered the "what about that t-shirt" phase of obfuscation. Beware the gallop, @Llevron. https://rationalwiki.org/wiki/Gish_Gallop
  9. When you're such a "history buff" you can shoehorn the Barbary Pirates into an anthem discussion. But your knowledge on Cuba apparently only goes back to 1960.
  10. Russia still small change compared to the NRA. Agree with your second point.
  11. So all those "angry 30-something veteran yells at you about government elites while fondling guns in the crew cab of his Dodge Ram" vids on Facebook...those are mostly Russian propaganda, right?
  12. Thats true. In the early 19th century, the United States aided in a war to bring about the end of white/Euro slavery in North Africa. We remained a bit more conflicted about the practice here at home...for a few more generations at least.
  13. This is somewhat akin to listening to a cat walk across a piano. There are notes being played, chords even, and the cat is very friendly...but Mr. whiskers should probably stick to chasing mice.
  14. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Word_salad http://www.nmai.si.edu/ http://www.janm.org/ Funniest post in a long time. Thanks for the laugh, Kosh!
  15. Yup. Gotta do what's right for the business...or the team.
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