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Everything posted by JCB

  1. Alas, that's shockingly commonplace idiocy. I love how the dude plays the history card in the service of a flamboyantly ahistorical deep dive into stupid.
  2. You know, I'm not on social media so there's probably a lot of plans and so forth already underway, and I just don't know about them. But at times like this, it sure would be great to have a big-ass, anti-racist march in the ol' hometown. Like, let's all get together in our millions and demonstrate, simply by our numbers, that America is better than this. Because I need to feel like it is.
  3. Absolute madness. I'm sorry but the GOP just has to ****ing die. Anyone who thinks this is a deviation, some kind of exception, needs to read up on their history. This is just an amplification of the racism that's been the GOP's stock in trade for a loooong time. Whose ****ing "blood and soil" ***holes? Native Americans? The slaves who built the White House? Sick of this ****. The only way forward is to own the past. This country was founded as a racial settler state, and there is still THAT blood in the soil.
  4. Whoa, have y'all seen this? I'm appalled! Death panels are inevitable. Let's take it to the streets. https://autoinsurance.com/driving-uninsured-penalties
  5. Boy, that little ***** with the sign needs to be decked.
  6. Yeah, I watched the new Inhumans trailer with hope ... ugh.
  7. Ain't it true? First time I'd smoked in many years was at a beer tasting a while back, so I was already warmed up. After maybe 2 good hits I was flying. I couldn't even talk. Potato chips saved me.
  8. Actually, Orwell was pretty clear about obfuscation and facts. Might not have been the best way to try advancing your point.
  9. Absolutely monstrous that some are "no" votes on this because it's "not conservative enough." Again and again we see that the long con of the Reagan "revolution" is to persuade people that government as such is the enemy. The basic social goods of a decent society are therefore identified as "handouts," "socialism," or pretty much just pick your bumper sticker. I wonder what would be "conservative enough"? I mean you can't just hand people a First Aid kit and see "good luck, mate" because that's "socialism" too. Where is the outcry when "big government" fills your pothole or delivers your mails? And nobody ever took to the streets about fines for no auto insurance?
  10. Spiff, I went to college with a dude who smoked so much dope with his friends one night that they actually stole one of the bells they used to have out front of Taco Bells. They put that thing in the trunk of their Plymouth Valiant or whatever, and the trunk was hugging pavement, sending up enough sparks so that they got pulled over by the cops. "You boys wouldn't happen to know anything about a missing bell from the Taco Bell would you?" "No sir!" Good times . . .
  11. Jeff Sessions is reading this thread. DO NOT ANSWER!
  12. There oughtta be a special room in hell for McConnell. Aside from the absolutely atrocious bill itself, the remarkable contempt for transparency in procedure is . . . oh wait, I forgot that that's par for the course these days.
  13. Thumbs up to that idea, SGP. Shine a light on these ****roaches.
  14. Just wanna say that Larry's numeric rundown should be stickied on page 1!
  15. Obviously we don't yet know how the actual hearing will go tomorrow (even if we have strong predictive possibilities for particular folks in the room), but it's worth pointing out that reactions so far are largely engaged with the written statement, which has been out since early evening. The Wittes piece is worth reading very closely, as are those of the other respondents. The 7-page Comey statement is embedded there too: https://lawfareblog.com/initial-comments-james-comeys-written-testimony
  16. If the Russian prostitutes testify (and hey, it's absurd but I'll pile on), it is ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY for all true Americans to start a Kickstarter fund to bring P**** Riot over to perform outside the Capitol.
  17. Apologies if I missed this somewhere in the thread, but Malcolm Nance (yes he's an MSNBC expert, but he's an intelligence expert and former U.S. Navy senior chief petty officer in naval cryptology) said this a few days ago on Chris Hayes' show: "I’d like to put this into a better perspective for the audience, because I understand that, you know, everyone wants to be a little cautious about this. And we should be cautious about it — it needs to have the amount of respect that’s due, due to this breaking news."But had any individual, other than these individuals who worked immediately for President Trump, performed these actions at any time in the SF-86 security clearance process, they would have immediately had their clearances pulled. They would have had their jobs terminated. Some of these contacts are so suspicious that they would have warranted their own counterintelligence investigation. This nation is in a counterintelligence investigation. They are in a spy hunt over at the FBI, and now we have this story, should it prove true, of an American citizen who is the senior adviser to the president of the United States, attempting to establish what we call in the intelligence community “covert communications” with a hostile nation’s potential intelligence agency or senior leadership. "That brings you — that crosses the line to the Espionage Act of 1917. This cannot be explained. Put aside the other 18 contacts with Moscow — this one incident requires Jared Kushner and all of his immediate staff to have their clearances pulled right now, and to have the FBI descend on there and to determine whether this is hostile intelligence in the White House, one step from the president."
  18. To your point, Jumbo: https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/europe/european-leaders-fear-trumps-political-chaos-is-undermining-us-power/2017/05/18/2152eee2-3a47-11e7-a59b-26e0451a96fd_story.html?utm_term=.64607304f4d3
  19. You know it, dude. Even GOP-appointed intelligence community folks are in on the fix.
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