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Everything posted by MartinC

  1. You are WAY out there on this. I lean to Maye but you are so far out there against Jayden I have to ask if he ran over your dog?
  2. IMO you are reading way too much into this. It's more a firecracker than a nuclear bomb. It means close to zero in terms of what we do in the draft in my view.
  3. Its a like on a tweet. I would bet we have spent a lot more time thinking about this than his agent did (which is probably a mistake on the agents part - but we all make them). Taken at face value at worst it says the agent is not a fan of the way we managed the visit schedule, many on here agree with that. What does any of that have to do with us drafting or not drafting Daniels - close to zero IMO.
  4. Then he's in the wrong job. The more likely explanation is people are reading WAY to much into all this. When is the draft again? roll on ..
  5. That's not a system that works well for the over 40 crowd. Let alone over 50 ...
  6. The situation a QB is drafted into and how they are developed matters a massive amount. To your specific question/point above I recall watching Rodgers play in the preseason of his rookie year. He was awful - looked like a deer in headlights. If he'd been asked/forced to play early who knows how his career would have gone - he certainly looked like he would have struggled a lot as a rookie. Instead he got to sit and learn for basically 3 full seasons before he started in his 4th year. Impossible to say how things would have changed of course - but high probability things would have changed in multiple ways.
  7. So it really comes down to which one fits the offense you want to run better. Or (better) which one you think you can design the most effective (long term) offense around. You can see what we would run around Daniel’s - lots of zone read/RPO with quick game/screens and built in deep shots. Maye a more consistently vertical passing game with lots of deep overs, digs and skinny posts and play action off a power/gap/inside zone running scheme. Much less quick game. Which do we believe gives us the best chance to win over the long term - not just year one or two? Because we need to build a roster around whoever we pick and on the offensive side they need to fit what we are going to do. Which will be very different depending which QB we take. (None of the above is really Air Raid - but we don’t believe from what has been said that we will running pure Air Raid.)
  8. So did the Panthers and most draft ‘experts’. Just shows - you are basically betting the house and your 401K on red against black.
  9. I continue to repeat we are fortunate to have a choice of two blue chip prospects at a position we have a huge need.
  10. That’s the plan everywhere. But to paraphrase Mike Tyson everyone has a plan until it’s 3rd and long and your left tackle can’t block their DE.
  11. I’m not as sure as you that Maye is such a superior pick. I do think Maye is a better prospect - but I don’t think he is ‘way better’. It’s not that clear cut - it almost never is grading and drafting QBs. You/we really don’t have any other option. Well apart from stopping watching/caring. What we think plus $5 will buy you a latte.
  12. I broadly agree with you on the reasons for Maye over Daniels - that’s why I lean towards him. But I still think if you can feel good about a player at 3 you can feel good about him at 2. Let’s be honest. There are some very bright people in this thread who spend a lot of time watching prospects. I respect their opinions. But none of them/us are qualified to really grade QB prospects, or have the access needed to meet and work out the players in person even if they were. Even the very best evaluators out there are basically betting on black against red making this pick. I just think we are fortunate to have three blue chip QB prospects in a draft we pick 2nd overall and have a huge need at the position. We just have to trust the people paid to make this choice. Then remember that the success of whoever they pick will be to a large extent a product of what’s around him - and then what’s between his ears (which no one can really judge until it’s too late).
  13. This makes no sense to me. I lean toward Maye but think Daniel’s is also a very strong option. There are others who don’t rate Daniel’s highly and I can totally respect that opinion. I assume those posters would not want us to pick Daniel's if we were picking 3rd overall. But if you think he’s worth the third overall pick being concerned if we took him one pick earlier does not seem very logical to me.
  14. Below average arm, and really poor footwork are not a good combination. Add in he tends to miss high and can’t drive the ball on outs or stick throws and that explains his high turnover rate. He’s a practice squad type guy. Think Jake Fromm but with better hair.
  15. Depends what else they do re the roster development and coaching job. Should John Lynch and Kyle be fired? But a lot has to go right to survive a QB picked at #2 busting. I watched quite a bit of ND football last year. Hartman is not an NFL calibre QB. Hes going to be a much better shampoo commercial guy than QB.
  16. The in person meetings next week are a crucial part of the process. They could swing is one way or another - or just confirm the way we were already leaning. That’s partly why all the angst in this thread about a decision that is still not made is way premature.
  17. Rule changes to protect QBs certainly mean QBs don’t take hits to the head or below the knees like back in the day (well not nearly as much). But they absolutely still take a beating standing in making throws. Heck just think of some of the shots Sam Howell took last year. Playing QB from within the pocket in the NFL is still a significant physical challenge.
  18. A fair percentage of posters in this thread seem to be assuming it’s happening. Not all of them seem fine with it mind you. I lean Maye but think we are in the very fortunate position of having two blue chip QB prospects to choose from. I’m relaxed about this - have to trust people being paid a lot of money to do the analysis and make the decision.
  19. It would shock the hell out of me. It’s going to come down to Daniel’s versus Maye. I suspect it’s a very close evaluation - maybe Daniel’s is ahead by a nose based on the smoke. They both have in person visits - how those go will be huge and could tip this one way or another. Also for those already calling a decision to draft Daniel’s over Maye a ‘disaster’ - can we let whoever we draft take a couple of snaps before we start talking about ‘disasters’?
  20. We have an away game against the Cardinals in AZ this year. My home patch! I will be attending and look forward to maybe meeting some of you around that game.
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