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Everything posted by MartinC

  1. That’s kind of on you, not him. I get people don’t always have time to get into a long post. Save it for when you do. I appreciate someone actually putting time into some meaningful analysis.
  2. You think who we pick will be influenced by rumours or reports of what other teams think we will pick?? If that's true we hired the wrong GM and HC. I dont think its true. I think our front office will make their decision based on our grades and who we feel fits best in what we want to do offensively. The smoke is more for fans to chew on as we wait for the draft!
  3. Part of what makes the evaluation of Daniels difficult IMO is so often his first read is open. In that situation it’s not his fault he’s not getting off the first read - he’s doing what’s he supposed to! There are cases where he gets to his second and third reads though so I think people labeling him a ‘1 read and run’ guy are being unfair. My issue is there is not much film of him throwing with anticipation or fitting it into tight windows and when he does run his eyes drop and he is just not looking to throw. That and while he has an NFL arm his deep ball and outside the numbers throws show he doesn’t have a plus NFL arm.
  4. None of these guys know. They don’t have inside info like that - and if they did there is no chance they are giving it away in interviews (or anywhere else) or they would be frozen out of whatever relationships they have. As in most professions/business relationships are everything.
  5. Having just been through an acquisition by a PE firm, dealing with being merged into a new org along with another company they also bought (our old biggest competitor) and dealing with some super bright guys from massive consultancy firms ‘helping’ us through all this - I feel this to my core right now 😂
  6. We had a thread years ago doing just that (but it was more than one game). I remember doing Jake Locker (I was right) and Blaine Gabbert (I was wrong). Part of the problem - apart from the time - is that it’s hard to get enough cuts ups. The other issue is what we think plus $5 gets you a latte.
  7. Not quite sure what the laugh is for. I’m agreeing you have to look beyond how a player is used and scout traits. When I look at JJ I just don’t see anything special in that regard. That doesn’t mean he couldn’t end up being the best QB in this draft, but I just don’t see anything like the ceiling with JJ you see with Williams, Maye and Daniel’s.
  8. It’s really really hard. Think about your own life and people you know and work with and how hard it is to really know what makes them tick and how/what they think when you first meet them. You only get to know that when you spend real time with them. In the context of drafting a QB you can talk to people who have been around them going back to kindergarten, but you wont know how someone in their early 20’s who has worked really hard to get to the NFL and been a poster child for work ethic is going to react to becoming a millionaire and all that comes with being an NFL big name. Is getting to the NFL and the big contract their Everest? Or is being a great NFL QB and winning Championships once they get there their Everest? Wont know that until you get them in the building.
  9. Seriously, you don’t see the difference between ability/trait and the system they played in and how they were used? Fields always had elite rushing ability. It didn't suddenly develop when he got to the NFL, it just wasn’t used much in College.
  10. You think he magically became an elite runner when he got to the NFL? That some amazing coaching.
  11. If you scout them by stats they were. That’s not how you scout. Fields was and is an elite runner.
  12. 100% agree. We are all a product of what’s naturally inside us plus our environment.
  13. I liked Haskins coming out. Didn’t want us to trade up for him but I was OK we took him. He had the tools. He played well late his rookie year when O’Connell was given the keys to the offense. I wanted us to keep KOC as OC and thought Haskins had a chance. I totally got why we passed on QBs that next draft. Didnt work out. In hindsight what doomed Haskins was between his ears - he just wasn’t wired to want to be great and to put the work in to be a great NFL QB. It’s that ‘want to’ and the desire that drives guys to work incredibly hard and demand that from everyone around them that will determine which, if any, of the QBs in this draft become great. Both Maye and Daniels have the skill set to be All Pros. Figuring out what’s between their ears is key.
  14. This bit stands out. It’s just wrong. Fields is more like Allen as a runner. He's going to help you when you get close to the endzone or need to pick up a first down
  15. You have to be kidding me. He may not have been used as much as runner in College but he’s elite as runner. Elite. There are three QBs who have run for 1k in a season in the NFL. Vick, Jackson and Fields. That’s the list.
  16. Is anyone so invested in a single player they will cheer against the other guy and hope he fails if ‘their guy’ isn’t the pick? That would be strange.
  17. McCarthy might end up being a better pro QB than Maye but if you wanted to hold a convention for all the people who believe McCarthy has better arm talent than Maye you could hold it in a phone booth. (Assuming phone booths are still a thing)
  18. OK I will cave. Egg related story. I was at Logan Airport not that long ago and sat in one of the cafe type places for breakfast. The breakfast menu had one option which included 'eggs anyway you like them'. "Can I have them poached?" I asked. Complete look of confusion on the waitresses face. I don't think she had ever heard of poaching an egg as a cooking technique or thought that it was some kind of communist plot. It eventually became clear that what 'any way you like' meant was over easy or sunny side up.
  19. I'm on with IT right now asking if there is some kind of mass ban tool they could build ... I dont know that I would call $8m per game 'cheap'! But I guess they can get out of it for not very much if they decide he's just worth that at any point between now and the end of the season.
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