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Everything posted by skinfan2k

  1. yeah home opener for sure and the thursday night bears game. not sure what else.
  2. i have a 09 lexus and 05 pilot and both are running great so thats why i dont want to get a new car
  3. skinfan2k


    Anyone have one of those mats to practice that has sand, rough and a fairway? Does anyone meet up and play in howard, pg or montgomery county?
  4. I'm really debating to buy one now after i sat in my friend's car. It just looks so nice and easy
  5. RFK is happening but its going to be the Wharf 2.0 where that will be the main factor/interest of that area and the stadium is a side thought. (similiar to the anthem)
  6. Which games? and what site?
  7. It will take a full 2-3 seasons to build something and we still got 1-2 more years of negotiations for where it will be
  8. Ticket prices jumped around 25% since the sales announcment. crazy to see 2nd hand marketplace prices now
  9. just got back from a 9 day safari in kenya. what an amazing trip! i'm also ready to play in my first sanctioned pickleball tournament tmrw
  10. The cleaner stuff ill keep but there is alot of worn out **** i think i might donate
  11. What is everyone doing with their old redskins gear?? throwing it or donating it?
  12. does that deal still exist to get @xbox game pass for $1 if you buy live for 12 months?
  13. a New owner would def need to be chosen before the new league year. I wonder how this impacts FA and this coaching regime. Does new ownership allow Ron to go after a vet or force him to see what they go in Howell?
  14. Looks like I'm doing maybe 3 road games and 0 home games. Seattle, Denver and NE!
  15. anyone play pickleball in MoCO or HoCo? We can meet up at dilldinkers one of these days
  16. zero chance that happens with a new owner who has a stadium deal in place
  17. Peterson has Jacksonville on the up. Lawerence is looking like the #1 pick. Viks won their division and Dobell got the giants to 10 games after a piss poor 5 years.
  18. did they hire anyone? Turner isn't anyone who is getting paid like Tuner or JDR
  19. Zero chance any changes are going to be made. We aren't going to eat or take on any salaries for new coaches and or players. AKA daron payne isn't coming back
  20. Jay Gruden didnt have total control and still won despite this trash. He developed Kirk and had Garcon and Jackson and Reed. Bruce didnt want to pay any of those players
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