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The 12th Commandment

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Everything posted by The 12th Commandment

  1. Good Post DogofWar1. What if the motivation is just trying not to add to the additional problems that a theoretical mother with small children who has lived a hell, the last few years, that none of us could ever imagine, already has. You know, humanity and all that. Never figured myself for much of a bleeding heart but that must be how I seem to many, I guess. I don't have a problem with taking some risk, and I acknowledge that it's real and it's there but it seems relatively small in this case, in order to help some people that really, really need it.
  2. The US Congress. The one that has a 15% approval rating. You sir are
  3. Do you imagine the imam taking the childs $20 in the story above your post equates Islam with cutting off heads and blowing up innocents?
  4. Refugees don't go and live with random families. Who told you that's how it works? We put them up, in their own lodging, for a very limited time and then they're responsible for themselves.
  5. I'm going to take you to task on this one. For one of my fellow dems to go to the secure the border thing strikes too close to the other sides argument that we should use the money for homeless vets. It's a bit disingenuous unless you've been arguing for a border wall which I don't think you have been. I certainly haven't. Being a resident of a free country in this world comes with some risk. We should minimize it but we can't eliminate it. PS - I LOVE THE SIG!
  6. And you're convinced by what, that we aren't doing that now? The plethora of attacks on our homeland during the last 7 years? Not to suggest that we shouldn't always try to acquire more and better intelligence. I agree with that. I don't agree that it comes from spying on ourselves.
  7. Our We're not going to come out of this unscathed regardless. You really naive enough to think we could? I'm curious what sort of "internal security" you suggest we need?
  8. Charlie and the Chocolate Factory is one that should have been left alone for sure. Gene Wilder is Willy Wonka. This looks promising
  9. http://www.smithsonianmag.com/history/us-government-turned-away-thousands-jewish-refugees-fearing-they-were-nazi-spies-180957324/
  10. It occurs to me how lucky we were that not a single one of the european immigrants coming to the us turned out to be criminals, anarchists, labor activists or heaven forbid, commies.
  11. I'm sure he fancies himself a right proper tough guy. That they're ruled, seemingly consumed, by fear of the not-very-likely completely escapes these geniuses.
  12. We give billions a year to Israel a very rich country. Nothing against Israel and I wouldn't turn it down either. Just an example of the one of the thousands of others areas we waste money on that could be better spent helping vets and Americans. Immigrants in your scenario are just the very lowest of the low hanging fruit around. Nobody with any power standing up for them.
  13. The knee jerk right wing (not all but a vocal and powerful faction) always seems to be happy punishing the majority to make sure that the miniscule minority with bad intentions doesn't get over on them. The screeds about the food stamp recipient buying lobster right in front of them in the checkout line are just the same. They were against letting the women and children immigrants from central america last year because some of them had cooties for heaven's sake. How did they grow up to be such pussies in the same country I grew up in? This right here is one of the saddest examples of lousy Americans I ever saw. Turns my stomach. http://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2014/07/02/327738660/protesters-turn-back-buses-of-immigrant-detainees-near-san-diego
  14. I was just going to say something similar. And Covenant? I'm ok with that as long as Master Chief is involved.
  15. I'll go with chuck eyes anytime they look decent. Sometimes they're a little sketch (especially the one under the label) but they taste just like ribeye. Nothing wrong with them at all. The are great for shish kabobs because one is too small and two is just a little too much. Cutting em up solves that problem.
  16. Seeing as how Abrams didn't even like Star Trek, I'm betting it was him. http://articles.latimes.com/2013/may/14/entertainment/la-et-st-jj-abrams-star-wars-versus-star-trek-jon-stewart-20130514 Have to keep an eye on this.
  17. This thread prompted me to play Alien Isolation again. What a good addition to this franchise. By far the scariest video game I've played and it captures the feel of the original movie very closely. I love it even if it is a little slow at times and drags on longer than it might have. Looking forward to both of these new movies.
  18. I knew when word of this show first came out that she would be front and center. Hope Sutter has a happy home front at least. What they did with her ruined SOA.
  19. Well, seeing as how I like my **** it goes to figure I wouldn't like a show with Katey Segal and Otto executing it.
  20. I would've thought a little angry white woman standing in front of the perps to be a plus for the cops' picture.
  21. I checked out Extant and after a slow start I was impressed with season 1. Halle Berry with short hair is always a good thing. Then we get to season 2. Wow, what a colossal fail. It turned from a fairly serious, grounded show about some interesting scfi themes into a sort of bounty hunter of future thriller with major characters doing 180's or disappearing entirely and new ones added. The Gov from WD is actually a decent addition but he would've been in the old show too. And Halle has long hair now.
  22. Lanky fighter like Gonzales always seem to do well against those little stocky guys like Frampton.
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