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The 12th Commandment

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Everything posted by The 12th Commandment

  1. Living near El Paso, Texas has always been, to me, more liberal than NM. Used to be a lower drinking age, sales on Sunday, head shops and strip clubs etc. That enlightenment ends by about Midland/Odessa till you get to the big cities. Can't say I ever suffered for fun things to do when I've visited including my share of morning red beers.
  2. If people were robots you could teach them all kinds of neat tricks. Robots don't have a day when they've been all night with a sick kid, or a boss who's riding their ass for nonsense or any other irritants which routinely make analog people cranky and unable to reign in their irritation. Cops are the same when they're off duty (as a property tax guy I dealt with a few) so they should be taught to be a little more understanding and that they should work for people not against them. Not to suggest that cooperative and polite isn't the best course of action, it is. Just we're all human.
  3. Both cops are mexican, as are a large portion of our cops, and the victim is white.
  4. There hasn't been any support at all for these guys with the public. But there also hasn't been any outcry of racial motives. I'll be curious to hear their explanation come the trial.
  5. These two cops in my home town got fired for this just recently. They're being indicted too. http://www.abqjournal.com/590247/news/nm-attorneys-to-prosecute-las-cruces-police-officers-for-alleged-brutality.html
  6. NM Is very heavily Catholic, we still have blue laws though they've been whittled down over the years to not selling liquor before noon on Sunday, so I can understand that. Up until about 15 or 20 years ago they didn't sell on sunday at all. We used to routinely drive to Texas to buy beer on sunday, thankful we had that option where I live. But having special stores, with what I assume must be bad hours, bad prices and bad service, to sell booze. Maybe it has to do with moonshine or something? That was never a thing here.
  7. You guys back east have some weird screwed up laws. Can't buy beer at the grocery store? Who the hell ever thought that was a good idea and why did anyone vote for them?
  8. So you're saying you think he didn't have the power to detain her and made a bad decision thinking he did. I kinda think he did have that power. Gotta keep order and it was starting to get a little disordered. As to the method, I'm smaller than that cop and if my niece were to get uppity, who's the same size as the girl, and I absolutely had to, I would 'detain' her with a whole lot less force. Or my sister would righteously kick my ass. Cops should think of all 100lb 14 year old girls in bikinis as their niece, it would save a lot trouble all the way around.
  9. So your point is that it's a personnel issue and not a criminal one? Isn't the manner in which he detained her, even if he had the right to, a legal issue too? That was ridiculously brutal, at least to me, and risked putting his jurisdiction in jeopardy for some serious damages had she been hurt. That puts some limits on his power, doesn't it?
  10. They do look like Fremen who were a pretty bad ass warrior society but they don't look like Klingons to me. Too much time spent with the Worf variety I guess.
  11. No doubt, the stones it takes for him to suggest that the arrests are evidence of FIFA's cracking down on corruption...it's just mind boggling.
  12. Yah, dammit. These companies come up with good stuff, get you all invested in their environment and then announce they are going stop supporting it. It should work ok even after they stop support but the guide will be an issue I hear. I suppose I'll try xmbc on the side and see how it is. Or look into something like the Tablo. Media Center is soo good though. I'm kinda sold on the htpc thing. Pausing a stream and opening a tab to check the news or ES is something I've come to depend on. I admit I have the attention span of a gnat.
  13. Nope, it's easy. Windows Media Center (or XMBC? and other media softwares) download the guides and you set up a schedule same as I did with my Dtv box. It's actually easier to use and set up better. I have one antenna split for two feeds so I can watch and record. You can have more feeds than that if you want. You do have to leave your computer on of course. This guy explains other options, a device for just over the air. http://techcrunch.com/2015/02/20/diary-of-a-cord-cutter-in-2015-part-3-using-an-over-the-air-dvr/#.dp3p5m:V9tp
  14. And you have those wonderful advertisements. Those, specifically the ungodly amount of an hour they now take up (greedy bastiches), were one of my prime motivators. I watch what I want when I want and I don't have to pay attention to fastforwarding 5 times a show. Many different options are available to stream, most of them are very user friendly. As much so as a cable box when you first get it. The amount and quality of documentaries on the streaming services blows away the reality crap they show on discovery and history. Amazon has a series on Europe which I find fascinating and had never seen anything about Europe's natural features anywhere else. Learned about the silly Germans thinking racoons were a good idea for a transplant, among all kinds of other fascinating things. Sports is really the only reason left to pay for sat/cable. Just about everything else is available cheaper and without commercials (or at worst the limited commercials on hulu which suck but are no where near as numerous as cable). Paying $100+/month and suffering through commercials? That's become masochistic to my way of thinking. I do seriously miss the NFL Network but I figure it will work itself out as more people move to only streaming.
  15. http://www.today.com/news/bernard-kerik-americas-legal-system-prison-felony-conviction-life-sentence-t11771 Bernie Kerik, the ultimate screw (no offense PK), on being a prisoner and the prison system in general. Pretty much spot on what GACOLB says.
  16. http://www.cnn.com/2015/04/11/us/arizona-parking-lot-brawl-video/index.html A police shooting that's clearly justified. They would have been justified in shooting the lot of them.
  17. Closing credits. Also awesome, the big curl on the commercial breaks which are the only commercial breaks in existence that I'm glad they keep on a commercial free showing. That theme makes the hair stand up on the back of my neck similar to what I feel listening to old Priest. Utterly awesome.
  18. Probably the greatest cop show of all time. Without doubt the greatest tv show theme music. Plus that opening montage.
  19. Tried a 6 of Sierra Nevada "Nooner" pilsner and I'll be buying more. Pretty strong on the hops, kinda piney and different than most pils' but nice and crisp. http://www.sierranevada.com/beer/year-round/nooner-pilsner
  20. Amazon prime picked up some of the shows they had pilot episodes for. Kind of a cool way of doing things, show the pilot and let people show they like it. Even if they don't pay too much attention to the general public's opinion, it's smart to give to the illusion. I voted for Bosch, Titus Welliver who's a great actor, from the Michael Connelly books and now it's on. They picked up a few other shows which I'll have to check out. I was hoping they would go forward with Bosch it's really an excellent show.
  21. You need to use photobucket or some other online picture service. Upload the pic and then use the link to that pic.
  22. . KP baby! My best discovery of '14. Me and my buddies missed it somehow. Quotes from the show have littered our conversation for months now.
  23. Couple hundred pounds is a whole passel of those east Texas whitetails! I'm jealous. I would never cook backstrap or tenderloin any way but medium rare on the grill. Save the slow cooking for the cuts that really need it. Which is all the rest of the deer after those two cuts. I like it marinated in italian dressing.
  24. I want to see how customizable the packages are. If there is a good selection and you get 12 channels for $20 that might be the start of something. As it's described it seems like the same old thing of one or two good channels packaged with stuff I don't want. It's pretty simple for me, I want FX, USA, CW, NFL Network and ESPN. That's pretty much it. I'd pay $20 a month for those five. Four bucks a month/channel seems on the high end of reasonable for channels I really want. I sure wouldn't pay that much for marginal programming though.
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