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The 12th Commandment

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Everything posted by The 12th Commandment

  1. http://www.msnbc.com/shift/watch/live-fbi-update-on-oregon-arrests-609923651685 FBI Press Conference
  2. Mechanic's Lien They don't transfer ownership of the property just an interest in it that must be released before ownership can transfer (sell). That's why it's possible to only find out 10 years later when some title company looks into it as part of a sale. The history of real property rights and interests is more interesting (npi) than you might think.
  3. Can't pull adverse possession on the Feds, much as Bundy etal would like people to believe so. I do have the right to camp for 14 days at a time though. I could make dinner time for his cows awful unpleasant. <old devil smiley> I wouldn't want to go near the private part of his ranch. I figure those hills have eyes.
  4. The NM rancher's spread is not too far from me. I have a strong urge to go camp on his Forest Service allotment and raise a ruckus.
  5. I want to know why the rest of the tax paying stand up American public land ranching community isn't coming out in mass protest against this. You know, kinda like how all Muslims everywhere need to personally (best if done daily in a public forum) disavow terrorism done in the name of Islam. Public land ranchers only live by our hand (the private portion of the vast majority of those ranches could only handle a couple dozen cows) That they've done so profitably for a lot of years is a credit to their lobbying efforts past and present. That they'll continue to do so as other uses like wildlife viewing and recreation in general become more valuable, is in no way assured.
  6. That was a sad thing to see about POI. I've been binging on last season and it's been very good. I'll miss it.
  7. Another season of Marco Polo coming on Netflix. Excellent show. Right now they have up an origin story for Hundred Eyes. It's really good and will get you pumped for another season. He is one badass mamba jamba.
  8. Here's the thing, the Oregon ranchers aren't armed, aren't at the facility and are in jail on charges of arson. Not refusing to pay. The Bundy's in Nevada refused to pay and they are armed at the facility in Oregon. It's so logical.
  9. I agree, a tactic that's commonly referred to in the west as lettin em fester
  10. I love the way they're doing it. This isn't a government office that sees any traffic in the off season so it's not like any business is being stymied. Right now the smartest thing to do is to cut the power and communications, stop anyone coming in to resupply them and wait a while. I just hope they don't have to have 400 highly paid feds sitting around the whole time as a just in case. The next idiot will undoubtedly present a different situation and hopefully they come up with the smart thing to do for that one also. These idiots crave pics of them being led off in cuffs by jackbooted government thugs. Don't give them that.
  11. I think he's treating them, as a group that doesn't like his authority, the way he would like other authorities (local PDs) to treat groups that don't like them. In english, it's a good example for white cops who patrol black areas. The president should be a good example and I'm proud of him for it. Sorry for being moderate, I know it's not as fun. All the tough talk is cool, we need an intangible outlet for those inclinations, but bombing them or other overt displays of power are counterproductive so long as they're not a threat to anyone. Follow up with the law. Bundy pisses me off because they still haven't done anything to the fool. I hope that's not the case this time.
  12. One of the reasons the price is so low, besides a really good lobby, is that there is some inherent risk involved. That risk revolves around the weather and by association the quality of the rangeland. When it doesn't rain, as it hasn't been in the west up until this El Nino we're seeing, the number of cows they can graze on their allotments goes down accordingly. Goes to figure of course, less grass can provide food for less cows. I saw the ranchers revolt against "tyrannical" federal management back in the nineties when we last had a drought (also cured by El Nino).
  13. Here in Southern New Mexico there is much of that rangeland that still hasn't recovered. It never will. Chihuahua Desert grassland turned to mesquite coppice dune desert. I talk with ranchers today, and I do fairly often, and they're all about being the stewards of the land. And they mostly are, but they don't consider that only came about because of regulations. My geography of the west proff in college described their (public land ranchers) attitude towards the government very succinctly, give me my check and leave me alone.
  14. Middle aged white guy version of a rap battle going on here.
  15. If the IRS accepts lesser payment that what you owe, due to a clerical error or whatever, they will figure it out and come back to get the rest. What possible excuse should a rancher who is getting forage at a highly subsidized rate, from me and you, have for expecting more lenient treatment from the feds? Ingrates of the highest order. They do disservice to 2nd Amnd proponents, public land ranchers and people that may have a legitimate beef with the feds.
  16. Yeah, but it also involves actually having a legitimate beef with the government. It's not an excuse to petulantly react like a bunch of teenagers whose parents gave them a curfew.
  17. In general it's better not refreeze meat although I don't think it's for health reasons necessarily, more for the taste and consistency. If you are going to cook it into something spicy after you thaw it again it shouldn't be a big deal. The fat is a harder one. You're thinking to mince the bacon real fine and mix it in? I've never done that and I'm not sure how well it would work. It would suck to find raw bacon pieces in the middle of a medium cooked deer. You don't want to overcook the venison either. Medium at most, better on the rare side.
  18. Usually they mix some beef tallow in when the grind it. If so, deer burgers are hard to beat otherwise it is kind of dry if cooked without some kind of sauce. Chili con carne comes to mind. I just took a package of ground elk out of the freezer yesterday so I'm fixing to have some of that - 15% beef fat. ​?don't know why this came out bold letters?
  19. I'm with you. I actually had invited friends over to watch the game before it dawned on me that it was on the NFL Network which I no longer have. Penguinskins (or whatever her name is bless her heart) in the annual where to watch thread provided the best link I ever watched. My friends didn't even know it was a hinky stream till I told them. Reddit seems to be the source for links to really high quality streams for all kinds of sporting events.
  20. That's a hard thing to determine before the fact. We don't provide enough money to have all potential LEOs undergo the sort of testing battery that would indicate whether they're suitable or not. A fact of life is that we are going to have cops that can't handle the stress. Seems to me the answer is not requiring the impossible but dealing with the reality by way of regulation, training and oversight.
  21. Netflix's Making a Murderer is very good. I can't overstate how pleased I was to find this tidbit when I googled that Ken Kratz jackhole. http://www.cbsnews.com/news/ex-da-ken-kratzs-law-license-suspended-in-sexting-scandal/ Added: I should have waited till I was done before mentioning this, they cover it in the shows last episode.
  22. That's where I'm at I figure downloading and installing software from an outfit that is engaging in illegal activities is a recipe for having your computer encrypted and having to pay ransom to get it back. Or some other unpleasant nonsense.
  23. http://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-35041316 -more at link I like the irreverence. Don't like that they're fishing for donations.
  24. I would guess that the IPA fans looking for a hopped up lager would like this. The cascade hops give it a very different taste than a traditional pilsner. A little too much for me.
  25. Really loving it. Between JJ and Daredevil it feels like they're fleshing out the less earth shattering and grandiose, more down to earth side of the Avengers/Agents of Shield storylines. In a very enjoyable way.
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