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The 12th Commandment

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Everything posted by The 12th Commandment

  1. Cooking along with fishing and golf have always been my favorite, and most effective, distractions.
  2. I could understand just messing around with a sous-vide now and then if money wasn't an issue. Might be fun. I can't imagine depriving myself of the pleasure of standing around a fire, beer in hand, when cooking a steak though. I have a pasta machine and the homemade pasta is really good but too much work to do regularly. Glad I have it though. Like an expensive version of that. That Searzall looks interesting, if a bit pricey for what it is.
  3. I think TJ Maxx and Ross are the same company. I agree with you on the rest, my knives are middle of the line Wusthof and Henckels and were $50 or so apiece. They are pretty good German steel. But I look at them as tools too and just like my truck (which cost a whole lot more) they get used and occasionally mildly abused. My cousin the foodie from the bay area cringes, but this is what I use to keep them sharp - $10 at Walmart. Works really well, is easy and quick but takes off a good bit of steel in the process. I guess eventually my knives will wear out? I figure that's a cost of doing business because I'm not going to take them into the shop on a regular basis either and I have to have them sharp.
  4. If you skimp on pots and pans it's the same as skimping on knives. You get what pay for. I have found, as long as you don't have to have a matching set, that Marshall's and Ross have great deals on fancy cookware. All-Clad, Cuisinart, etc are much, much better but too pricey for me at BB&B. I have a Calphalon non-stick that has actually lasted almost 10 years and it still works great with no flaking. Unheard of for the cheap ones.
  5. ^You got that right. I went to buy some skirt steak yesterday, reading about reminded me how much I like it, and it was more per pound than the new yorks. $9/lb.
  6. I have to say, the EuroThrash element of this video made me think of you. In a good way! Cartoon booty. Someone would be bound to be flummoxed by having to explain it to the 5 year old looking over their shoulder this morning.
  7. Best get out the vote PSA ever - mildly NSFW so I didn't embed link
  8. By greenies I meant environmentalists. These days there are no range wars and the issue of subsidies, on which both farmers and ranchers rely, does indeed make them the best of friends. Plus they came up in 4H and FFA together.
  9. Yeah, of course that's the crux of the matter. The state? Here that's tantamount to giving it to the ranchers. I suspect it would be the case in most lightly populated western states. I can tell you this and it might make you feel better. I have a long history (work and friends) with both the ranchers and greenies. They both are unhappy with the way things currently are. I'd say that's the best proof you can have that the way things are is the way things should be.
  10. Who do you propose should own it? Highest bidder? We don't want/need another generation of land barons out here. Right now I have the right to use the land (and do routinely) along with the rancher's cows. He can't keep me off that land - but he would, almost without exception, if he could. That's because a small proportion of the public who uses the land he leases doesn't behave when they use it and it costs him money sometimes to clean up or fix their messes. I say his grazing fees are so low that he should be happy anyway and that that's the cost of doing business. The thinking is that the current use patterns, private grazing and mineral extraction, public recreation is the best use of the land. In other words it brings the most benefit to the most people of the available uses. I think this probably deserves it's own thread, it's an important discussion, but there probably aren't enough westerners, familiar with a landscape that includes a preponderance of public land, here at ES to make it a thorough discussion.
  11. My absolute favorite thing to put in the smoker, I have a weber electric that works ok, are rainbow trout. I mean ones I caught not farm raised supermarket trout though they might be ok, never tried them. I'll put my fish up against any sable or white fish from any high price delicatessen and the jewish half of my family has often concurred. They represent a whole big pile of good for me to begin with, from shopping for fishing gear (the only shopping I like) before the trip, camping somewhere in the Rockies to rationalizing a beer in the morning when I fire up the smoker. Talking about wood, here is my thinking. Oak or pecan for beef. Hickory for pork. Mesquite or fruit wood for fish, turkey or chicken.
  12. No doubt about chickens. The ones I get at the grocery store here are almost inedible these days. Freakishly big breasts (kinda like 90's porn). When we go to Mexico we always stop at the yellow chicken place on the way. Those scrawny little chickens they have are so delicious in comparison. No way are they organic either.
  13. I'd feel better if I wasn't paying Comcast a c note a month to access netflix and amazon. The fact it was down most of the morning doesn't help.
  14. For reformed fighting roosters. I like it. I can see the autonomous car causing trouble down the pike. We're still aways from that but it's coming.
  15. Patience. Elroy hasn't even been born yet. My money says he won't be rolling coal.
  16. Any big leaps in any tech require we fool around with the tech that's not there yet. I'm tickled that we get to see this happening in real time. They'll get there with the batteries. The more demand and interest they can realize in the meantime, the more money and time can be spent getting there.
  17. We were spoiled by watching the Jetsons. That's the root of all this evil.
  18. Those damn horseless carriages. I mean really, buggy whip makers, oat growers, **** sweepers my God, there's a whole damn industry built on horse drawn buggies and it's not going anywhere. Too many people rely on it.
  19. It was one FBI agent too and he failed to report it in a timely manner, hoping to keep it local I guess. When the Cox lady's video came out and showed him firing he got in big trouble. It was still justified. http://www.oregonlive.com/oregon-standoff/2016/03/oregon_standoff_fbi_agents_und.html
  20. link Whitey Bulger in trouble for self service in prison. You can't do that in prison? WTF?
  21. The sheriff was pretty torn up about having to kill that guy. His main point was that they finally are moving because those idiots wouldn't stay out at the refuge. They kept coming into town and stirring up trouble (and buying snacks).
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