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Califan007 The Constipated

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Everything posted by Califan007 The Constipated

  1. Looks like this is the demographic they were designing it for:
  2. It was said several weeks (months?) ago that some respected attorneys were telling decision-makers in the DoJ not to press forward with charging Gaetz due to the low "quality" of their witnesses...I was assuming that basically meant something like: 1. How believable are they 2. How willing would your average juror be in believing them over Gaetz (because all of them would have to be to get a conviction) 3. How much baggage do the witnesses bring with them on the witness stand that a good defense could rip to shreds 4. How much evidence is there that doesn't rely upon the testimony of these witnesses 5. Is there a likelihood that you can build a stronger case and still charge him down the road I remember hoping points 1 and 4 were strong enough to overcome any hesitations. I guess not.
  3. That photo just further underscores the idea that the algorithm was tweaked to promote Elon's tweets far more lol...which (again) was the point of the tweet that started this asinine back-and-forth. 1. Report that Elon is frustrated with the significant drop in interactions to his tweets 2. Report soon after that Elon's tweets are now showing up en masse on people's "For You" page, even for people who don't follow the dude 3. Someone claims it's just because the guy--and apparently all the others reporting the same thing about their feeds--must be going overboard interacting with Musk, so the algorithm is doing its job 4. Everyone else claims 1 and 2 are related, or else this would have been happening all along and wouldn't be anything new 4b. well, unless all these people reporting Elon's tweets flooding their "For You" feed just started interacting with Musk over the weekend lol
  4. Still not the point. The point is/was: there is no reason whatsoever for a large portion of someone's "For You" feed to be made up of one person's tweets on Twitter. I'm guessing that's why Musk ended up saying "Please stay tuned while we make adjustments to the uh .… ‘algorithm.’” So the point was not that there are things you can do to not see them...or that anyone interacts with Musk's tweets a lot will see him on their "For You" feed...or being "triggered" or anything like that. The point was that it appeared (rightfully so) that the algorithm was somehow tweaked to promote Musk's posts a ****-ton more than before, and why that might have occurred.
  5. No. Was it a new slang term for QAnon White people? (My original thought)...Then went and re-read the first part of the post again, thinking I missed something. Then thought spending anymore than 9 seconds figuring it out would be a misuse of whatever time I still have left on this planet and instead responded with "What?" lol...
  6. Dotson immediately came to mind. His rookie season got a bit derailed due to injury and the QB merry-go-round, so he could show a significant jump just from staying healthy and having stability at QB. And I saw how he and Howell connected against the Cowboys, so I think that jump can/will happen.
  7. They'd move the decimal point lol... "We're not $57,000,000 over the cap, you read that wrong. See? We're $570.00000 over the cap."
  8. BREAKING: Report of an unidentified object shot down from the sky over Cincinnati...
  9. I haven't had COVID yet, either...and I've only been "confronted" about my mask once. Thankfully pretty much everyone I am around in public don't give a **** enough to comment on it.
  10. Is she the track star or poll vaulter or whatever that was all over the interwebs?...(she was damn good looking)
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