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Califan007 The Constipated

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Everything posted by Califan007 The Constipated

  1. We had an entire thread dedicated to a QB's ugliness being a factor on whether you can win a Super Bowl with him or not lol...
  2. You mean try training camp lol...reports start coming in that Howell looks inaccurate and several "If this were a live game, that pass would (fill in the blank)"-type statements get attached to his name while Brissett looks comfortable and mostly on-target, that groundswell of voices wanting Brissett to be named starter will begin and only build each day.
  3. You said there was no context used in determining QBR...but there is. It's not like if a QB threw a pass backwards over his head with two hands and with his eyes closed and it's caught after bounding off of 2 defenders and run in for a 50 yard TD, he's gonna be given the same level of credit on the play as a QB throwing a 50 yards in the air TD that dropped on a dime.
  4. They actually do take context into consideration, as well as the division of credit/blame on any given play. If they saw Heinicke's pass the way some fans do, they wouldn't have given any credit whatsoever for it lol...so I was saying they probably don't view that play in the same manner, so they give TH more credit for the play. "Division of credit EPA provides the context for every play and also holds the key to separating the quarterback’s impact from his teammates’. For all plays in which a quarterback is involved -– passes, rushes, sacks, penalties, fumbles, etc. -– the team-level EPA is calculated and then divided among a quarterback and his teammates. In other words, was the play successful and how much of that success is a result of a quarterback’s skill?"
  5. 55.5 QBR isn't an F grade by a longshot...in the 30s is an F grade. 55.5 is like a C...and Ehlinger's 68.1 is nowhere near a D+. For context, if you put those QBRs for both those QBs in the overall season rankings, it would be: 1) Mahomes 77.6 2) Allen 71.4 3) Taglio...Tagloiv...Tagal--eff it, Tua 68.8 4) Ehlinger 68.1 .... 13) Prescott 57.9 14) Mariota 55.6 15) Heinicke 55.5 15) Carr 55.5 The reason Heinicke's QBR doesn't show he had a terrible game, is because on that last drive to win the game, the dude was clutch as **** on play after play, throw after throw...and I'm guessing the ESPN guys didn't perceive his throw to McLaurin to be a laughably underthrown pass like you hear Commanders fans describe it as. Plus he scored the winning TD, which counts towards QBR as well. Dude had a 10.8 QBR against the Pats the week after playing us lol... And I think it's PFF's grades that put Heinicke in the "F" category or close to it. I think his point, though, was that the 14th ranked QB out of 32 QBs getting an "F" would seem like either the majority of starting QBs suck major donkey testicles lol, or that there's something wrong with the grading scale. And since Mahomes had the top QBR at 77--and was the only QB to have a QBR above 75--I think putting 75 as the cut off for "good" isn't realistic. In 2022, no QBs had a QBR over 75 for the year. The year before that, there were only 3 QBs who achieved that mark. 55 always seems to be ranked 14th-18th year in and year out. Ironically, Heinicke's highest QBR was against the 49ers (83.1), and he got benched in that game for the rest of the season lol...so maybe QBR isn't really conveying much in terms of quality of play, at least for him. PFF's grading system would seem more reflective of his level of play.
  6. Everything everyone has stated on this thread has been presented a dozen times before lol...I think we all ran out of original content back on page 247.
  7. I love it...he went from being referred to as "[REDACTED]" to being the main topic of the thread lol... And as an aside, I think "[REDACTED]" should remain his name on this thread until he's actually on the team and starts another playoff game for us. đź‘Ť Kind of a superstition thing for me lol...
  8. ^^^ "On Jan. 3 — three days before the Capitol was attacked by Trump supporters as Congress met to confirm Biden’s win — (Fox Vice President Raj Shah) exchanged text messages with another former White House spokesman, Josh Raffel, who had been primarily responsible for handling communications for Trump’s daughter, Ivanka Trump, and her husband, senior adviser Jared Kushner. Raffel flagged to Shah a tweet noting that Trump’s daily schedule now carried with it the vague assurance that the president would make “many calls and have many meetings” and “work from early in the morning until late in the evening.” “I think what they meant is The President will wake up early and commit many, many crimes including but not limited to obstruction of justice, attempted fraud, and treason in an effort to conduct a coup. Then he’ll fly to a rally in furtherance of the same,” Raffel wrote. (Now a public relations executive in New York, Raffel declined to comment on the text.) “It’s really disheartening,” Shah responded. “The only clear cut evidence for voter fraud is the failed attempts from Trump.” ************ It keeps getting better and better lol...
  9. Ever so slightly disappointed in the finale. I liked it quite a bit, but...I dunno. I think the series should have focused a little longer on some elements: - Ellie's change of personality at the beginning of the episode. I figured it was because of all the **** she went through in episode 8, but the finale doesn't really address it at all...and when Joel is acting like a dad to her while she's tuning him (and everything else) out and remaining quiet, I was expecting them to address this. But all they really did was: Joel: "You ok?" Ellie: "Yeah. I'm fine." Joel: "It's just that you're being quiet..." Annnnd, that's pretty much it lol. They didn't have to have a Dr. Phil session or anything, but I did expect more. Also, And also, the finale relied a bit too much on some well-worn tropes: - someone frantically reaching for a dropped knife while being attacked (I think this was the 4th time they've done that this season). - someone practically getting knocked unconscious when being thrown on the ground (they've done that about 4 times this season, too lol). - This made two episodes in a row where they had one character knock out another character with the butt of their rifle and then the screen immediately go to black. For me, it came across as kinda lazy. But I guess if your goal is to incapacitate someone, there aren't too many alternatives available during all this. Lastly, you know what would have been a rather strong way to end this season?
  10. Jeebus, dude lol...that moving-it-forward-and-stopping-each-hour stuff would drive me bonkers.
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