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Califan007 The Constipated

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Everything posted by Califan007 The Constipated

  1. Dear Zachary: A Letter To A Son About His Father This is one devastating movie. It punches you in the gut several times...It's also rather funny at times and extremely easy to watch. Guy is killed, and one of his friends makes a documentary about him to give to the guy's son Zachary (who was born after his death) so that, when he got older, he would know who his father really was. That's as much as I'll say in case you've never heard of the film.
  2. I'll ask you what I asked Hostile when he said the same thing on CZ...how does going from 10-6 to 11-5 equal "improving by 2-3 games?"
  3. I think it's due to Lee's style of play...
  4. That's because anyone who does could get banned temporarily.
  5. Does this mean we get to call him "Sean Knee" now?
  6. Your score is: 800 (Drafting Ability: F, Player Quality C, Future Draft Picks: N/A) Your Picks: Round 3 Pick 8 (TENN): Brad Wing, P, LSU (D) Round 3 Pick 10 (NYJ): Dylan Breeding, P, Arkansas (F) Round 4 Pick 1 (JAX): Jackson Rice, P, Oregon (F) Round 4 Pick 10 (TENN): Jeff Locke, P, UCLA (E) Round 4 Pick 22: Quinn Sharp, P, Oklahoma State (D) Round 5 Pick 2 (JAX): Ryan Allen, P, Louisiana Tech (D-) Round 5 Pick 9 (TENN): Ryan Epperson, P, Texas A&M (F) Round 5 Pick 21: Scott Kovanda, P, Ball State (D-) Round 5 Pick 29: Knile Davis, RB, Arkansas (D) Round 6 Pick 23: Taylor Accardi, P, Colorado Mines (F) Round 7 Pick 10 (TENN): Tress Way, P, Oklahoma (E) Round 7 Pick 22: Brandon McManus, K, Temple (B-) Son of a *****!! :mad:
  7. YES HE DID!! lol :yes:...there was an ache in watching him feeling so alone and helpless when he was worried he was losing his mind like his mother did around his age...like he didn't know what the hell to do. ...Just sad... The movie Donnie Darko was similar to Take Shelter in obvious ways, and I thought Jake Gyllenhaal did a phenomenal job as well, worthy of Oscar consideration. Jessica Chastain (Take Shelter) and Mary McDonnell (Donnie Darko) both deserved consideration for their acting as well.
  8. Wasn't that movie good? lol :yes:...I listed it on this thread as well. Question about the ending (spoilers, in ninja): Ok, so was the guy actually nuts and the ending showed him slipping back into his psychosis again, this time including his wife and child in his mind?...Or was the freakish storm actually approaching them on the beach, complete with one serious tidal wave? I've heard both lol...that the "storm" approaching at the end was symbolism for impending sanity finally taking over completely, as well as he was never crazy and his visions were prophetic.
  9. Then if you can find it, see this one: True story about the Snowtown murders in Australia. Snowtown is a small, depressing town in Australia, and a guy there ended up killing a bunch of people with the help of a few friends and his quasi-adopted son (who is shown in the poster). Trailer:
  10. Wild Bill Man gets out of prison after spending 8 years locked up, tries finding his wife but she took off and is in Spain...but she left their two boys alone back in England. Father doesn't want to become a father, kids don't want him around, social services threatens to put the two boys in foster homes if Bill doesn't stay. Unfortunately, Bill's nefarious criminal past and his sons' current lives end up overlapping unexpectedly. Fortunately, you find out why they call him Wild Bill lol... Very entertaining, VERY funny in parts (a lot of parts, actually)...great music throughout. And the guy who plays Wild Bill is excellent. Trailer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EyquUziG0SA
  11. I had found it online...just tried to find it again (can't remember where I saw it before), but came up empty. ---------- Post added June-25th-2012 at 11:46 AM ---------- My last movie: Alexandra's Project Plot: woman decides to give her husband a "special" birthday gift...this is one ****ed-up movie lol :yes: It's described as a psychosexual thriller...that's a pretty good category to put it in. The ending made me want to punch my television lol...it was a GOOD ending, it just bothered me, I guess. Great acting throughout, and there were quite a few clues given out early in the movie, but done in such a subtle manner that they're easy to overlook at first. Trailer:
  12. talhotblond (2009) True story about a married, middle-aged man who starts talking to an attractive 18 year old girl in a chat room, and tells her he's also 18 years old and stationed in Iraq. They fall in love, he becomes obsessed and builds up a more elaborate lie, sending everything spiraling out of control and leading to tragedy. Pretty good storytelling, pretty tragic consequences for damn near everyone shown in the movie. If you want to enjoy the documentary to its fullest, don't watch the trailer.
  13. Timecrimes (2007) Pretty decent mind**** movie about some mid-40s guy who (I guess) is moving into a new house with his wife, and spends time with his binoculars looking into the wooded area outside his backyard. One time he sees a young, pretty female standing alone in the woods who starts to take off her clothes. When his wife leaves to go pick up some food, he decides to go see what this young woman's story is about (actually just wants to see her boobs up close, I assume lol), and goes into the woods to see if he can find her. Once he does find her, the movie goes into all sorts of twists and turns up until the very last frame. There was one twist that had me going "Oh, come on"...once the movie was over I went back and re-watched the scene that "twist" was referring to...and damn if it wasn't JUST as the twist described it lol :yes:...so I had to give it props for that. It's a foreign movie (from Spain, I think??) so I'd recommend getting the subtitled version over the dubbed version, although once you get passed the voices not quiiiiite matching up with the way the actors look, the dubbed version is fine, too. One word of advice: do NOT see the trailer for this movie, as it's not very well done and gives away damn near the entire plot.
  14. Take Shelter (2011) Family man in the mid-west starts having visions and dreams of a devastating, apocalyptic storm approaching. He increasingly becomes convinced it's really going to happen--especially after he starts having creepy dreams--and starts building a storm shelter out back. His wife, family and friends all think he's having a mental breakdown, and are concerned because his mother was diagnosed with a mental illness around the same age that he is now and they're afraid he's going down the same path. He seeks counseling, talks with his mother who is hospitalized, all in an attempt to get a grasp on what he keeps experiencing. Pretty good movie, REALLY good acting :yes:...you may or may not like the ending (I think I did), it starts up conversations afterwards--I'm sure there are discussion groups about the movie online. Does a decent job of the "Is he crazy or is it really happening?" vibe... I5U4TtYpKIc
  15. Here you go lol: ---------- Post added January-24th-2012 at 11:28 PM ---------- Nah, just a sloppy but quick magic wand to select and delete the green field and a paint bucket for the background after using Pantone colors :thumbsup:...
  16. That's because you're thinking only of metallic gold...there are other shades of gold than that. Yellow: Gold: Which one is the uniform color closest to?
  17. It definitely does :yes:...I now have malware on my computer and it's pissing me off.
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