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Califan007 The Constipated

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Everything posted by Califan007 The Constipated

  1. I remembered reading back in the fall that there had been about 6 jury trials, so no doubt my info is dated. Still, 19 out of, what...500 cases?
  2. https://thesportsrush.com/nba-news-70-300lb-shaquille-oneal-used-hot-water-on-michael-jordans-shoes-to-fit-his-size-23-feet/ 7’0, 300lb Shaquille O’Neal used hot water on Michael Jordan’s shoes to fit his size 23 feet Shaq was abnormally huge for his age even as a kid. Considering his circumstances growing up too, one can imagine access to equipment and clothing for his size was limited. The big man went on to take strong initiatives to provide low-cost sneakers for people of all sizes. Shaq has been a man of the people and such initiatives have increased his popularity over the years.
  3. I think only a handful of the Jan 6 defendants had jury trials, maybe less than 10...the rest plead guilty or had their cases before a judge. But yeah, what you said applies to those defendants that did have juries. Trump may be a different breed of defendant in this issue, though.
  4. If the teacher was my ex-wife she would answer with "Because the laws back then said black people could only sit in the back of the bus, even if there were empty seats up front. It was a racist law that she decided she wasn't going to follow that day." and then dare DeSantis to have her fired lol...she took on a racist cop on my behalf, so I know that's exactly what she would do.
  5. Counter-point: Harris Peskin for democracy @HarrisPeskin Mar 18 Keep in mind that Trump organized J6. He was promoting the day and location. He hasn't done that yet. CosmicBreeze12357 @breeze12357 Mar 18 What's different this time is most of the ringleader foot soldiers that actually got the others together for Jan 6 are either on trial or in prison now. The proud boys and oath keepers are effectively out of the equation. The other magas are no more than cosplay. Womp womp
  6. Eh, **** that lol... ^^ Me w/a plate of boneless wings
  7. This is where I was... And then I was here lol...
  8. Does that part in bold invalidate anything I said in my last post? (spoiler: no.)
  9. I'll only believe this if he brings back Zorn as head coach, Cerrato as GM, and Bruce as team president lol...
  10. If it's anything like this team has been over the last 10 years, it's 1st and goal from the 37 yard line after numerous penalties lol...
  11. If this has been posted already, sorry for the repeat...but what exactly does this mean? lol...(he's talking about Brissett's expected role)
  12. My artwork was supposedly used in this video, but damn if I know where lol...it's shot in a way that you can barely see what's on the walls, and the art in the back room barely registers.
  13. I didn't know anything about Fertitta, so I did a quick google of the dude... . . . . . . . . .
  14. I'm still pissed I don't get to use my Heinicke memes now lol... Brissett doesn't really inspire memes. Hoping something will jump off this thread 😂
  15. The genders of only 7 of them are given--4 females and 3 males--so those 7 are staying on the list cuz we have to repopulate once earth and the 6 billion+ inhabitants no longer exist. So that would be: 1. 33 year old female Native American manager who doesn't speak english 2. The accountant's pregnant wife (could be same sex couple so not assuming the accountant is male) 3. 21 year old female Muslim student 4. Hispanic clergyman who is against homosexuality (something tells me that homophobia will be the least of our problems on the new planet) 5. Female movie star sexual assault victim (I guarantee everyone will be supportive of each other) 6. Gay male professional athlete vegetarian lol (just checked off all the boxes on that one...but you at least assume he's in good shape and will maybe take one for the team to repopulate) 7. Asian, orphaned 12 yr old boy (he, along with the accountant's wife unborn child, will be the future which brings hope) So that leaves one spot left...hmmm... 8. Militant African-American medical student (cuz we're gonna need a medic)
  16. We had an entire thread dedicated to a QB's ugliness being a factor on whether you can win a Super Bowl with him or not lol...
  17. You mean try training camp lol...reports start coming in that Howell looks inaccurate and several "If this were a live game, that pass would (fill in the blank)"-type statements get attached to his name while Brissett looks comfortable and mostly on-target, that groundswell of voices wanting Brissett to be named starter will begin and only build each day.
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