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Command The 414

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Everything posted by Command The 414

  1. What if the botched snap with what 1:30 left against the Bucs in the 1999 Playoff game wouldn’t have happened and Conway kicked the FG and we would have played the Rams that year in the NFC Championship
  2. Nothing speaks volumes of the 90’s while in High School then when every team and person on the street went full out black hats, black tee shirts etc…and wore them like they were in Public Enemy or some other gangster Rap Group then the black uni’s we are wearing and every other NFL team is wearing nowadays… not a fan of it at all, dump these things like the plague imo
  3. Absolutely not, it’s Pre-Season (worthless wins or loses compared to seeing the players grow and/or compete for a roster spot) only the press and/or certain fans care about it, it’s kinda like when the Super Bowl rematch happens year in and year out the the year after and it always seems the loser of the SB wins the rematch… that’s great and all but you lost the SB… only fans care about streaks like this imho. It does make for a good NFL trivia question years down the road though too, but really not worthy of concern imo
  4. Awesome info … it worked I just did all mine… thanks for the very helpful info 👍🏻
  5. Awesome Post Heres mine, back in 1993 when Reggie White was a FA, what if JKC would have matched the 17m deal the Packers offered him, here’s a clip from a article detailing it. Sexton being Whites agent, and the 3 teams were the Pack, 49ers and us. ——————————————————————————- “Sexton said Green Bay's offer of $16 million for four years stood until the $1 million increase Monday. It was the best offer of the three teams, but sources indicated the agent fully expected free-spending owner Jack Kent Cooke of Washington to match it, at least. Cooke, however, recoiled at the idea of offering a 31-year-old defensive lineman more than $13 million over four years. One source said the high-payroll Redskins never made a formal proposal for even $14 million. "Washington is close to home, but we just could never get onto the same page financially," Sexton said.”
  6. If Cole Turner stays relatively healthy the entire season he easily will be another weapon in this offensive arsenal… hoping for a huge season from him and/or the TE position
  7. With not alot of space to type I was just saying I highly doubt we ever get Logan back completely healthy again and back to the form he had several years ago, and what I should have said is we need a TE to step up and fill those shoes of a departed Logan Thomas and I’m hoping Turner or Bates steps up and takes the reins… signing Kaden Smith also could be (not saying it is) a indication Thomas is nowhere ready to play and even if so isn’t going to be counted on as much
  8. I'm a few days late responding to the thread. So after watching the game and seeing that Thomas probably will never return to the form we saw a few seasons ago I was very pleased with Cole Turner (hoping he stays healthy) and despite the drop Bates too, if either of these can take the reins then I could easily see the TE being a huge asset to Howells growth and could be just another weapon in this offensive arsenel in 2023.
  9. Should be a huge upgrade for sure imho, their phones were definitely ringing a bit more yesterday and even today then normal, that’s for sure
  10. This right here is the best response imho and the 1 that seems to be the most accurate
  11. If we get very good QB play from either Howell Or Brissett or both and stay healthy I think the makings for a really good season are there….I so desperately want to buy into this season being a success on the field but the 1 thing about being a fan of this team is and has been the let down… so those scars even with new owners is still fresh and will only subside if and when I see it regularly
  12. 9-8 maybe even 10-7 at best, our division alone is going to be our achilles heel imho… I can see us easily losing 4 or 5 gms alone battling the NFC East
  13. I so desperately want to have some optimism heading into the season, but with our division being stacked with (Eagles, Cowboys) and the Giants who are behind the above mentioned but imho are better then we are, I just don’t really have much to go around, pretty sold on another 8-9 or at best 9-8 season and missing the playoffs again.
  14. Week 2 @Atlanta Week 6 @Denver Week 9 Bye Week 14 @Rams Week 15 49ers Week 17 @NE
  15. My comment was meant as a response to coming from behind in the 4th quarter to pull out a nail biter… not if the Jags were a good team compared to the Cards….
  16. Normally how ever we do 1 season in division it’s the opposite the next… i.e our 1st game with Philly last season was home, and the 2nd game was up there, same with Dallas, we played first there then closed out here… so if it holds true we will play Dallas home 1st and Philly on the road 1st and Giants home 1st and then there etc…. So that schedule you posted is more then likely not accurate
  17. https://www.nfl.com/news/nfl-announces-five-games-for-2023-international-series at least not going over seas this season Very true and very likely… it will be us or they will play the Texans to open their season at home
  18. but that approach could back fire on the Snyders imho, after all it's widely known thats the reason Harris dropped out of the Broncos ownership bid cause he didn't want to get into a bidding war with Pennar-Walton group....we'll see if thats the approach and goal with this Steve A guy name mentioned
  19. i don't understand why alot of teams wouldn't be...agruably a top 5 LT in the NFL...Jim Lachey all over again except we wouldn't be sending a QB like we did to the Raiders it would be picks
  20. regardless of whom the new owner is imo PSL's will definately be in play, it's the new wave of the NFL, just another side effect of Fandom..which prices the diehard fan out imho
  21. that's some conspiracy theory stuff to say the least, or we've been bad for so long now that we just can't see any light or good in anything I guess
  22. I've been with you on the Risner front from the beginning, as you stated brings some toughness and hard nosed fire that I think a OL should bring and unless he goes somewhere else I'll continue to want him here, but I'm not liking the Brissett move 1 bit, to me with the amount we gave him he's here for the starting gig and I'm sorry stats and eye ball test I just think he's no more then servicable but he isn't going to carry a team regardless of the talent around him to the playoffs, he's no more then a high caliber back up...just my opinion, I would have rather had Dalton who actually was cheaper but yet got a extra yr which would have been fine too imho, shoot I think as bad as he is I would have taken Mariota over Brissett.
  23. outright cut? I'm seeing it on Network but hasn't said cut ot traded, sorry nevermind i see it now out right released....wow
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