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Command The 414

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Everything posted by Command The 414

  1. I remember when Gase was let go by the Fins that there were reports that Rex Ryan was calling assistants around the league and he was going to become the next HC there, then after the Ravens were eliminated by the Bolts that Harbaugh was going to land there and the Fins were going to give the Ravens a draft pick for his services. Then as early as last week hearing the Fins were pretty much going to tank in 19’ so that way they could get a good pick for 2020... when the dust settles the LB coach Flores for the Pats will be the new HC there. Honestly kinda has me thinking other then possibility Bill O’brien what other Pats assistant has really has any other success? Romeo Crannell didn’t do anything, Josh McDaniel wasn’t anything in Denver the jury is still out on Matt Patricia and Mike Vrebel but early signs is that Patricia will be gone in Detroit with 2-3 season.
  2. Me as well...I'm actually debating about selling the entire ST package for face value or at least half the season....(5 games).....or I may just not renew..as my Son is getting into hunting now and I want a new crossbow LOL....my thinking is we have a better time out hunting then at any Skins games......
  3. hey hey....shhh don't say that to loud....that's my plan as well......LOL
  4. I think it's more of a testament that Pre-Season games are not that exciting to the fans anymore (unless like me and you have 2 small children who I won't take to a regular season game) and need to be priced lower by the team or that the Pre-Season needs to be lowered from 4 games to just 2 imho.....
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