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Everything posted by cakmoney61

  1. The man doesn't know how to fumble in the middle of the field. It's either near their own goal line or the other team's goal line.
  2. And then Heinicke does something like recovers a fumble that most QBs would not have recovered. What we have is a hate-love-hate relationship with our QB.
  3. Danny Johnson played that as poorly as a DB could have played that. He was too far off and then started backing up at the snap. As low an IQ play as you will ever see.
  4. The DBs grab to much. It's like they are afraid of getting hurt.
  5. Jamin Davis looks very small and he's very weak. OTOH, the D-line is on one so far today.
  6. Heinicki is going to get somebody killed with his high, low-velocity throws.
  7. And my bad for putting you in a defensive state of mind.
  8. If you re-read my post, I didn't directly accuse you of anything. I apologize for offending you.
  9. Your question implies a fanbase that is spoiled by so much success over the years that it can't handle a little adversity. It's as if you have no idea what the last 30 years has been like (especially the last 21 under Dan Snyder) for this fanbase on and off the field. Bottom line: Whether you intended to do it or not, your question gives off a disingenuous troll vibe.
  10. As a WFT and Boston Celtics fan, two of the darker days of my life of 60 years have been the tragic and soul-crushing deaths of Len Bias (who died on my birthday) and Sean Taylor. The holes they left in my heart will be there until the day I die. I am haunted by what could have been as a family man and as a fan. The mere mentioning of their names brings me pain. And Dan Snyder using Sean's name and memory in this way was borderline inhuman. Regarding the topic of this thread, the WFT is in my DNA. I will always love this team with an unconditional love. The team transcends Dan Snyder. OTOH, he has brought nothing but shame, disgrace, and buffoonery on a once proud franchise and its fan base since he became the owner in 1999. He should have lost his ownership years ago. I so feel your pain, because it is absolutely my own. In the end, we all will do what we must concerning this team. As for me, I can't sever ties at this time (if ever).
  11. I agree that they are not worth the time and effort, but you know and I know that few people will stop cold turkey. We may shorten our time and decrease our effort, but a full-on stop? That's debatable. A move of the franchise, however, could do it. But as long as they remain in Washington, most of us will keep smoking this crack pipe of ineptitude known as the WFT. And we will be here next week regretting that we have hit the crack pipe again only to experience another bad high.
  12. Or maybe they have tape on him and defenses are now able to maximize his weaknesses and minimize his strengths.
  13. They can lose the next eleven games without having to employ a tanking strategy. They are that bad. Looking at how bad the QBs, LBs, and DBs have played so far this year, I'd say the tanking strategy began this past offseason.
  14. It appears to be nothing more than an afterthought. IMO, it's an insult to Sean Taylor, his family, his friends, his fans, and professional football in general. Many more people would be attending if they would have known at least a few weeks in advance. And wouldn't you retire his number during a game that Washington is more likely to win without the risk of being totally embarrassed? It reeks of desperation, insensitivity, and narcissism. We continue to be a laughingstock, not just in the NFL, but in all of sports. The media has been rightfully portraying this team and organization as losers on and off the field since Dan Snyder became the owner. Well that legacy has continued unabated so far this season.
  15. I'm going to go out on a limb and say he knows the future. If he doesn't have knowledge of the future, the only logical explanation for his faith is delusion.🤷‍♂️
  16. I was just wondering about having a thread like this after losing to the Saints combined with their hellacious schedule over the next several weeks. I expect Washington to rise and rise and rise up the draft board. A top five pick is in this team's future. It sure would be nice, however, to see them compete in at least a couple of those games, but I honestly don't expect them to.
  17. So which is the more hilarious belief? Germany bombing PH or Washington beating the Chiefs?😀 Sincerest apologies to my fellow WFT fans.
  18. So Chris 44 was joking around?!😀 That's a relief. I'm 60 and I may have seen the movie once decades ago.🤫
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