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Everything posted by cakmoney61

  1. Playing devil's advocate, is what Rivera said true? Washington played one of the easiest schedules and a multitude of trash QBs last year and won the division with a mediocre 7-9 record. Context matters. Were expectations set too high by some in the media and many in the fan base, especially concerning the defense? Obviously, they were. Is a coach, in only his second year with a team that has been atrocious most of the last 30 years, asking for patience an unreasonable request?
  2. You may be right, but one sack in five games may indicate that he doesn't eat and sleep football. He appears to have regressed. Regarding your two examples, were Trent and Sean Taylor team captains who skipped mini camp in their second year in the NFL? If they were, you have found two great examples. My question still remains though. Could that have had a negative effect on "defensive" players and their view of RR and JDR if they viewed it as giving special treatment to a player in only his second season by treating it as no big deal? It is only a question as a possibility. I'm just looking for a logical explanation for their extremely poor play as a unit, besides it being we have a bunch of bad players on defense which may be the exact problem. It may simply be physical talent as opposed to attitudinal.
  3. This quote may be exponentially more relevant than people realize. For example, I think Chase Young not attending voluntary workouts may be a bigger deal than any of us realized at the time. Your leaders should eat and sleep football. I'm not sure Chase does.
  4. If the team that played New Orleans is the team we see for the rest of the year, 3-14 or 4-13 is a strong possibility. I was 30 years old when Washington won their last super bowl. Sadly, it's 30 years later and the team has reached the playoffs four(?) times with zero wins. Along the way, I have seen some of the worst and dumbest football that could ever be played by a professional team. And I am witnessing that type of season again for the umpteenth time in the last thirty years. I am 60 years old and, quite honestly, I see no end to it in sight. Can I at least see a consistently respectable product before I leave this earth? As it stands right now, the football version of the Twilight Zone continues to be a very real place if you have been a fan of this team for the last 30 years.
  5. Heinicke has some major flaws that make him a below average, maybe a well below average, QB. - He can be extremely inaccurate. He misses wide open receivers too much. - Too often, he doesn't see open receivers. - He stares down receivers. - He has a weak arm. - Too often, he throws the ball to receivers who are well covered. He cannot be the starting QB next year if Washington wants to start winning on a consistent basis.
  6. They were running so hard to get to the end zone, they couldn't stop and turn around in time. It looked like they didn't have one person in the end zone waiting. I 100% agree that it was coaching malpractice.
  7. I want to say the future looks bright, but I can't. It doesn't look good.
  8. I have patience for a team that is physically overmatched. But this low IQ football year after year after year from the WFT is beyond ridiculous.
  9. The caliber of the team, especially the QB, matters. Last year, Washington had one of the easiest schedule in the NFL and played many of the worst QBs. Not so this year. They have one of the toughest schedules and is facing many of the best and brightest QBs to include three all-time greats.
  10. Until they prove otherwise, you have to assume the defense will be utter trash again. And New Orleans has the more impressive wins by far. They dog walked the Packers and the Patriots. The Saints had a dominant win, then a bad loss, followed by another dominant win, then another bad loss. If the pattern holds, they are due for a dominant win. Saints 31 No Names 24 A late TD by Washington makes the game look closer than it really was.
  11. This, my friends, is topnotch, next level hyperbole.🤣 Hyperbole in its highest form! This example should be used in high school literature books around the world.
  12. ES is the best place to be to watch Washington play. One, I don't suffer alone when they play horribly or lose and two, whether they play good or bad, the humor is next level.🤣
  13. I wouldn't bet a dime on Washington keeping Atlanta out of the end zone.
  14. That's as close to a fumble without being a fumble that I've ever seen.
  15. Heinicke is going to get the entire team hospitalized if he doesn't stop throwing high passes and untimely passes.
  16. The DBs are running with the WRs then they just turn stupid when the ball is in the air. I don't get it. You'd think they never played DB before and don't know the rules.
  17. I agree. QBs should simply kneel down on first and second down.
  18. Washington needs a new kicker next week if not by the end of the third quarter.
  19. I see them splitting with the Eagles (hopefully), losing to the Giants, and being annihilated by the Cowboys twice.
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