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Everything posted by cakmoney61

  1. I can't argue with your logic at all. I am simply expressing how I feel right now. ConnSKINS26, I know if I had a loved one who was about to jump off a bridge, I would want you to be the person to talk him or her down. I truly have no rebuttal, because you are making too much darn sense, my friend.
  2. I am so not feeling giving up high picks and a young talented player to move up to #4 to draft a JAG QB. Nuh uh! I am not feeling that at all. There are no can't-miss prospects. And the only one apparently with the physical attributes to be a possible game-changer is Malik Willis. Washington should stay right where they are and draft a QB (maybe Malik Willis) or draft another position.
  3. I hope you are wrong about Chase being nothing more than a good player, but last year, IMO, he wasn't even that. If last year is a prelude of the rest of his career, he will be considered a total bust. To be perfectly honest, I am very concerned about his skill, his will, and his IQ.
  4. Based on the above QBR, Washington played against five of the top six, six of the top nine, and seven of the top twelve QBs last year. You better believe the schedule a team has matters!
  5. Washington Commanders is a horrible name. Commanders don't fight; they manage personnel. Washington Commandos has more of a football sound because commandos are highly trained military assault units used to strike quickly. Commanders is trash. Especially since the team hasn't commanded anything but ridicule and laughter over most of the last 30 years. The New England Commanders or the Pittsburgh Commanders or the Kansas City Commanders has a better sound because those three organizations have garnered respect. The Washington Commanders? Not so much. Under Dan Snyder's leadership over the last 23 years, the Washington Court Jesters would have been a more accurate name. Sorry, everybody. But I do feel better now that I got that off my chest.🙂
  6. Other than Rodgers, no other QB has a reputation for carrying his team. The chance for winning more than seven games has gone up exponentially based off the schedule alone. But if Washington wants a shot at winning ten games, they need a real QB and they need to avoid multiple key injuries.
  7. Who you play makes a huge difference. Washington played a whose who of QBs this past season. Eight of their games were against great and potentially future great QBs and I didn't include the Raiders' Carr. It's why I thought they would go between 6-11 and 8-9 even without all the injuries, because the gap between those QBs and Washington's QB was massive. They play three games against those types of QBs next year. The two against Dallas (IMO, Dak is a great QB) and the game against the Packers.
  8. Fitzpatrick looked like a deer in headlights and looked very fragile even before he got injured. So I agree with you about him possibly being no better than Heinicke. But I disagree about how many holes the team has. They had injuries throughout the lineup all year. It got to a point where they were dropping like flies before the first game against Dallas and COVID finished them off.
  9. I think the team has more talent than most people realize. They can win 10 games next year if three things happen. One, get a real QB. Two, play an easier schedule. And three, avoid season-killing injuries to key players.
  10. I kept hearing folks in the media say no one wanted to play the Colts. Apparently no one will have to.
  11. If Atlanta loses to New Orleans, Washington will fall to #11. There may be a chance they could move back up to #9 if Atlanta beats the Saints and if Seattle beats the Rams. Seattle's SOS is .522 and Washington's is .529. The Ram's have a .750 winning percentage. Of course, it would drop some with a loss.
  12. He was showing off the team's high football IQ that we've had the privilege of watching for the last 30 years.😩
  13. Vikings. If the Vikings lose, they jump in front of us and the Bears may remain in front of us even if they win depending on SOS.
  14. It's all a crap shoot. Look at how bad Chase Young played this year. Who saw that coming?
  15. One thing has become frighteningly obvious watching both of these QBs today. Until Washington gets a real one, no one will take this team seriously. Poor QB play is the death of a football team. Sorry but Washington has to draft a QB with their first pick and hope for the best.
  16. It just dawned on me why this game feels like a scrimmage. There is virtually no crowd noise. This game would feel totally different if both teams were 10-6 and fighting for the last playoff spot.
  17. It has the stench of a scrimmage game with neither team caring what the outcome is.
  18. I really don't know what I'm watching right now. Does either team want to win this game?
  19. Judge has decided the best way to hurt Washington is by losing the game.
  20. In the head-to-head with the Cowboys and Giants, both have run away and hid over the last 30 years. In fact, most teams in the NFL either made up ground or pulled farther away.
  21. The strength of schedule matters and who is available to play matters. Washington had one of the toughest schedules in the NFL. And they lost their starting QB in the first half of the first game. I get that the QB position was mediocre at best which is another main reason why their record is what it is. Unfortunately, the injuries to key players never stopped coming. The team was a MASH unit all year. It makes assessing the needs of this team difficult when so many players were lost to injury. What was not hard to figure out is the continuing need for a good QB. Most teams that win the Super Bowl have a good QB, one of the better strength of schedules, and are fairly lucky at avoiding too many catastrophic injuries to key players. All three went wrong for Washington. IMO, they are better than their record.
  22. Among the teams vying for picks 6-13, Washington plays by far the weakest team. This is the order of where these teams currently pick and who they play: 6. (5-11) Carolina @ Tampa Bay 7. (6-10) Seattle @ Arizona 8. (6-10) Chicago @ Minnesota 9. (6-10) Washington @ NY Giants 10. (7-9) Atlanta @ New Orleans 11. (7-9) Denver hosts Kansas City 12. (7-9) Minnesota hosts Chicago 13. (7-9) Cleveland hosts Cincinnati (Added: *Just saw that Joe Burrow won't be playing. That helps a lot.) If Washington wins (and they will), chances are very good they will be picking 12th or 13th in the draft. If Minnesota loses to Chicago, they will jump in front of Washington. Based off SOS, Chicago (.520) may remain in front of Washington (.533) even if they win. Chicago is playing a team with three more wins so they could end up with a better SOS than Washington. If that happens, Washington will pick before Chicago. Atlanta could realistically beat New Orleans which would help Washington. If Atlanta loses, they will jump in front of Washington. But Carolina, Seattle, Denver, and *Cleveland are playing playoff teams that lead their divisions. Not good at all. For those who want a pick higher than #9, Washington must lose then get some very unlikely help. IMO, a miracle will be needed for Washington to end up with pick #11 if they win and chances are extremely good that they will. If we want Washington to have the best chance at getting the QB they want without trading up, a loss and unexpected victories by Carolina and Seattle is the only way. So, of course, they are going to win.
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