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Everything posted by cakmoney61

  1. Wow!!! Malik Willis at four? I can see that. Yes, it's all speculation at this point. This will be one of the most interesting drafts for QBs than we've had in a long time. With the exception of Malik Willis, I don't see a lot of big moves up to get these QBs. Incremental moves, yes. Speaking just as a fan of the NFL, I'm very interested in this year's draft just to see what happens with these QBs. I don't know which would be the bigger surprise. How high some of these QBs will go or how low.
  2. Moving up to 7-9 makes much more sense. I can't imagine anyone trading into the top 4 but anything is possible. So when do you think the first QB comes off the board?
  3. Would you say your lack of surprise would be due the lack of supply when compared to the demand? And not because the QBs are seen as extremely talented? Who would you trade up for?
  4. As a 28-year military veteran, Commanders is one of the very worse names you could name a football team. They are not involved in direct combat. They are managers of personnel and materiel. They represent the coaches on the sidelines. Commanders does not represent the players on the field. It's a great name for a chess team. But a professional football team? Never! I truly hate the name... ...but I'll get over the name quick, fast, and in a hurry if they become consistent winners and eventual world champions. OTOH, what would it have cost Snyder to buy the rights to Redwolves? He's a freaking billionaire. Why ask the fans, then name the team something that makes no sense whatsoever? Is he that delusional about his own brilliance or does he simply hate the fan base? Did anyone not have the nerve to tell him that "Commanders" was a stupid idea and tell him why? How this team has any fans at all is a mystery starting with that imbecile that looks back at me in the mirror.🙄
  5. With the possible exception of Malik Willis who most suggest has the highest ceiling, no one appears to be the type of prospect to move into the top four to get. Would you be shocked if Washington picked the first QB at #11? I wouldn't. These QBs' ratings are all over the map. There isn't even a real consensus on who is the best of the bunch. And that's not a good thing. I have a feeling Washington will get bamboozled in a trade to move up for one of these college QBs. I'd rather they spend high draft picks and a player in a trade for proven talent, for example, Russell Wilson. The QB situation getting resolved this offseason just doesn't look very promising. This is what virtually 30 years of futility does to a fan base. If it can go wrong, it will go wrong. Please talk me off this ledge.
  6. Reading what people are willing to give up to move up to grab a QB makes me extremely happy that some are not the GM. There are four QBs people consider to be viable prospects. To go up to four or higher makes little sense unless Washington really believes that one of them is a franchise QB.
  7. I said in another thread that I wanted to see Cincinnati against the 49ers in the Super. I also said that the 49ers were going to beat the Rams because the Rams were going to turn the ball over.
  8. The Chiefs' and Bills' offenses are playing a different game. The Chiefs' and the Bills' defenses looked like Washington's defense the first third of the season. I know I'm in the minority, but I'd love to see the Bengals and 49ers in the Super Bowl.
  9. The conversation here has been that no one is willing to give up a first-round pick for him, which I wholeheartedly agree, but that is what San Francisco wants. The concern of some is that Washington would be that team to do it.
  10. That's what the conversation has been on this board for several days. I am responding to what I have read here.
  11. I was being sarcastic. The bottom line is I really don't want a JAG QB at the expense of a first-round pick and a huge long-term contract.
  12. I have forgotten it so completely that I have no idea what you are even talking about.😉 Unless Jimmy G comes very cheap, I do not want to see him in Washington.
  13. I agree with you about what an elite QB can do to a defense, yet I saw Allen throw his last two TDs to a wide open Gabriel Davis. Mahomes' TD to Tyreek Hill was a catch and run for a TD. What's really scary is what they can do to bad defenses. Those defenses were bad in the fourth quarter.
  14. Although I agree with the greatness of Allen and Mahomes, what stood out more to me was how awful both defenses played down the stretch. It was an utter disgrace. Now back to our regularly scheduled program of expressing our desperation for our own viable QB.
  15. I understand both of your positions. For me, Jimmy G is not a fall back. He represents more of the same for Washington at the QB position which is that hamster perpetually spinning on that mind-numbing wheel. Listen, my assessment of Jimmy G could be totally wrong. And if he ends up here, I want him to make me eat crow week after week and year after year.
  16. It worries me. And it's quite disturbing, because I love and respect your and KDawg's takes immensely. I feel like I'm disagreeing with two great sages.😨 But Jimmy G moves me to rise up and say "DON'T DO IT!!!!!!" He really makes me feel some type of way. And that is sick to my stomach.🤢🤮
  17. I 100% agree that we cannot go into next season with Heinicke as the starter. 😬 Yet, I feel the same about Jimmy G. Personally, he doesn't inspire one ounce of hope. Isn't the price SF paid last year to move up to get what they hope is their franchise QB to replace Jimmy G Exhibit A to the fact that Jimmy G is not "that" guy but just "a" guy.
  18. He's is Washington's version of Alex Smith who somehow had a winning record although he literally had nothing to do with any of the wins. All I mostly saw from Smith were plays missed that would have been made by a better QB. Players like Jimmy G and Alex Smith are more like good luck charms than they are tangible contributors to offensive success. At this time, I am a hard "no!" on giving up draft picks and money for Jimmy G. For now, too many other options are available including the draft.
  19. Jimmy G has zero to do with SF's success. He is simply a placeholder. He is a below average starting QB. He doesn't contribute to SF winning games. He spends his time almost losing them. He is not clutch at all. Washington really needs a viable QB. Bringing Jimmy G here, using draft picks then paying him $20M+ would be like spitting in the face of this fan base. WFT, don't do it!
  20. Respectfully... No. No. No. No. No. A thousand times... No. You can win with him if you have a dominant defense (check), some excellent offensive players (check), and your special teams makes major contributions like it did against the Packers (check). Jimmy G is 100% JAG being carried along by a great team.
  21. Of course Buffalo is going to speak very highly of Trubisky. They are trying to get the most bang for their buck in a trade.
  22. My personal favorites: Big Ben is in the Injured category three times.😆 And Carson Wentz is his own category.🤣
  23. I appreciate your positive approach of it being possible to find that guy in this year's draft. I just want someone to guarantee me right now that our QB situation will be addressed for the next 10-15 years, whether he be a vet or a rookie no matter the cost. Thirty years of mostly mediocrity at the position is enough.
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