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Everything posted by cakmoney61

  1. Like I said, things could get interesting. Hopefully, Heinicke inspires the defense to play better.
  2. Heinicke gives the team life and hope. The second half could be interesting.
  3. When one team has a very good to great QB and the other team has "meh," it's as if the other team is playing with one hand tied behind its back.
  4. It's definitely having its way with Fuller.
  5. Bostic knows he can use his arms and hands to make tackles. Right?
  6. Same problems as preseason. Bad o-line play and bad QB play.
  7. Washington is throwing too many east-west passes that take too long to get to the receiver and for very short yardage.
  8. Fuller has been awful so far today.
  9. Somebody needs to inform Washington that the preseason ended.
  10. Unfortunately, some of those records may be of a negative nature; i.e., most INTs in a season. This is one Jameis Winston may keenly have his eyes on.😉
  11. IMO, AGG is just a big, slow guy. I can't imagine him getting open against anybody. Regarding the "eye test," every time I saw him run I wanted to close my eyes.
  12. IMO, the key to the season will be the offense. We know the defense will compete at a high level most of the time, but there are several hellacious QBs they will be facing. This puts the onus of the offense to play well. Like the last few years, I see an offense that still can't run the ball. As a result, a very good to great QB is needed to offset a pedestrian running game and, frankly, I don't think Washington has one. The end result is another long season for the offense and anywhere from a 6-11 to 8-9 record, because the schedule is extremely difficult. They were a 7-9 team with the schedule of a 12-4 team. Of course, I beg them to prove me wrong. PLEASE PROVE ME WRONG!!!!!!!!!!!!!🥺
  13. The only one I had in mind at the time. Turns out RR isn't too concerned.
  14. A QB who can't throw will soon be an ex-QB. He's like a kicker who can't kick.
  15. Hopkins is going to cost the Team games this season. He needs to be replace ASAP.
  16. The offensive line was just OK. Heinicke made some arm throws that I didn't like. Liked Brown and Patterson. Mostly, I'm happy there were no major injuries to key players.
  17. My #1 concern is that starters and key players don't suffer serious injury. I would also like to see the rookies play well.
  18. Beyond football, his parents and all who are a part of his life should be very proud of him. I just met him in this video and I can say that I am. May he continue to be the humble, grounded, sober-minded, hard working young man he appears to be. And may his dream of being an outstanding football player and productive member of society come true. Whether he makes it as a professional football player or not, I am a huge fan. Him shutting down receivers on Sundays would only be icing on the cake.
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