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Everything posted by dfitzo53

  1. If that is supposed to be an answer to my question, let's now hear what policies the No Labels party is about. Right now they seem to be about good vibes and vague promises. Not sure how they back up the claim they're the refreshing new take the majority of American voters are looking for.
  2. I would love to know what people like about Hogan. Sure, he "stood up to Trump," but what policies of his do you like? Does anybody even know what his policies are? Most of what you find on his website are "his" accomplishments, and it's pretty clear he's benefitting from riding the coat tails of a perpetually democratic legislature.
  3. A few tips off the top of my head in no particular order: General stuff: * Every turn you get an action, bonus action and a certain amount of movement. If you aren't using at least two of those each turn, you're probably not maximizing what you can be doing. Handy bonus actions: Bardic inspiration (for your Bard specifically, although you won't want to use this every turn - you'll probably want to save a few charges for Cutting Words), jump, shove, drink a potion * Having a character that can cast Guidance (Shadowheart can do it for example) is helpful since you're leaning on conversation a lot - this is also beneficial for disarming traps, picking locks, etc * The high ground matters a lot - it gives you bonuses to hit and to damage with ranged attacks, just be careful that you aren't shoved off * Healing for a small amount of HP (like casting a healing spell that takes an action in the middle of combat) is generally not as useful as dishing out more damage or casting a more impactful spell that will buff your team or debuff theirs - the exception is that if a character is downed and you have the chance to heal them you almost always want to since that automatically gets them back up * You can throw potions (takes an action unless you are the Throwing Barbarian) to give your teammates the effect of the potion - if you are very careful about your positioning you can even heal two characters with the same potion by splashing it on them, but it's finicky * On computer you can hold Alt to highlight most chests and other containers - not sure what button on controller does that but it's useful Bard stuff: * Since you have high dexterity, if you have or gain proficiency in Sleight of Hand you can do just as good a job as Astarion at picking locks if you end up wanting to replace him later * Weapons that are marked "Finesse" will allow you to use your Dexterity instead of Strength for attack and damage, so things like rapiers are good for you if you get stuck in melee * As soon as you can, equip two hand crossbows in your ranged weapon slots - this will let you fire a crossbow as a bonus action even if you did something else like cast a spell with your main action ... and if you aren't using a shield, you could also consider using two light weapons you're proficient with like daggers for the option to attack with your offhand as a bonus action in melee as well * You have access to Healing Word, and you should keep it prepared - it lets you heal a character for a small amount from a distance as a bonus action (level 1 spell slot) - the most important aspect of that is that you can get a character who has been downed back into the fight
  4. Can't remember whether you answered this already, have you played either of the Divinity: Original Sin games?
  5. In fairness, that seemed more like a very unfortunate coincidence than any negligence on the part of the parents.
  6. My cousin is in town and wants to know if there's a place (convenient to Tysons ideally) to watch the F1 race tomorrow morning.
  7. A thought: Who gives a ****? If our country weren't horribly broken, we wouldn't have entire states trying to legislate like it's 1857. At some point big chunks of this country will have to be dragged kicking and screaming into the modern world. I'm hoping Gen Z has the gumption to do it.
  8. "Even a stopped 88Comrade2000 is right none times a day," as I believe the old saying goes.
  9. Maybe melt down those gold crosses and sell those silk robes if you're too bankrupt too pay. They're bankrupt all right, but not financially.
  10. Gas Station Alfredo would be an S-tier username.
  11. The article is heartbreaking, the headline doesn't even begin to cover things.
  12. I'll have to go look through a lot of his back catalog, most of what I've watched is his M:tG stuff which he has on a separate channel. Plus his grape leaves video.
  13. We need to get together for a game this year my guy.
  14. I also felt like that came out of nowhere. My guess is they wanted a close connection between Ahsoka and Sabine and that was the easiest way to force it.
  15. Honestly, it's gotta be really ****ing hard to write for Star Wars and add to the lore without stepping on toes somewhere.
  16. I'm in if there's a spot. Happy to do any draft type.
  17. Gin and tonic with KO distilling Navy Strength Gin.
  18. Generally that's how flavored/infused liquors are made. The flavors you see on the label are added after the initial grain/fruit/starch has been fermented. Gin isn't (as far as I know in terms of mainstream gin) distilled from some kind of fermented juniper mash. It essentially starts life as vodka or some other neutral spirit and then the juniper and other botanicals are added later.
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