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Everything posted by dfitzo53

  1. Oh yeah that's a tough fight. There is a lawyer route to take there.
  2. Xbox or PC. You can play with a controller or with keyboard+mouse.
  3. I mean, it's a NY Post article. 1) Demonizing diversity? Check. 2) Glossing over a global pandemic as the likely reason for a significant drop in test scores to imply failing public schools? Check. 3) Throwing in the liberal label when it probably doesn't even have much to do with the issue at hand? Check.
  4. It's kind of funny how threatened conservatives are by the idea of people, like, dying their hair purple and ****. If I didn't know any better I would think they're the real snowflakes.
  5. Needs to fit more than 215 pounds though. Or the 215 should be in quotes.
  6. He can give you a very minor reward if you put up with his bull****, but that's it.
  7. I definitely want that game, but I'll probably have to wait a while.
  8. @Simmsy I think PB is talking about BG3 and it sounds like you're maybe talking about Starfield.
  9. Look around, there's usually a hidden passage somewhere, if you're where I think you might be, there are some ledges to jump across once you get out of the cell itself. Re: speaking with animals, you can use it on pretty much any animal. Most of them won't have a ton to say, but if there's an animal that seems out of place, seems to have story significance, or keeps showing up, that can be a good one to talk to.
  10. If *real* real, as @Riggo-toni said, it's most likely one of the islands in the Mediterranean. If "real" as in, if the legend-chasers were actually right all along, it could be anywhere from Antarctica to the Caribbean to the Sargasso Sea to a still-extant city on the floor of the Atlantic.
  11. Side note, Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis was an incredible game with a cool vision of Atlantis. I always wished they had made that into an Indy movie while Harrison Ford was still in his prime.
  12. I don't think anybody disputes that Atlantis (as written about by ancient people) could simply be a reference to an also-ancient mundane island. I think what most people mean by Atlantis in the sense this thread is using it is a magical or implausibly highly technologically advanced society. Orichalcum-powered robots and stuff.
  13. Dude I don't want to put sunscreen on anybody's back. I don't even like putting sunscreen on myself.
  14. The "problem" with the Fermi paradox is that we don't have any good way right now of knowing what probabilities to assign to all of the "some" and "may" qualifiers. I agree though, the alien possibility is easily larger than all the rest.
  15. The only one with a shred of credibility is aliens visiting earth, and that's still quite unlikely. This is kind of like asking which food I'm most likely to try next, and listing a bunch of toxic chemicals and one technically edible but completely unpalatable substance.
  16. I think it's like weight lifting for some people. Just seeing how far they can push themselves. The whole part about paying money for food and being unable to enjoy it is what gets me. Just try some hot sauce on crackers if that's what you're after. Edit: I would also bet the guy at your job thinks he's impressing the restaurant staff by asking for the special spices. (He's not.)
  17. At the pool last week we saw some old dude who could have legit been a Hulk Hogan impersonator. He had the mustache, the face, he even had the "I used to be buff, but now I'm 70 and I still drink 6 packs" bod. He was constantly applying bronzer to himself and even had an American flag bandana. It was uncanny. One of those times you wonder if you stumbled across a glitch in the matrix.
  18. Subway: Eat "Fresh" Jersey Mike's: No literally, we have actual quality cold cuts and we cut them fresh right in front of you.
  19. Why extend a courtesy that he wouldn't? Chickens are coming home to roost for him as far as I'm concerned. A few months or years of suffering for him at the end of his life are really nothing compared to decades of trying to stack the deck against social progress for an entire country. The only people I sort of feel bad for are family members who have to watch him go through this, and even then not really. I would bet a decent number of them don't even like him. His wife is just as crooked as he is.
  20. @PleaseBlitz Are we still waiting on 1 person to join?
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