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Everything posted by nonniey

  1. I'm just now going through retirement process but that is not my understanding on how it works. You can use the VA and so can Vets not on Tri-care for some things but believe you can go to any doctor that accepts Tri-care.
  2. That is not the VA, that is your insurance - basically same as what you have now but you'd use civilian doctors.
  3. Oh you'll still be better off than civilians even after you retire. You get Tricare for Life or Tricare Standard. That is just about $600 a year.
  4. Really? You're saying amen to the what is essentially a Republican position? Who are you and what did you do to TryTheBeal?
  5. In nutshell yes. The easy fix is a massive government bailout of the insurance corporations but Marco Rubio shut down that option.
  6. The labour rebels probably need to defect to the liberal party. That would essentially switch the roles of those two parties. The liberal Party would become the main opposition while the Labour party would be reduced to a weak third party that occasionally has the opportunity to be a junior partner. I t amazes me the obsolete far left (ie think 1970s Marxist-Leninists) have managed to get a hammer lock on labor.
  7. May Scottish grandparents introduced this show to me that was in 1969.
  8. nonniey

    Cut or Keep - RB Edition

    Have they by and large been running against the same defenders? Kelly has gone up against the 1st string. I think there really is no question between these two. You keep Kelly. And IMO Kelly should be starting over Jones.
  9. No they can't. And if they disagree with what is passed by the Parliament they won't execute it and in fact have the regulatory powers to implement policy that the Parliament may not like (and have done so). Heck guys this has been known for years. The EU bureaucrats have been called mandarins and that isn't a recent development (ie the term was used long before this election).
  10. That was an excellent bit of information. I challenge anyone in this thread criticizing the Brexit move to watch it and comment.
  11. Not to mention having to raise their own Army to fend off the US Military who would move to end this nonsense.
  12. Maybe but without the House and Senate and President. It would be the courts and the bureaucracy. The real problem with the EU is it's anti-democratic method of functioning. They have a parliament but the real power lies with the unelected bureaucrats who create their own regulations and who can and often do choose to ignore what the elected officials propose or pass.
  13. There you go. Always look on the bright side of life .... da da dada dada dadda......
  14. It is more complicated than that. The EU has been moving more and more in an anti-democratic direction for decades. The EU bureaucracy doesn't follow what the elected legislatures propose or even referendums from it's member states. If a law is passed or vote had which contradicts the bureaucracy's plans they just ignore it. This happened with a Danish vote a few years back and it happened with another state as well. Bottom-line there is going to be a lot of short term pain but I believe the British made the right choice long term. They chose liberty, wouldn't most of us chose that as well? Would you want to live in an anti-democratic oligarchy which is where the EU is heading?
  15. No it is the die hard Next Generation fans that despise the Abrams movies but they're not real Trekkers anyway.
  16. Saw it last night in a early showing with cast members (Hirsch and Usher) (2 showings they were at the first I was at the second). If I hadn't had free tickets I'd have been more disappointed but since it was free it was ok. Really not worth the price of a ticket.
  17. After sleeping on it I think I was overly generous I said it was ok but then I got free tickets. I wouldn't pay to see this movie knowing what I know now.
  18. Well just saw Independence Day Resurgence in an early pre-screening put on at FT Huachuca. Had two showings today. The first had Judd Hirsch and J Usher in attendance. I went to the later show so didn't see them. Now here are the spoilers to ruin the movie. People Die, Aliens Die, cities are destroyed and Vivica Fox has put on some weight (Damn the years are just flying by, she's my age). Movie overall is not as good as the first but ok I guess.
  19. Yeah but sometimes they are better than the original ie XMEN 1st Class.
  20. How did you get future 1sts? and far as I can no team ever offers future picks for the picks the Redskins have and you can't make proposals to move down just receive them when you are on the clock (You can propose to move up).
  21. What the hell is wrong with this site log-in. I have to submit a forgotten password every single time as it won't accept the password that you registered. An no I didn't forget the password.
  22. Think I'd be happy with this draft 9- no way it happens though) Round 1 Pick 30 (CAR): Reggie Ragland, ILB, Alabama (A+) Round 2 Pick 22: Cody Whitehair, OG, Kansas State (A+) Round 3 Pick 13 (L.A.): Chris Jones, DT/DE, Mississippi State (A) Round 3 Pick 21: Zack Sanchez, CB, Oklahoma (A-) Round 4 Pick 6 (BALT): Paul Perkins, RB, UCLA ( Round 4 Pick 15 (TENN): Keyarris Garrett, WR, Tulsa (A) Round 4 Pick 22: Miles Killebrew, SS, Southern Utah (A+) Round 4 Pick 23 (MINN): Maliek Collins, DT, Nebraska (A) Round 5 Pick 19: Evan Boehm, C, Missouri (A) Round 7 Pick 11: Nick Richter, OT, Richmond ©
  23. I'm not big on this debate but I think his point is other rifles that don't look the same but with the same firing rate don't come under the same scrutiny.
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