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Everything posted by Renegade7

  1. It's not unreasonable to want to think about it, my understanding was this is what he really wants given he's from the area. This to me isn't so much about what he's leaving as what he's walking into, we are already up front not giving him what he wants, so he's probably second-guessing himself. Elongated amounts of time to second guess himself I don't believe work in our favor, maybe his, but not ours.
  2. WTF, of course it's sex if you go raw and pull out early. I think you have to be really carefully saying not pulling out is sexual assault, if you're that adamant that you would file changes for not pulling out, should the woman have made him wore a condom in the first place? With my ex, she had an IUD and eventually asked me to stop cumming in her, which I did. There was a few times before we broke up where we did anyway heat of the moment and she was cool with it, I don't know how I would feel about her all the sudden saying she really didn't want to and I got hauled to jail. We eventually started beefing, obviously since we broke up, but still had sex a couple times before we finally did. I can see where you'd want to protect women from men just doing it anyway, party foul and all, I just don't know how you do deal with once it gets very grey after that. I don't see what that has to do with abortion, though, any word on any court challenges yet or filed suits?
  3. Milwaukee was lit after game 1 compared to what I've seen from Jurrasic Park. Good for them.
  4. Kids dont come here anymore, at some point this conversation had to come back home. I'm fine either way, point's been made.
  5. Quarter almost over and now they flying around trying to make stuff happen. Either of these teams are good enough that when they go all effort it's a different convo.
  6. That'll make it worse, if he wants to be here, him needing a weekend to think about it is terrifying
  7. Looks like that halftime speech worked. Sike.
  8. Hey, Kawhi...you are playing for mental midget central
  9. I leave because we off topic and come back to y'all talking about the weather? Nice
  10. None, i had to reread what you said. But i stand by my point that if you make clear why your making certain points sooner i and others might agree with you sooner. I went and made the edit.
  11. That's what i said, and 23%? GTFOH, my brain just doesn't want to believe that
  12. I wish you made that point earlier, because I thought based on what you said you felt most men didn't even know how to practice safe sex, let alone use that as an excuse to get rid of abortion. Your making points that fit if you did better job of making clear where they fit upfront. I'm gonna stop because what I really want to hear about now is what the courts think.
  13. No, I've just never equated inspecting the condom to knowing how to use it. I expect the CDC to say it's important, but can't then say no one knows how to use one because they dont inspect it. Both your and husband have provided links for items that are rated more important and doesn't fit your narrative, not even close. I'll be honest, now I forget your point and how this relates to abortion.
  14. Guilty, I jus pray I feel something before something goes wrong. I don't like statistics because you can make them say anything you want if you know how to frame it, got a D in that class, I tried.
  15. People are going to die if Connley leaves DC without a deal.
  16. That's tough, man, those other ranges are huge and inconsistent and issues are interesting to say the least, but we really putting inspecting the condom in the category of knowing how to use it? That's really the only number that comes close to 50%, but you might as well headline the study that no one knows how to use one which you can't because wed be talking about an 70% to 80% failure rate or more and we aren't. If we were talking more them half put it on late or don't leave room at the top, okay, i could support the argument most men don't know how to use a condom, but that's not what it said. And i laughed when it said 23% unroll the whole thing first, i don't know who they asked i have trouble believing they were doing that consistently : )
  17. Stop playing games, man, give him what he wants, we need him more then he needs us.
  18. You'd be surprised what i or other men know, my girl has an app on her phone to help her time that and her period. This isn't the point, you said majority of men don't know how to use a condom and you have no evidence to prove that. What we instead have are stats that show extremely high success rates, why even being up someone learning how to do that in high school like they are a representation of half the population? Again, hyperlobe. No harm, no foul.
  19. I hope the spoilers are wrong, don't go looking for them.
  20. Unless you can produce a stat that shows less then half of men know how to use a condom, its hyperlobe. 85% success rate would indicate majority of men do know how to use a condom, i don't how you see the opposite. It had nothing to do with the OP and was intentionally done to illicit a reaction. We call that trolling, not playing devils advocate. All you had to do was be clear how that fit into the convo and ask how we felt about it instead of trying to prove how many misogynist are in the thread. These convos are hard because how quickly they get personal out of nowhere.
  21. I'm not sure that's how math works, if we're talking about 85% success rate, that's way more then 50%. This is a discussion forum that's gotten this far from trying its best to have constructive conversations. You don't get credit for adding to the discussion if that's not your goal. This conversation is hard enough as it is without pouring gasoline on it, you didn't prove anything, just wasted a bunch of pages of the thread. You want to have a serious conversation, we can do that, but be serious.
  22. No one is assuming that. I argue most people i know talk about a 98% success rate, which I'm seeing online, and your 85% number comes from incorrect usage. Thanks for clarification, but I'll be honest I didnt realize that was your point. Felt more like a grenade in a minefield.
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