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Everything posted by Renegade7

  1. People saying they don't care about dynasties sound like they don't care if their team ever wins a championship. Sure there's the occasional "my team might be next", but I can't get down with just accepting the Wizards will never get one. I'm down for more competition and parity, I don't get why Steve is constantly the only one saying just because we haven't had that means we shouldn't even try.
  2. Everyone said that? They finished game 5 just fine.
  3. Jon is a really nice guy, too nice for a woman willing to burn entire city to the ground. Think we were all in denial, now we know.
  4. It's like a music artist that people liked their old music but not their new music. He's a different person now, this stuff has gotten to him, to me that's why he seems more serious now.
  5. So glad TNT replaying it, that's BS the NBA made me pick GOT and miss that. I can't wait for KL vs Gainnis. It would be mortifying to see them on the same team. Have to change the television rating for gratuitous violence.
  6. God I hope not. Either Dany and Jon get together or kill one another, otherwise it will be nonstop civil war.
  7. People disagreed with Shakespeare comment, but some of these characters have just been terrible people for so long it just has to come back to them at some point.
  8. I got it, Dany decides to execute Jon by fire and he doesnt die. So he walks up to Dany dramatically with everyone cheering g him on to go kill her. Dragon bows, everyone's happy.
  9. He bent the knee, they work for her now. If leaders of the north start splitting, it could be an ugly civil war to finish things off. Talk about really nobody left. The one thing I hated about this most is now I know she has no qualms about doing that to Winterfell. She's probably going to do that next.
  10. Omg, that's exactly what will happen. And Jon will become the new Night King.
  11. Like I couldn't take my eyes off it? I guess. My feeling toward her character are far different now, might effect her cultural legacy. Really want to be Dany now?
  12. F no, it's like they were trying to be controversial instead of jus being controversial. Jump shark at least minute
  13. That horse reminded me this is a fantasy show.
  14. No idea what you spend the next show talking about outside killing Dany. That's so f'd up she did that.
  15. I want Toronto to lose now so we can get KL rumors. They dont deserve him.
  16. Think every main character in KL when it happens dies and puts on all eyes on what to so about Dany
  17. this is the end, weird feeling they gonna burn KL to the ground
  18. Denver has no shooters, finished 0-14 from 3, that don't work in May
  19. CJ is a bad man him damn self. I don't trust Denver with a three.
  20. If he can get them to play defense like Indiana, itd be a start.
  21. How bout the fact we still don't have a GM? Rumor is we waiting on the one from the nuggets, ill accept that excuse.
  22. Disney needs to be careful to keep the next stage from getting out of control. There's a million different directions to go, doesn't mean they should pick all of them. I'd rather see what they do with x-men then more avengers right now. That and maximum carnage.
  23. Shout out to the female fans, I guess. They should've at least split it.
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