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Everything posted by Renegade7

  1. That feels not taking my last paragraph seriously at all. If two adults agree to have consensual sex without contraceptive but neither want a kid and she gets pregnant anyway, should the guy get charged? That feels different them someone taking the condom off without saying anything, which is wrong as hell.
  2. I can understand this. If it's obviously malicious in an attempt to get someone pregnant without them knowing, I can see attempting criminal. It jus feels like the collateral damage will be the precident set for people having sex without contraceptive and the father getting blamed and charged if she gets pregnant just because she said she didn't want to have a kid even when not malicious. It's like Russian roullet when you have sex raw, you shouldn't be able to go to the police if you do that hoping you don't get pregnant and do anyway, that's my concern with starting that conversation with criminal charges. We really going charge someone for not pulling out? You can get pregnant off of precum.
  3. You shouldn't, it's good some people went ahead, but if everyone piled on it would've derailed the thread and missed some of the other points you and others have tried to bring up.
  4. I'm not sure why you keep bringing this up like nobody cares, people do. I recommened civil because you'll need a burden of proof that may be impossible to get. Itll be he said she said with no rape kit because it was consensual sex, jus not consentual conception. You want to throw people in jail for that, how?
  5. I never said it's too much for women to do that it takes two to tango, been saying that. Its birds and bees, dudes know you dont wrap up that's the risk, women know you dont wrap up, that's the risk. Both should know better then go raw then get upset when the woman gets pregnant, that I never understood. I made it this far without a kid because I'm fine wearing a condom and dont want a kid yet, it's not rocket science, I dont even need the woman to ask up to this point because I could risk getting STD as well, pulling out early doesnt protect against that. My girl isnt using birth control so she doesnt have to tell me because I know we arent ready yet.
  6. Then there needs to be more legal protections for fathers to be able to do that, because that's not an uncommon story. Better, a lot of men that get out of jail that's used against them in any attempts to adjust custody rulings and they dont stand a chance in getting them changed. The courts are heavily skewed towards the mother, our legal system isnt doing a good enough job for the fathers that do want to be involved and be in their kids lives.
  7. Nah, I think you overracting. My feelings on child support are that it really needs to be about supporting the child and needs an overhaul in how that's executed. In some cases it's a minimal amount that keeps them in poverty while in some states parents can accumulate child support while in jail. I would ignore anyone that brings up the father requesting an abortion because if they didnt want a kid they should've wore a condom. And the reason I'm not getting into a woman lying about being on birth control to get a trap baby is because I dont want parents paying child support anymore, lessening the damage of the trap. Next step is custody discussions of stuff like that, but that's offtopic, imo.
  8. Hate to say this but feel GOP rallies the pro-life flag because it's a sensitive topic that can drive evangelicals to the polls in a way tax cuts cant. like has been mentioned, it's more pro-birth, Alabama is 50th in education so it's not like they really give a damb about kids down there.
  9. This sounds more like a lawsuit then criminal charges. And for the record, I didnt see anyone say to get rid of child support, but to stop having parents pay it, let government do it or find different way to get those resources to the person applying for it.
  10. As a black man, that's all I hear about how it's the dudes fault or responsibility. It goes both ways, it should be equal responsibility, he knocked her up and she got knocked up, but that absolutely is not how the system treats it.
  11. You swing at the king, you best not miss.
  12. "See officer, theres an obvious pin prick in this used condom! Hold it, you can see it by jus..."
  13. Oh man, that's gotta be like watching a tsunami roll in at sea level
  14. Oh Jesus, we talking about locking people up for the dude nutting too early? How the hell do you prove that?
  15. Pleasantly suprised. All this talking by Chuck, finally seeing it in action (whoa)
  16. No, labor is painful AF, if a woman doesnt want to go through that she should have to. The crazy thing is that's not even why so many people want to ban it. That's because the government doesnt want to pay anymore them it already does to supplement incomes for childcare and theres a lot of money made in keeping people in jail for child support. Its hard to say that system is working considering how many people in poverty are getting child support and the kids are still getting failing grades perpetuating the cycle. Dont think fathers or mothers should pay child support because I think it does more harm then good, big picture. But back to fathers having a say, this isnt like normal issues that people can make reasonable comparisons to because your talking about telling someone to give birth to another person. Couples have discussions about health choices all the time, but the husband cant tell his wife how many kids he wants and make her do that, that feels dehumanizing AF.
  17. I can't listen to anyone who loves his own voice as much as he does, I'll keep reading and for Supreme Court smack down.
  18. Toronto can't stay that hot from three, can they? Playing good defense, live Gannis shooting three instead of living in the paint
  19. After watching that lottery why on earth would anyone think tanking would work going forward? They are making that harder do to that, just gotta get Connely and do it the old fashion way.
  20. Maybe if these old ass dudes cared how painful labor is they wouldn't be forcing women to go through it. They don't, its such an easy vote for them because it's not their problem.
  21. I hope people are doublethinking the tanking thing now.
  22. If Dany was smart, she'll kill Jon and Tyrion before they get the chance to get to her, like on the way home, then go burn Winterfell to the ground with Sansa in it. The line has been crossed, their betrayal is inevitable. What I think will happen is Tyrion gets executed, Jon talks to Dany alone to see if she's really as gone as she thinks she is, then does it himself within her embrace like she knows she deserves it. Unless Greyworm accepts Jon as the rightful heir, he dies, too, and everyone goes home.
  23. Need to just catch her on the potty with a crossbow, if she doesn't kill him first do something with dying for.
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