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Everything posted by Renegade7

  1. Gotta believe Toronto will shoot better at home. When the Bucks are hitting shots, they are better. They need another shooter or two, I still hate when Toronto takes time off.
  2. Cant coach that. Tired of being that sexy team that cant even get a girl's phone number.
  3. I look forward to some fight going level 11 and Drake grabbing on to Ibaka's leg for dear life.
  4. I dont think it's about not being fun, more who are we making exceptions for and what's the point of the rule if you do. I like Drake, but I do security for a living
  5. No one should, I thought that was the rule after malice in the palace? Anyway, I'm going to go out on a limb and take the Raptors. Think they figured them out, have more shooters, and their only problem is playing uptempo all four quarters against them. Not sure what adjustment bucks make outside hitting their shots when Gainnis gets blocked from getting in the paint, and that's not scheme, that's talent.
  6. ♫ I was gonna beat your ass, but then I got high...♫
  7. I'd rather see Toronto now, they have more shooters.
  8. What's the survival rate of a fetus taken out the womb at 5 months? From what I'm seeing it's close to zero. What kind of life are we talking about for the survivors? I'm trying to find stats for reasoning behind abortions after 5 months, instead I'm finding demonizing on one side by like the National Review and doctors on the other saying most times it's the health of the baby or mother. If you have stats to clarify, im all ears. Raising a child is hard and expensive, raising one with debilitating birth defects, its jus not my place to make someone go through that. If I cant say it to someone's face I'm not going to say it behind a computer screen. As has been noted, this government does a pretty **** job with kids who actually are born with all the school shootings, so their bleeding heart falls on deaf ears to me now more then ever. I get you feel passionately about this, and I do, too, but it's not our bodies or our lives effected, shouldnt be our call. I dont believe the country can agree on a middle ground, why the Vermont law makes sense.
  9. That 91% of abortions are done within 13 weeks of gestation. That's like realizing your pregnant and deciding you dont want to be. You missed that, but that matters in the scope of this conversation. Seriously, it feels from some that that 1%-2% after 5 months number we're talking about is much higher and it's not, its built up with all this passion like it is but it's not.
  10. Jus because the court is conservative does not mean they support this bill or find it constitutional. Alabama said they knew they were intentionally reaching here, so I'll believe it when I see it. Good, one less thing to keep moving our laws back and forth over.
  11. It doesnt matter what I'm okay with, it's not my call, and I can live with that. I dont support controlling the reproductive rights of tens of million of women over 3-10 thousand fetuses. Like I said, please dont try to use my heart against me. This is from CDC. https://www.cdc.gov/reproductivehealth/data_stats/abortion.htm
  12. I thought your point was republicans in federal government and supreme court supported the Alabama law, I'm confused.
  13. Republicans in DC are already saying this went too far, I doubt they get behind this, it will cost them votes and they know it.
  14. It's already been stated in the thread abortions after 7 months only make up about 1% of abortions. Jus because the narrative is women getting abortions whenever they want doesnt mean that's what they are doing. Vermont is guaranteeing the choice stays between the mother and the doctor, taking the state out of it. It doesnt matter how I feel about abortion, that's how it should be, only a matter of time until it was enforced by law. The state cant be trusted to find a middle ground.
  15. Theres no exceptions for rape or incest. You're too deep in this conversation not to know that. I've heard this arguement before, it's more to circumvent the federal government then that the fed doesnt know what its doing. I support what Vermont is doing right now.
  16. Talk in the office is to watch out for the Bucks. Idk, GS is on level 11 right now, I'd be careful with the whole "they bigger and what they gonna do about Bledsoe" talk. Bledsoe has be largely irrelevant lately, I dont trust him to tip the scale.
  17. I cannot imagine the way this team is playing with KD and Cousins healthy. Don't bother coming to work today, the office building is gone.
  18. I'm so tired of saying this, but what is the point of bringing up all this talent from the farm system only to see them flatline from bad coaching? We are wasting these guys by not doing everything we can to make sure they keep progressing at the next level, and that includes being put in the best position to win. I can't turn on Rizzo because I believe he's a manager away from getting this right, but my God we can't get right on that at all, it's KILLING us.
  19. Dude, she was talking about everyone. It wasn't just the nobels that didn't know her or her previous good deeds, the peasants didn't either, that was her concern. Name one leader that ruled out of fear that didn't kill their own people, peasants as well, to maintain the status quo? That's why I hated what they did to her, she snapped, there's no doubt in my mind she was going to burn Winterfell to the ground and that's why Jon killed her. She was literally making a hitlist during her speech.
  20. Keep in mind Mad Queen Dany's version of liberation was genocide now. Lose lose if you ask me.
  21. He's going straight Kelly Olynk game 7 against the Wizards right now. I f'n hate that guy.
  22. That's likely the Blazers best punch and they are only up by 4. I wouldn't be sweating at all if I was GS right now. Overachiever.
  23. This is so important and I don't believe Ted gets it. Tim would've helped fix our reputation, now we are trying to save face with our terrible PR team. We look second rate, no one that thinks this is okay should be allowed to survive.
  24. Dad and I were having this discussion, I believe this is exactly what happened, why he said he wanted 5 years, and Ted was like "No, Wall is coming back, max Beal, and we can get the third star with this pick, back in business". Like I've said, I like basketball, and DC has a team which I want to do well, this is where they are putting me now.
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