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Everything posted by Renegade7

  1. I saw Blazers in the hallway, they look ready to get swept. Let's get this over with.
  2. What are the stats on the number of 7 month abortions? Like is that something that's actually common or thrown out to make this conversation harder then it already is? I've never met a woman that waited that long because they just didn't want to have a kid, not even close. Someone put out a stat that only a third of 20-24 week old infants make it, that is a disturbing failure rate to act like all the mother has to so is get the fetus out the womb if they don't want it, that doesn't sound the case at all and how much does that cost? Who's paying to save premature babies when the parents don't want them?
  3. Unfortunately GOP makes clear their priorities via their actions. I'm not sure how you vote, but can't get down their plan for making world a better place. They like Dany talking about what they know good is and don't care what others think anymore because "they don't have to". Not how democracy works.
  4. I'm not trying to lump you into anything, but disappointed you commenting about doing something to help what's going on and you aren't voting. That doesn't make sense to me.
  5. Please dont pull at my heart strings with that, because the adjacent policies implemented by people trying to push these laws show they dont care about the child once they are born. Not only that, I dont hear anything anymore about helping what's going on to the Rohingya or that part of Africa that got whipped out by the cyclone or the silence of evangelicals on refugee issue coming from Latin America that includes children. You may be sad about what's happening in the world, but are you challenging these lawmakers to do anything about it, because they aren't. I am, by voting them out of office.
  6. Somehow I feel we jus found a way to do worse then Ernie. Cheap ****, we gonna suck forever.
  7. I wanted to see Bran find Drogon, I guess it's kinda inferred hes the last one and going to do what exactly?
  8. "You are my queen." Is now code for "i want to break up with you, but dont know how yet".
  9. Bran the Broken, hell I'm broken now and so is my will to complain. They tried to be diplomatic to themselves, not us. Master of Yawn.
  10. I could hear the cries of "I dont want to die!" All the way from HBO. Glad they gonna repeat the game, I'll stay up for it.
  11. As Kit would put it...disappointing.
  12. My sister brings this up so I know its true
  13. What happens if SCOTUS denies the appeal? Are they allowed to do that?
  14. This went too far intentionally to see if it would stick. The political pressure from moderates not wanting to be an issue that galvanizes the left for 2020 has already started. I'm no legal expert, but I would hope this would be looked at as a precedent that effects the entire country instead of just what Alabama wants to do.
  15. Just because want it to get to supreme court doesnt mean they will take it up. It's so far reaching a lower court can stop it.
  16. This could really galvanize the pro-choice side once these ads start rolling for these new laws as the GOPs vision on this issue. It's telling how many are already saying this is too far and could backfire. This Alabama law could get thrown out at lower court, they blew their wad on this.
  17. This is Exodus 21:22: A lot of theologians and archeologist interpret it as paying fine for property loss, not eye for eye execution for taking the life of the unborn fetus. It's a multi-cell organism absorbing resources from the mother, its life, that's not the question. It's not a human being yet or capable of being one to get the same rights. I can imagine numbers of premature babies in these states not standing a chance and dying anyway because of the higher then normal infant mortality rate. C-section is jus as invasive as child-birth. You run the risk of a complication that prevents further child birth every time you do it, imagine forcing someone to give birth and decide to give up for adoption because they cant afford the kid but it goes bad and they cant have kids down the road. Why open ourselves up to this? Do you agree with this law they passed in Alabama?
  18. I'm not comfortable with the fetus being at the point of being able to survive outside the womb and still be terminated. That takes a while, and really I want nothing to do with that choice because it's not my choice, should be between the mom and the doctor. If I want people to leave me alone on my decisions that dont directly effect other people, I have to give the same regardless of how I feel about abortion. I'm pro-choice, not pro-abortion, it's none of my business.
  19. I said he was better them Kyrie, he just chocked, too, took longer.
  20. Warriors play like a championship team. It's the eye test, they well coached and sportscenter.
  21. If you see the world the same way at 50 that you did at 20, you wasted 30 years of your life. I don't live in an area dominated by that at all, its starting to feel like a divide between urban and rural areas with rural states failing terribly at education.
  22. Prohibitive is too strong a word. It's early, but @Destino brings up good point about their other guys outscoring Torontos other guys. That could happen in the finals, but i can't bet against their defense and Curry going nova. I'm not getting caught up in Toronto not wanting to play basketball two games in a row. Mothership on a roll lately.
  23. Klay Thompson makes is lightskin brothas look good. Love watching him play.
  24. Remember Wizards playing the Bucks maybe a year or two ago and thinking to myself, "Good Lord, its like a team full of Otto Porters!". Jus felt like everyone had this wingspan like bird thing going on, hated playing them.
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