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Everything posted by TheShredder

  1. He is out 1 game now, that gives 2 weeks of scar tissue to grow a patch. A patch isn't going to hold up against his over powering upper and lower body. Even if they sit him the following game that's 3 weeks and not enough to be confident about the scar tissue holding up to play the Rams at 1-3. The following week is the Giants game. I'd suspect him being held back 2 games with 4 weeks of healing time. That might get him a longer season, as the next tear would be #3 and any professional healthcare provider would be negligent to not require surgical procedure at that point.
  2. Yeah, everyone in the NFL knows that the hip flexor and 4 weeks later 'groin' injury are related. They'll know he's never going to play at 100% this year and is1 snap away from being out all year. It's a bummer because I'm with @Burgundy Yoda on the Haskins issue and the defense was the paramount motivator to watch this WFT this year.
  3. deciding when to mail it in isn't really a career lingering issue as much as a season long lingering issue and an off-season dedicated to rehab instead of football skills. That decision is probably left to Chase Young up to the point where the new MRI proves that he needs surgery immediately. Chase wants to be rookie of the year and bring sacks and forced fumbles to his DL gang. You can look at other guys like Clowney last year, who played with a sports hernia and had off-season surgery. It's not a mystery why he didn't sign right away as he would have had to go through camp, in the heat, getting dehydrated and risking his core hinge wasn't caught up to his stature. No quick fix here. Short term scar tissue will regrow after 2 weeks.
  4. This is a slippery slope because the issue is progressing. The risk is the difference between repair with a scope or having to open up the hip.... You don't want to expose the abdominal region to infection, ever. It's very risky. I'd say they give him one more shot at rehab for a few weeks then try again before they shut him down if I had to guess. if they can scope it then it's fully healed in about 6-8 weeks. However the rehab to correct the weakness in the core is about 3 months. Have to strengthen the hinge point in the core to catch up to the oversized muscle mass in the upper and lower body or you risk another tear.
  5. I stay away from Sugar because it causes systemic inflammation. You can view core related injuries in strength athletes by dividing the body into 3 parts. Upper, lower body with connected core. When you have an abundance of oversized muscle Upper and Lower, then sustain heavy resistance in a compound movement, the body recruits accessory muscles to accomplish the task. In this instance with a DE, he pushes with legs and forces upper body explosive movements = compound movement The core becomes the bridge. When the bridge has a weak spot, it creates a 'hinge' point, that's not supposed to move. This hinge eventually fails and results in a tear. These tears are splits along the stands of fibers. Your body will patch the tear with scar tissues across the strands but cannot recombine those split fibers. Only way to do that is with a mechanical surgical intervention.
  6. This is a re-occurrence of his hip flexor injury. 100% connected. See my previous anatomy post from last month. These tears do not repair themselves PERIOD. They require surgical mending. They can play when they feel better which takes a few weeks but the tear is still there. He will need surgery but until then you can play through pain tolerance at less than 100%. There's no real danger from trying to play but he'll never be full speed and it will only be a matter of time before he tears it further. They'll likely give him another chance to feel better and try again before shutting him down for the year and getting an early jump on rehab for 2021.
  7. I pointed this out back in August. This is the same injury and it never healed. He'll need SURGERY to fix it and it's not the normal Sports Hernia procedure. I expect him play at 70% off and on this year and have surgery after going on season ending IR after the tear gets deeper. $.02 expert opinion without seeing comparable MRIs
  8. If you sit haskins for poor performance it's over. They have to let him learn or he's done.
  9. https://nflstreams.to/event/washington-football-team-cleveland-browns-live-stream/148494
  10. I completely respect Cooley's breakdowns. He's top notch. Haskins growing pains I guess, but Turner being a rookie OC might not have been the wisest decision. It's appearing like River Boat Ron screwed everybody on that one. He better put his big boy panties on this week.
  11. TE's are too slow to get open for that Haskins line drive pass. Pass protection is poor. WFT needs a high draft pick LT and FA starter to compete. Haskins unable to play with instincts. No pocket instinct and bad mechanics combined with inexperience. Nearly impossible to access receiver depth and QB ceiling until they have the ability to pass protect sufficiently. The same conditions apply for the running game. Clearly Haskins is being directed to not lose the game, resulting in slow starts, tentative decision making. Maybe a little too much Alex Smith.
  12. Actually one of the first things Ron did was offer Amari Cooper more money then Dallas, over 100 million. He didn't get what he wanted and saved the money for future considerations and is allowing the young WR to step up. Clearly they have plans and backup strategy. Fans are just impatient. They weren't planning to win this year...is that news to anyone?!
  13. People simply don't have any patients today. You don't spank a puppy for peeing on the floor before it learns to scratch on the door.
  14. Actually PHI LB'ers are not a strength. Attacking the middle of the field should be a target this week and I'd like to see more inside out designed plays like the one by Sims Jr
  15. Wonder if Denver is looking for a trade to supplement Von Miller... Would be nice to get some value for someone we can't keep long term.
  16. With college football lacking to offer a full nationwide talent pool for the 2021 draft, this might very well be the perfect time to pull the trigger on a #1/#2 WR. Makes more sense this year than any other. Gain experience in the system and buy into the culture going into a more wining scenario next year.
  17. I'd like to see Turner pull the Pampers off and scheme Gibson into 1 on 1 coverage. He tends to shake the first defender consistently. Some version of McVay's playbook.
  18. That won't happen a second time hopefully. Sure to get placed on the big screen during the meeting. I'm sure he will find that desire after the tape review.
  19. Only need to answer two Questions? Will he buy into the Rivera Era? Does he make you better at a position of need? If the answer is yes to both, then you send in the negotiators.
  20. http://topstreams.info/nfl/footballteam http://givemenflstreams.com/nflstream/redskins-live-stream https://nflstreams.to/event/washington-football-team-philadelphia-eagles-live-stream/147970
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