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Everything posted by TheShredder

  1. well you're not following my instructions. im atching the game with that link in HD
  2. just before game time ABOUT 10 MIN BEFORE I'll post it have to click and close a few ads and keep pressing the play button until it loads but it's always good might have to refresh and redo the process a couple times during the game but that's how the streamer makes money FYI you can practice with the ravens game click on the channel link and follow my instructins https://nflstreams.to/event/new-york-giants-baltimore-ravens-live-stream/198668
  3. One Week - Barenaked Ladies second verse. Apologies if it offended, not intentional. Just quoting in a quick reply about locals sentiment. Cheers
  4. There's a lot chickity China Chinese people that come here. Locals don't like them in general.
  5. Turner is only what we've seen. What we've seen are game plans and play calling to the strength of the QB and weapons on the field. It's reasonable to expect broad versions of what he truly envisions as he didn't pick all his guys. Likely AG and McKissic are his only tells this year. Example might be that his system really needs a QB and multiple deep threats to make it all work. If they acquire a QB and WR/TE in 2021 then I'd want to see that version of what his idea looks like. He probably only has 50% or less of the guys he needs to make his vision possible.
  6. When you see QB performances like Tannehill and then Mariota last night, it makes me think about other 2021 QB options for sure.
  7. Best to just sit'em all this week. Haskins will get worked over like Thai bar girl panties on a Friday night!
  8. His glory days are behind him. If he's saying that, then him or his agent wasn't getting reasonably close enough offers to what he is demanding. This team doesn't need to spend for an aging guy like Sherman. I think they'd rather have Darby back.
  9. This is a good sign that they didn't shut him down. I'd speculate he's a game time decision at this point. We don't get to see his MRI so we have to guess. It depends on how deep the tear is into the tissue. If it was worse than a Grade 1 he would have been seen in a boot for a full 10-14 days. The fact he's tested it after 10 days without being in a boot and is back out the next day is huge! If I'm Seattle I'm game planning for both AG and McKissic being on the field. The Physical Therapist would use this type of brace to limit his range of motion and they'd try and get him comfortable wearing it. Then, Sunday they could gauge his ability to be effective and grade his pain threshold. It is possible to make him pain free, but most athletes don't consent for cortisone because of the risk. Rather if they try to play they'll take inflammation meds and wear a brace so they stop short of a more severe injury. They would have already shut him down if he had no intention to play.
  10. We've been waiting for his status from Thursdays follow-up after testing it yesterday. A few more hours...
  11. Barber is hurt, so they had to add someone. I don't think this was because of Gibson or they would have added him already to be available for Seattle.
  12. If they don't go All-in with Alex Smith in 2021 then I'd expect them to make the QB position a competition with Allen, Haskins, and someone like Tyrod Taylor. In a 3-way competition I'd think Tyrod would win and they could do just about anything with Haskins.
  13. No, his draft stock and Heisman talk just deflated with his poor performance in the NY6 Bowl. https://www.msn.com/en-us/sports/ncaafb/byu-qb-zach-wilson-s-heisman-buzz-went-kaput-in-loss-to-coastal-carolina-but-it-was-fun-while-it-lasted/ar-BB1bNiVD BYU QB Zach Wilson’s Heisman buzz went kaput in loss to Coastal Carolina, but it was fun while it lasted.
  14. I view Wilson as a more likely target as they could possibly get him without breaking the draft bank. He could fall a bit and they'd be able to trade conservatively to get him onboard. He'd be a Josh Allen type guy who'd need a couple of years to put it together. That's in the realm of possibilities for sure.
  15. There's going to be multiple options available. One thing is certain and that's Allen. I view Haskins as untradeable so he's in camp. There will be at least a vet (not likely Alex Smith) in that mix. I think WFT would have to convince Alex and his wife that they were going All-in for 2021 in order for him to play a final 16th season.
  16. I'd agree with that. I don't like Haskins for his snowflake attitude and lack of professionalism. He's inexperienced, lacks the mental toughness it takes to effectively change inherent deficiencies. All this being displayed for all to see, decreasing his value year to year. He's untradeable so he'll be at camp next year. I'd say it's less than 50/50 that Alex plays a 16th season in the NFL.
  17. The whole Dak story feels like a Cousins story and it's like whoever signs him is going to be the Vikings. They definitely resign Allen to a new deal and I suspect with their leverage it's multiple years and cheap.
  18. I don't believe paying Dak is a winning formula. I'd say that Dallas will pay him as well.
  19. That's reasonable. However 2 things, the first is I don't assume Alex or his family will be down with a 16th season. Second, there's good reasoning to expect Alex would continue to get stronger and regain more mobility by next season. Big Q's with Alex Smith this off-season.
  20. I'd say they keep Allen as a backup. If they go All-in for 2021 with a plan that includes Alex for a final year, then they probably don't reach for a 1st round QB. They'd go with offense heavy draft at OL, WR, TE picks. I voted for drafting a 1st round QB as I believe Alex Smith retires.
  21. https://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/category/rumor-mill/ After practice, head coach Ron Rivera said, via J.P. Finley of NBCSportsWashington.com, that Smith would not have to practice to play because he’s a “smart football player.” Running back Antonio Gibson did not practice and spent the session working with trainers. Gibson missed the 49ers game with turf toe. This is one of the scenarios I've texted about. AG had a Grade 1 Turf Toe injury almost 2 weeks ago. He was DNP for practice but they tested him. He'll have a follow-up 24 hrs later that might include an MRI to assess the degree of inflammation and an assessment of his pain response from a recorded range of motion. If the assessment reveals no increase in pain or inflammation then they'll bump him up a notch for Sunday. Alex, like i pointed out before, he's suiting up 100%. Whether he starts or not will depend on if they can loosen his Soleus. Clearly Alex was preoccupied with issue concerns in his repaired leg. I don't believe he knew what it was before the game and that it's reasonable to suspect he felt like his Achilles was ready to pop. That's what a Soleua strain mimics as these tissues are connected. Though 90% of the time patients who suffer a ruptured Achilles had no prior signs or symptoms. It's reasonable to expect an MRI was performed to pinpoint the problem area for a definitive diagnosis. This would help Alex regain confidence that he wasn't risking major injury and that a slight Soleus strain and associated inflammation was the problem. With that information Alex could just take it easy with treatments and walkthroughs and play Sunday without limitations. Today isn't the day to assume anything. Thursday should determine what to expect for the availability of both.
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