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Everything posted by Riggo-toni

  1. Gettleman actually put a good roster together for him, and Norvo was a much better game planner than his son. Besides Cam, he started off with Steve Smith and later Christian McCaffrey. It's like Fisher who managed to reach one SB because the GM landed McNair and Eddie George - as soon as he started handling personnel duties, he couldn't do anything with the average players he handpicked. Snyder gave full personnel control to a coach who hadn't won a playoff game in over a decade; then the beloved one who had once traded 2 firsts for Desmond Howard, a 1and 3 for a washed up Gerald Riggs, and a future SB QB for a punter who got cut in camp; then it was to a coach who had won 1 playoff game in the last ten years, and finally Ron, who never had back to back winning seasons and only 3 winning seasons in 10 years.
  2. The drummer for a band I was in back in NJ grew up down the street from Carmine Appice and used to hang out at his (parents) house.
  3. Since it's Washington with the #2 overall pick again, we know we will be drafting a player who is overhyped based on athletic abilities, that he will have one successful year, he will have abysmal study habits and be confident in his natural gifts to allow him to just "wing it," and that he will have a catastrophic knee injury that will render his physical gifts more average but will never learn to play within a scheme to adapt to it. Welcome to the Washington Reds Commies Football team Lavar Robert Chase IV.
  4. Parham is the starting TE for the Chargers. Not that he's a world beater, but considering the alternatives I can't believe we let him go...wait, Ron had full personnel control and he couldn't play LB... nevermind.
  5. So far we are 3 for 3, as far as the #2 overall pick having an essentially career ruining catastrophic knee injury. Maybe this time we will get lucky and it will happen later than the rookie year, but before a huge contract extension.
  6. No Mr Bond....I expect you to die.
  7. No. He never won a playoff game and finished with a losing record as a starter.
  8. Somehow I have this horrible premonition we will pull off the upset, causing the FO to trade away the farm to move up to pock the latest QB bust. Here's hoping I'm wrong. 27-13 Dullass
  9. Just thought I should point out that Washington hasn't drafted a winning QB in the first round since.... 1937.
  10. Joe Flacco leads the Browns to the Superbowl, so their front office trades DeShaun Watson for just a 7th rounder to Washington to unload his massive contract. Watson destroys his knee in the 2nd quarter of his first game, leaving Washington in cap hell for the next three years. Midway through the season, Howell gets benched for Jake Fromm. Jon Allen demands either a trade or a lifetime supply of prozac. Harris doesn't just want to shake Joe Buck's hand ..now he needs a hug. Watson goes on RG3's podcast and says "hey, at least I lasted 5 plays longer than Fitzpatrick." From his jail cell, Darren Sharper writes his first book titled "How to Make Love to a Woman." Kellen Winslow Jr asks for a signed copy. Dan Snyder's yacht is targeted and sunk by rockets launched by disgruntled football fans masquerading as Houthi rebels. And nobody cares.
  11. Patrushev or Medvedev would likely be even worse than Putin. Americans always have the delusion that regime change will result in beneficial policy change, but it almost never does. Breshnev died, but the Afghan war continued for another 7 years under 3 different leaders.
  12. Yeah, I knew that, but I have no idea how our S o schedules compares.
  13. So what is the tie breaker betwixt us and the Pats?
  14. Gotta love how people hold up the delivery of armaments to Ukraine, and then complain about how the counteroffensive has failed. And the money figures of how much we give to Ukraine are vastly overinflated - the Stingers and older javelins were in storage and we were about to pay a small fortune to have them decommissioned, so we actually saved $ by being able to give them away. The army was pushing for the WH to give Ukraine F16s so they can move on to F35s... Congress keeps re-inserting weapons programs into the budget like the $2billion a pop B2 bombers and more tanks that the military doesn't want all of which collect dust and storage costs simply because they are jobs programs...you know, that "socialism" that rightwingers rail about... unless it goes to white people. The same anal orifices protecting wasteful useless military projects are now pretending that products that are made in America, create US jobs, and are actually USEFUL, are an expense we can't afford, that it is somehow inexplicably more draining than the worthless pork projects they so vigilantly promote and safeguard.
  15. The reason the US calls it marijuana rather than hashish or cannabis like the rest of the world is because the government wanted it to sound Mexican - the original laws criminalizing it were aimed at providing police with an excuse to arrest immigrants, as the drug was cheaper and thus more popular with them than alcohol. The fact that our government has wasted hundreds of billions of dollars on an insane "war on drugs" and then allowed pharmaceuticals to legally distribute massive amounts of concentrated synthetic heroin just shows a complete absence of logic.
  16. Just remember, according to our federal government, marijuana as a schedule 1 drug is more dangerous than cocaine (schedule 2).
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