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Everything posted by hail2skins

  1. The optics of having 50+ hostages for over a year is vastly different than that of having several over there. Plus that of the Soviets rolling into Afghanistan, even if that adventure didn't turn out well for them. The arms-for-hostages probably would've derailed Reagan if it had happened in his first term. Might've impacted GHWB more if he had run against Gary Hart instead of a stiff like Dukakis. I hear what people are saying regarding the economy, but unfortunately perception is reality. The economy, with the exception of covid, has been good both under Trump and Biden. The trillions in stimmy that went into the economy starting with Trump were eventually going to have an inflationary impact. But many people can't recognize that and just wave their "Joe Did It" signs.......
  2. I think both unemployment and inflation worsened under Carter, at least by measuring where they were when his term ended to when it began. Couple that with the Iran hostage crisis and you know the rest. For as much as people like to complain about the state of things today economically, seems like it's significantly better than the late 70s and early 80s.
  3. It'll be interesting to see how lowered rates will increase demand versus increasing supply and what the impact on prices is.
  4. I was curious......before Quinn, what happened to the Falcons after Mike Smith had several good seasons with them? Of course Matty Ice was doing well, but under Smith they fell off a cliff for a couple years which led to Quinn getting the HC job there. What contributed to them having those poor seasons?
  5. From the Allahpundit article I linked last night: At long last, the many encouraging economic indicators have begun to breach the public consciousness. On Tuesday, consumer confidence reached its highest level since December 2021, around the time inflation first began to cause the White House serious political pain. If that’s the start of a trend, the most potent weapon in Trump’s political arsenal may end up being neutralized by fall. The less favorably “the Trump economy” compares to “the Biden economy,” the weaker the case for rolling the dice again on a lunatic becomes.
  6. Allahpundit on how the race may turn around in Biden's favor.....or maybe not. https://www.aol.com/news/vibes-shiftin-233341275.html Those Bloomberg state numbers are just brutal for Joe. But apparently Quinnipiac had a poll today that gave Biden a six-point lead nationwide, so who knows.
  7. Seems like that was what the OP was getting at. "The prices at FedEx suck, but they suck more at Cap One." Again, seems like Atlanta has been able to offer more reasonable prices on concessions recently. I thought Baltimore had too. In Atlanta's case, there are probably other factors like lack of demand for sporting tickets.
  8. You guys going to the Battle of the Stations thing at Bethesda Theater on Friday?
  9. https://plus.thebulwark.com/p/a-story-about-hugh-hewitt-immigration?r=1emko
  10. I remember in the summer of 2009 talking to a guy who blamed the crash of late 2008-early 2009 on Obama.
  11. That 1999 season was fun. The stadium was rocking for the blowout win against the Lions, before we lost at Tampa on the bad snap on the FG attempt the next week. Wasn't that win against Detroit the only home playoff win we've had since 1991? Just crazy, and now the Lions are in the NFCCG later today, leaving us and the Cowboys as the only teams who haven't been there since 1995 (1991 for us).
  12. Again, I personally think he was engaging in wishful thinking and that Nikki will capitulate in due time. However, we have a month left until the SC primary, and it'll be interesting to see how much she can irritate Trump in that timeframe, if she stays in that long. The best part of the article to me was at the end, when he went through the policy arguments for choosing Trump and said "do people really want to chance overturning the constitutional order for a 25 percent reduction in illegal border crossings?" Last night I was watching a long interview from 2022 with Douglas Murray, a British immigration hawk who would be a natural Trump ally. The interviewer came around to asking him about Trump and he even said that Trump had both houses of Congress in his first two years and did nothing but tweet. He also called Trump's actions on 1/6/21 very dangerous, even if he stopped short of using the I word. He said the biggest problem with American politics is that you have two sides who can't even agree on basic facts, and that it isn't sustainable.
  13. Seems like the Caps are roughly where they were last year points-wise. They really fell off the cliff in the second half last season, finishing below .500. That may or may not happen this season. The complaint I've heard from hockey observers is that the team simply isn't nearly as exciting to watch as they were during the decade leading up to the Cup win.
  14. Allahpundit hopeful about Nikki's endgame, although I see her capitulation very soon: https://news.yahoo.com/bring-crack-231215894.html
  15. https://www.politico.com/news/magazine/2024/01/22/new-hampshire-primary-voter-00136850 If Trump gets back in the WH, I'm going to love this guy's head explode when he expects Trump to "break the system".......and nothing happens.
  16. 82 percent of Trump supporters can't acknowledge that maybe....just maybe....his douchiness contributed in a big way to him losing to Biden. We are so far gone in this country. And inflation and Biden's age, despite Trump being an even bigger douche now, are going to lead to DJT returning to the presidency. Which will validate these people's thoughts about the 2020 election. In their minds, will any presidential election won by a Dem ever be seen as legit?
  17. Apparently Bill Maher on his most recent show claimed that the vast majority of Americans are sane, but also predicted that Trump is going to be elected, which he claims is insane. I don't exactly know how you square this contradiction. One of the problems cited by Allahpundit a few days ago, and by Filipkowski within the past two days, is that seemingly none of this crap about absolute immunity and Nikki Haley being responsible for the lack of troops at the Capitol on 1/6 is being covered enough in the mainstream media. Maybe this changes once Trump becomes the nominee, I don't know. If Biden somehow prevails in November (I think he loses), he gets nowhere near 330. He doesn't even get 300. Of course, I don't see Trump getting close to.330 either if he wins.
  18. Czaban comparing this to the loss to Seattle in 2014. What a dope. This one wasn't nearly as bad, and Czabe was a Skins fan then.
  19. Of course, I think Trump is going to win in November and the question in 2028 becomes whether he supports his VP or if he wants to keep the White House in the family and support a run by Don Jr. Its crazy to think that Don Jr would be competitive in a GOP primary, but that's where we're at. The clip Evil Genius posted with Trump saying "NikkiHaleyNikkiHaleyNikkiHaley" was responsible for Jan 6th......wow! We are truly in bozo nation................
  20. Wasn't sure where to ask this question, so thought I'd wander in here to see if you wise folk had any answers: A few weeks ago my wife and I were at a grocery store. We were at the register checking out and I looked behind me at another register and saw a dude in a bathrobe checking out. His bathrobe was open, so he was showing you his boxers and a white T-shirt. We proceeded to the parking garage and after loading our groceries into our car, saw the dude do the same and get into his nice Toyota 4Runner and take off. Fast forward to this past Monday night and I went to a bar to watch the Eagles-Bucs game. On the other side of the bar there was a dude who.....you guessed it......was wearing a bathrobe. Can anyone explain this phenomena?
  21. The always optimistic Allahpundit: https://www.aol.com/news/silver-linings-short-primary-230524733.html
  22. The Nichols article made me think of an excerpt from the Allahpundit article I posted in the election thread about how the media needs to step up its reporting on Trump's deranged social media posts: Earlier this week, David Frum asked a question at The Atlantic that’s been on my mind every day for, oh, about eight years now. What kind of people are Americans, anyway? Trump has made clear, without illusions, that his ballot issue in 2024 is to rehabilitate and ratify his attempt to overturn the election of 2020. He is running to protect himself from the legal consequences of that attempt. But even more fundamentally, he is running to justify himself for attempting it. In 2016, Trump opponents warned that he might refuse to leave office if defeated. In 2024, Trump himself is arguing that he was right to refuse to leave office when defeated, and he is asking Americans to approve his refusal. If he should return to the presidency in 2025, we have no reason to expect him to leave in 2029. So maybe the issue on the ballot in 2024 is not a choice at all, but a much more open-ended question. We know who Biden is. We know who Trump is. Who are we? It matters enormously who wins the election, of course. But even in the best-case scenario, the candidate of “infinite crimes” will come very close to winning and will claim the support of a near-majority of voters. I don’t know how anyone can have the same respect for this country that they had 10 years ago having seen now what half the population will tolerate or condone.
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