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Everything posted by hail2skins

  1. I'm sure its been discussed, but what's up with Riv not using timeouts at the end of the first half during the 49ers possession......and then using timeouts with 2 minutes left in a 17 point game? Why is he such a buffoon?
  2. Between Nikki saying in 2021 that she wouldn't run if Trump did and her consistently now saying that Trump was the "right president at the time".....yes, she's a politician, but its still so cringe.
  3. Spurrier was obviously famous from his Gator days, but neither him nor Zorn really had much in the way of NFL coaching pedigree. So expectations shouldn't have been high for either. I'd put Shanny and Ron as the ones who have been the big disappointments.
  4. Allahpundit on the unpollable election: https://www.yahoo.com/news/unpollable-election-230245011.html
  5. I took the poll to have consisted of people across the country, not just Colorado
  6. I was actually surprised that over 20 percent of Republicans would support the Colorado decision. That might just reflect the GOP voters who ate going for Haley or DeSantis in the primary, but if it shows 20 percent of the GOP wouldn't vote for Trump in the general, then maybe Joe has a chance to defy my prediction of Donald part 2.
  7. I took all my money out of the stock market because DJT said "we're going to see a crash the likes of which we've never seen." But then, perhaps in the same speech, he says he saw someone say that the market is doing so well because "they" think Trump is getting reelected. The guy just floods the zone with contradictory bull****. Man, it's depressing enough that we all are subjected to following a ****ty football team......
  8. Biden's age is definitely the biggest factor, IMO. Economy is pretty solid, but the brunt of inflation largely caused by covid stimmy occurred during Biden's term and although it is abating, the housing market is still out of whack and auto prices are crazy. Not sure how immigration plays into it...the southern border is definitely an issue, but don't know how much it impacts people's day to day lives. Trump was seen as someone who was at least trying to address it by things like "Remain in Mexico." And then there's Trump. He has a vast majority of the GOP base convinced the 2020 election was stolen, and thus Haley and DeSantis don't have a chance. So here we are.
  9. I think after that QB fiasco in the NFCCG last year, the Niners are on a mission. The AFC seems really wide open. I think too many people seem to be writing off the Chiefs.
  10. Ha, I was happy to get this one wrong for sure. Barring a big injury, looks like SF will get the 1 seed, even if they lose to the Ravens. Oh wait, they have to play the Skins too lol. After the lip the Eagles fans exhibited about how they kicked the Niners ass last year in a game where SF didn't have a functioning QB for over a half, I'd like to see them obliterate the Eagles even worse than they did a couple weeks ago.
  11. Tell someone Pistol Pete is older than Belichick (he is) and see how many believe you They've lost 3 in a row
  12. Can Drew Lock lead a heroic game winning drive? Something tells me no
  13. I'm not even sold that Dallas would beat the Saints or Bucs in the road. If the Cowboys don't make it past the WC round, Jerry needs to strongly consider replacing McCarthy. Even if I think Dallas having to play on the road again is BS
  14. Lions have looked very shaky as of late. They are fortunate that they'll be able to play whatever stiff gets the 6 seed. Detroit will get smashed in the divisional round
  15. I don't see anyone other than SF beating Philly in the NFC playoffs
  16. Nichols article tonight on the "vibes" problem we face: https://www.theatlantic.com/newsletters/archive/2023/12/feelings-and-vibes-cant-sustain-a-democracy/676891/?gift=otEsSHbRYKNfFYMngVFweNxOWd9y5kyXXJhS_-i86no&utm_source=twitter&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=social
  17. You'd have to go to Nichols' Twitter page and watch the segment, which is about 12 minutes long. I think Nichols was mainly referring to the GOP voting base and in disbelief that someone like Trump is apparently (again, if you believe the polls) so far ahead in the primary. One thing I remember Nichols mentioning is that Trump seems to have pulled off this thing where he is extolled as "someone who speaks his mind" but then when he says something outrageous, those same admirers say "he was only kidding." Can't have it both ways, of course, but that just speaks to how fickle people are. We disagree on whether Trump will win next November. Unfortunately, if he does, I wonder how many people, even independent voters, will use the results to say "Trump was right, the 2020 election was stolen," further undermining confidence in our elections. Bad times.
  18. You would think Cali.... Reminds me of this thread from Tom Nichols last week responding to an article from a National Review writer. Basically the writer's opinion is along the same lines as those who minimize Jan 6th by saying "but the system held." Unfortunately, the system is only as good as the people within: I saw a clip with Nichols on CNN yesterday and when Acosta asked him about how Trump can be up so far ahead in the primary when he says stuff like Cali quoted, Nichols said that it reflects a worrisome trend regarding the country's civic virtue. And Nichols agreed with what Tshile says above about how it's likely too early for Biden to go full fledged attack mode, because he says voters will tune it out within six months.
  19. https://www.wsj.com/politics/election-2024-you-asked-for-it-america-8028bc04?st=d728fth2nosg67n&reflink=desktopwebshare_permalink
  20. I haven't been to SoFi, but looking on TV it just comes across as too big. Our model needs to be more like Allegiant in Vegas.
  21. I guess my point is that some seem to be rationalizing the increase by saying "there is one more regular season game in 2024." By that logic, will prices come down in 2025 versus 2024? Or did they come down in 2023 versus 2022? My guess is no to both questions. Of course, there was another owner when the renewals for 2023 were sent out in late 2022. So we'll see.
  22. Since there were less regular season games in 2023 than 2022, did anyone pay less this season than last season?
  23. LKB, was it true that they determined it was more cost-effective to build the new Globe-Life Field instead of putting a roof on the Ballpark? But yeah, it is crazy. And what about the trend of hockey teams and basketball teams having separate arenas?
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