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About GhostofSparta

  • Birthday 03/06/1985

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  • Birthdate
  • Washington Football Team Fan Since
    Since conception
  • Favorite Washington Football Team Player
    Darrel Green
  • Not a Washington Football Team Fan? Tell us YOUR team:
    I'm a Skins fan. That fact that this field is required makes me wonder what you're accusing me of
  • Location
    Cadogan, PA
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  • Interests
    Football, History
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  1. This is why all those women under 4'6" need to date the short kings that are still a foot taller than them and leave the 6'+ guys for women of normal height.
  2. And this is the ultimate irony. As long as the cops have qualified immunity, we lowly citizens don't actually have any rights worth a damn. I have gotten so very tired of arguing with the ammosexual friends/family in my life about how you can't really have a right to own and/or carry firearms for safety if any cops can immediately shoot you dead because they see a gun on you. Especially in cases where cops go to the wrong damn house in the middle of the night and break in unannounced (you know, like a thief would) and get to murder the occupant without consequence because, well, they had a gun! What were the police supposed to do? This lowly citizen dared to draw a weapon on officers that made one of the most egregious errors they could possibly make. Didn't they know that, as a (usually) completely surprised and half-asleep victim who is just trying to defend themselves from surprised, armed invaders is supposed to have more self-control and discipline in chaotic situations than the (allegedly) trained police officers who completely ****ed up in the first place? But hey, look at the bright side, if a few years down the road a jury finds out that the police acted inappropriately, then your remaining family members might get to bankrupt your local town in a settlement while the officers involved get off with a mere paid vacation most times. But hey, just because police officers are basically impossible to fire, damn near impossible to prosecute for breaking the law they're supposed to uphold, and can put you in jail for 3 days for bull**** reasons and never even have to charge you (but you did hurt their feelings, so think about that next time you encounter one), and are caught on camera (don't get them started on you being allowed to film them!) constantly planting evidence is no reason to not reflexively assume that they're always the good guys making the correct decision to execute somebody on behalf of the state. Or maybe we just stop hiring Ned and Jimbo as police officers.
  3. Exactly! Nothing else weird about China at all! Now I need you all to look somewhere else while I put a blanket over this "Sex with Animals" thread that has mysteriously appeared out of nowhere and was started by no-one. 😬 19 pages now.
  4. Somebody owes Tim Robinson and the writers of I Think You Should Leave royalties for stealing their Calico Cut Pants sketch idea
  5. So I'm in right field and couldn't really see that well. Looked like it should have been fan interference and a double, but I'm at a bad angle
  6. Go O's! Ignore my buddy in Pirate's gear, he bought the tickets as my B-day present so I let him come.
  7. Well the good news for Kyle is that with scores that low he could still easily become a cop. He just has to hope that score doesn't make him TOO smart for most police forces.
  8. I mean, according to the stereotypes, the Navy is where all the homosexual men go, right? So in theory you'd be a virgin for your entire time serving. What's the problem?
  9. I heard this all the time growing up in a conservative and religious setting. As I get older, it becomes so funny and sad to hear people say this, because all I can hear is "I'm bad a sex and have only ever done missionary in my life." No wonder they're so cranky.
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