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Commander PK

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About Commander PK

  • Birthday 05/21/1975

Profile Information

  • Birthdate
  • Interests
    Family, Friends, Washington Football, fine Single Malt Scotch Whisky and Bourbon
  • Washington Football Team Fan Since
    around August, 1974
  • Favorite Washington Football Team Player
    John "The Diesel" Riggins
  • Not a Washington Football Team Fan? Tell us YOUR team:
    Washington Football Team
  • Location
    Mechanicsville, Maryland
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  • Interests
    My family and friends, XBox, Music (mostly hard rock and metal obviously), and of course the Washington Commanders
  • Occupation
    Underwater Basket Weaver

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  1. No you don’t need a doctor. We have been here before. All we can do is wait and see.
  2. A prediction like this is hardly a revelation, since more often than not one of those possibilities is the outcome no matter who is picked. The odds of one of those three things occurring for ANY QB drafted tonight are nearly the same. The fact of the matter is most all will wash out. Most do not pan out. The odds of any of them becoming a franchise QB’s who wins multiple playoff games and a few Championships are slim to none. Too many variables come into play. The optimistic view is to hope for the best and enjoy the ride. The QB is the most important position on the field. If Jayden doesn’t pan out they will just draft another eventually. Nearly all are misses. I’m convinced most of the time hitting on one is blind luck.
  3. With that many QB’s going in the first round the level of scrutiny on them and where they were picked is going to be off the charts in the years to come. I hope Jayden turns out to be the best of all of them.
  4. If the team had won for the last 25 years maybe it would feel different but the second dumbest thing JKC ever did was rush the stadium deal in Landover. The first was not leaving the team to his son.
  5. This is the easy choice for me. I was 7 years old and my parents were hosting a Super Bowl party. When Riggo broke free for “the run” everybody went nuts in celebration. I know I watched the team before that, but nothing else sticks out in my memory. My defining moment as a fan and the one that made me a lifer. All the rest has been gravy. I am so incredibly grateful to have grown up during Gibbs I and I hope this generation of kids can have an era of similar results.
  6. Honestly, I think this has been part of the problem. The team is too decentralized. RFK is 9.5 miles from Landover and only 5 miles outside the city proper. The convenience for the staff and the players would be massively improved.
  7. For me, the best plan would be building a state of the art Team HQ in Landover on the site of the current stadium where they already own 200 acres. This way the team doesn’t “abandon” Prince George’s. The stadium comes home to RFK in the City. Virginia keeps a connection to the team with training camp held annually there at a site to be determined after the Ashburn land is sold off.
  8. I should have been clear. I don’t necessarily want retro with the new stadium even though I love that aspect of Camden. I want a stadium that is considered the best in the NFL when it’s 30 years old. I don’t think that’s too much to ask, lol.
  9. I honestly wonder how much his cancer diagnosis and the treatments affected him. To his credit he never made it an excuse for anything, but if you have ever experienced or know somebody who has experienced this it is life-changing. The man Rivera is now is probably completely different than the one that was hired here.
  10. so in this you are kind of like the baseball fan equivalent of the Suitland or Oxon Hill Dallas Cowboys fans …Just messing with you man 😂
  11. Wow man, no love for Camden? Where are my DMV Gen X Orioles and Commanders fans? We grew up in a world before the Nats and Ravens lol.
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