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L.A. Mayor: Mexico Will Shape My Policies


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I'm a firm believer in you get what you vote for. Dean/Kerry/Bush etc...

The sole exemption would be someone that is willfully saying they will not abide by the state/federal laws and put neighboring states in jeopardy.

*** NewsMAX Alert ***

May be offensive to those tilting left...


L.A. Mayor: Mexico Will Shape My Policies

Los Angeles Mayor-elect Antonio Villaraigosa said Wednesday that Mexico will play an important role in shaping his policies, reports Mexico's El Universal Online.

"We are starting a new era. Instead of closing the borders, as stated by Schwarzenegger, we should look at our border as an opportunity," Villaraigosa said.

"This is a time of great importance, not just for us to rediscover our roots, but looking to create a mutually beneficial relationship," added the city's first Latino mayor since 1872.

The top L.A. Democrat lamented that the recent passage by Congress of The Real ID Act, if signed into law, would prevent illegal aliens from getting driver's licenses.

"Politicians in the United States need to understand that immigrants come here for the same reason that immigrants have always come: to work," Villaraigosa told El Universal. "Instead of punishing and demonizing them, we should try to integrate them."

Villaraigosa also told El Universal that he would not support policies that supposedly persecute the city's large migrant population.

"I support Special Order 40 [prohibiting police from making migration-related arrests]," he said. "We need our police officers to fight gangs and organized crime. That will keep them more than busy."

Not to be Capt. Obvious but isnt the gangs and organized crime in LA illegal immigrant related? just a skoesh?

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"Politicians in the United States need to understand that immigrants come here for the same reason that immigrants have always come: to work," Villaraigosa told El Universal. "Instead of punishing and demonizing them, we should try to integrate them."

No, they should try to integrate with us.

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Actually, I don't find his statements here to be outrageous. Pandering, yes. Outrageous, no.

When I saw the title of this thread, I thought he was making some remarks similar to those Cuban-American leaders made when Janet Reno was getting ready to send that kid back to his father.

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Originally posted by Destino

should read

***NewsMAX Aert***

Now with 50% more bull****!

Thats why i alert people ahead of time in nice big letters...

Unlike some that put (source) and hide the link.

Thank you for going out of your way to comment on it anyway...

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Originally posted by National Defense

this is why tbear is one of the most ignored posters on ES.

Hey you got any stats on that or is it just your circle of people that you talk to?

Cause if its true i'd like a lil medal of some kind in the corner with MI/ES.. ;)

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Originally posted by National Defense

actually hermagg, I have no idea what he actually wrote. Probably just typical liberal blah blah.

What? Just because I'm a liberal doent mean you can put me down? or was it me you were talking about? ....

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"actually hermagg, I have no idea what he actually wrote. Probably just typical liberal blah blah"

Yeah, well, what Thiebear said in his last post! :nana:

Thiebear, what the he!! are you talking about in your last post?!

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"I support Special Order 40 [prohibiting police from making migration-related arrests]," he said. "We need our police officers to fight gangs and organized crime. That will keep them more than busy."

Uh, seeing as how a huge percentage of the murder and felony warrants in Los Angeles are for illegals, ENDING SO 40 might actually help the police, ya know, capture gang members and criminals.

But wait, I forgot..no illegals commit crime, those murder and felony warrants must be for citizens.

Did some of you monkeys not see that quote?

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Originally posted by Ghost of Nibbs McPimpin

Uh, seeing as how a huge percentage of the murder and felony warrants in Los Angeles are for illegals, ENDING SO 40 might actually help the police, ya know, capture gang members and criminals.

But wait, I forgot..no illegals commit crime, those murder and felony warrants must be for citizens.

Did some of you monkeys not see that quote?

The quote isn't saying not to arrest illegals.

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Hey, i just wanted to say i was a liberal... since it was referred to and close enough to me i grabbed it and it felt good..


I said on line ONE: You get what you ask for, this is why there is a thing called the vote... As long as you abide by the law there are no problems.... This article goes out there a bit but it does point out that he is willing to shirk some laws in favor of illegal immigration.... (its called keep an eye on him)..

My MAIN point was the "keep the cops busy with xyz" when I thought his reasoning was off a bit... Others don't...

Edit: I thought i read 90% of Major Felonies are illegal imms?

Yes I used a seriously biased piece.... It was one of the few out there in print... Yes I said it was biased up front and with lil *** *** and yes i'm willing to give you all of that to see some of the things in his quote.. "Not the newsmax headlines"... his words...

Not everything has to be a headbanging liberal vs. conservative thing to be the right..err..nix that.. CORRECT thing.... I guess in the grand scheme of things this mayor at least believes it more than Montgomery Co. Md...

o.k. thats my rambling ending ;)

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Originally posted by Destino

The quote isn't saying not to arrest illegals.

Yes, just continue to keep a rule in effect that makes cops afraid to bring in someone they know is illegal from previous incidents who they also know is a criminal(basically they have to wait until they are arrested for another crime, even if they know from a prior contact that they ain't legal.)

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Originally posted by Ghost of Nibbs McPimpin

Yes, just continue to keep a rule in effect that makes cops afraid to bring in someone they know is illegal from previous incidents who they also know is a criminal(basically they have to wait until they are arrested for another crime, even if they know from a prior contact that they ain't legal.)

I didn't get that at all. Looked to me like it was a priority shift. Stop playing immigration and concern yourself with violent criminals. It didn't say that bringing in a criminal that is illegal is bad, or that you can't deport a criminal for being illegal. Just that they should be chasing bad guys not migrant workers waiting at the corner for some work.

You may disagree, and that's fine. But what you are saying is incorrect. We all have opinions on the matter but let's be honest about it instead of trying to demonize anyone that isn't as hard line on the immigration problem as we are.

So there is no confusion where I stand I'll repeat my stance here, I want the border sealed and anyone employing illegals fined on a rising scale, first is a slap on the wrist 4th could destroy your business. Chasing poor people around isn't going to solve anything at all, even if you deport them so what? Faced with the CHANCE of deportation and a better life....or the absolute certainty of life long poverty....which would you choose?

You have to seal the border and eliminate the temptation. You will never be able to catch enough poor people to make a difference because there are too many.

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