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Well, there goes my lunch.......

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Smoot was overrated and over paid. He proclaimed himself as a shutdown corner, everyone else said he was a shadow of Champ Baily. He is the DB version of Freddie Mitchell, and I think if he meant all the pillow talk he always talked about how much he loved the skins, then he'd be here now. We are better off w/ out him in the long run.

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Originally posted by Stew

Smoot was overrated and over paid. He proclaimed himself as a shutdown corner, everyone else said he was a shadow of Champ Baily. He is the DB version of Freddie Mitchell, and I think if he meant all the pillow talk he always talked about how much he loved the skins, then he'd be here now. We are better off w/ out him in the long run.

Jesus man, Smoot gave us 4 good years, never said anything bad about the team, kept a positive attitude, and said he would stay if the money was matched. How the hell do you HATE the guy and compare him to an ******* like Mitchell?

You cant expect players to take basically a pay cut to stay with a non-playoff team. You wouldnt.

I hated to see Smoot leave, but i dont hate him for it, i wish him the best.

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Originally posted by Stew

Smoot was overrated and over paid. He proclaimed himself as a shutdown corner, everyone else said he was a shadow of Champ Baily. He is the DB version of Freddie Mitchell, and I think if he meant all the pillow talk he always talked about how much he loved the skins, then he'd be here now. We are better off w/ out him in the long run.

umm... when did he ever proclaim himself as a shutdown corner?

smoot was never overpaid or overated

he played well for us... concidering what he was making

he was worth every penny.

the problem is that he wanted more money to accomodate what he thought he deserved.

he will see if smoot was overpaid this year or not.

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Originally posted by Stew

Smoot was overrated and over paid. He proclaimed himself as a shutdown corner, everyone else said he was a shadow of Champ Baily. He is the DB version of Freddie Mitchell, and I think if he meant all the pillow talk he always talked about how much he loved the skins, then he'd be here now. We are better off w/ out him in the long run.

The team may be better off, and he may have been slightly over-rated, but the man made a lot of plays for the Redskins. He deserves better than a Freddie Mitchell comparison. At least he made an effort to be here, unlike Mr. Bailey.

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Originally posted by Stew

Smoot was overrated and over paid. He proclaimed himself as a shutdown corner, everyone else said he was a shadow of Champ Baily. He is the DB version of Freddie Mitchell, and I think if he meant all the pillow talk he always talked about how much he loved the skins, then he'd be here now. We are better off w/ out him in the long run.

Freddie Mitchell? C'mon. Smoot was a solid starter for all four years of his career. And as for the Bailey comparison, I didn't see much difference between the two of them during Bailey's last couple of seasons with us.

Smoot made a move based upon money, pure and simple. I happen to think he's going to regret it, but we'll see.

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"Jesus man, Smoot gave us 4 good years, never said anything bad about the team, kept a positive attitude, and said he would stay if the money was matched. How the hell do you HATE the guy and compare him to an ******* like Mitchell?

You cant expect players to take basically a pay cut to stay with a non-playoff team. You wouldnt.

I hated to see Smoot leave, but i dont hate him for it, i wish him the best." [/b]

I agree

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Seen Smoot on NFL total access, talking his typical smack but he didn't really diss the Skins. Only stating he will adjust to the new defence easiely because he was use to it in Washington. But he didn't give the fans any Kudos either, when Rich Eisen asked if he missed DC he said yea because DC was a bigger metropolitian area. O Well I still wish him well enough to back up Springs and Rodgers and Harris in the Pro- bowl.

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Did anyone else see the blurb on the news last week when Smoot was in town? He said he wanted to stay in DC and Washington would always be a part of him, but he had to make the move purely from a business standpoint. He went on to say that given the nature of the business, he might be back someday, and he would love to retire as a Redskin. Sure sounds like a guy who doesn't want to burn his bridges the way Champ did.

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Originally posted by Monkart

Rich Eisen asked if he missed DC he said yea because DC was a bigger metropolitian area. O Well I still wish him well enough to back up Springs and Rodgers and Harris in the Pro- bowl.

Did you see his (Smoot) face when he was asked that question? It was kind of like somebody asking you do you still love your ex-lover on national TV knowing that your current lover could easily tune in and watch.

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Much love to smoot, but he followed the money and overrated himself(with the help of pastybelly). In my opinion, we upgraded at the position through Carlos Rodgers. He's gone, no longer a Redskins, and I'm not losing sleep over it. Truth? Bufford's pic made my want to puke.

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Fred Smoot was a Redskin from the day he was drafted till the day he left. He played hurt, he never talked bad about anyone unless they weren't a Redskin. He was, without a doubt , one of the most entertaining guys we have had around here in years. His hilarious quotes will live on for years to come.

When the trainers told him he shouldn't play, and when Joe Gibbs himself said he probably shouldn't play, he was out there on game day. Joe said that he was one of the toughest guys he has ever coached.

I wish him the best of luck wherever he goes. And as he said, Who knows? In today's NFL, he very easily could come back home. And where I'm sure he would be welcomed.

And you guys that insist on disrespecting him(stew , renegade7), knock it off. Some of our best Redskins have left and played for other teams. Some have returned to play, some to retire. But they all knew where their home was.The home with the best fans in the NFL.


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